Harbor Light Newsletter

Rotary Club or Wilmette Harbor

MEETING DATE:Wednesday, September 30, 2015

THOUGHT & PLEDGE:Nick Giacchina

Life is all about opportunities,

One goes and another knocks at the door,

All we need is sharp ears to hear that knock.

Be aware of your insides and of your surroundings.

Be positive, be an optimist.

It is never too late to do something good and worthwhile.

Look at the bright side of everything.

Be in a happy frame of mind and you will be able to

find a way even in the darkest of night!

Have a beautiful life!

-Maya Angelou

GUESTS:Susan Stevens-Clarke





1) President Carol Wells’ Special Thanks –

  1. To Joyce Knaufffor presiding over last week’s meeting
  2. Set Up – Gil (Is there someone who is willing to be a Sergeant at Arms trainee?)
  3. Treasurer (Master of Coin) – John Bowman
  4. Attendance – Herb McDowell
  5. Greeters –Pam Kerr
  6. Thought & Pledge –Nick Giacchina
  7. Shenanigans –Margaret Wein – with taking everything down
  8. Scribe – Sue Watson

2)Wednesday, October 7th - No Regular Morning Meeting Next. That evening we will be meeting at Schaeffers from 5:30 – 7PM for Wine Tasting This evening event will be in place of our morning meeting. There will be non-alcoholic beverages and some light snacks. We are there for fellowship and to help choose which white wine we will be using for our Holiday Fundraiser. Please invite any prospective new members to join us.

3)Honor Flight Chicago Welcome Home: Wednesday, September 30; 8:10PM at Midway airport baggage claim. Ellen Greenberger has dropped flags for people to borrow. I dropped all the information off at the Wilmette noon club and with both the Evanston clubs before I left for Ireland. Who will attend and create a carpool? Flags are on the tables to borrow from Ellen Greenberger.

4)Glasgow tour – Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings in Racine, WI. Saturday, October 3rd.

5)Elmwood Dunes Dedication scheduled for November 1st at 11:00AM Rain Date: Saturday, November 7 at 11:00AM

6)Farmer’s Market – John Kessler will again have a WHRC table set up at the Farmer’s Market on 10/10. He is looking for volunteers to help man/woman the table. Even just a few hours that Saturday will help us to identify possible new members and give us a visual presence in our community.

7)Operation Warm Coats – Margaret Wein (847-530-9588) and Hank Hufnagel have again chaired this Community Service Project. They may have room for 1 more as they plan to deliver the coats to Family Matters on Monday, Oct. 5th t. Call Margaret if you are interested and to make certain they have room.

8)End Polio Now Garage Sale Saturday 10/24 - There will be a garage sale at Carol Wells’ home (822 Chestnut Ave., Wilmette) on Saturday, 10/24 – World Polio Day. She is happy to take donations the week of 10/19. All proceeds will go to EPN.

9)One Rotary Summit, Oct 24th at Harper College - Make plans for a great Rotary Day of learning and fellowship. The morning session includes new case study formatted learning on Membership, Foundation and Public Image and a separate ABCs of Rotary track for newer Rotarians interested in a comprehensive overview on all Rotary has to offer. Afternoon sessions will include round table discussions on all five Avenues of Service and aPETS Orientation for our President Elects. There is no charge to you or your club for this event, andBox lunches are available for $12 (you must order and pay in advance when you register). Please register soon; registration will close on Wednesday Oct. 21. For more information or to register see

10)Rotary Day at the United Nations in New York City. We will be celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations on Saturday, November 7. The United Nations host a special event for Rotary International each year, because: a) 49 Rotarians participated in the drafting of the United Nations Charter; b) Rotary International holds the largest non-governmental office at the United Nations; c) The vision of peace and understanding aligns with Rotary’s vision; d) Rotarians serve in various capacities as advisors on committees of the United Nations.

11)Soup Kitchen – Mark your calendar for Monday, Nov 9th from 10:45 to 1:30 at the Second Baptist Church in Evanston.


Our own Ray Lechner looking every bit the model on the cover of the Wilmette Beacon. Proving again that Rotarians give back to their communities in many different ways.

Susan Fisher – attended Under One Sky the RI event at the Daley Plaza on Thursday, 9/24. She said it was an amazing event. She encouraged the club to take advantage of Rotary International Events as it is often easy for us living in the Home District.

Jack Close & his wife attended the Pope Francis’ visit to Washington D.C. Jack said the U.S. put on an amazing show for the Pope and also said how the Pope’s energy seemed to radiate to the whole crowd that was there to welcome him.

PROGRAM for September 30th:

Club Business Meeting

Presidents Update:

I want to thank the many members who give of their time and energies to continue to make WHRC a strong and vibrant club.

We currently have 45 Full Dues Paying Members. We have 3 Rule of 65 members. If I count them as half members then we have a total of 47 members. We have 5 on Leave of Absence but they only pay dues and do not contribute to the expenses of the Club.

We need each member to review your contact information listed on our web site - If you need any assistance please contact Beth DeWall at . This is important for us as a club to be able to stay connected.

Each Major Committee Chair spoke briefly about how you as a RCWH member can assist them this year. To get more involved in the various committees, please contact the committee chairs listed below:

Membership: George Pearce

Community Service: Herb McDowell

International Service: Pam Kerr (looking for a co-chair)

Fund Raising: Barry Miller/Heidi Voorhees

Programs: Susan Fisher

Polio: Carol Wells –Meeting adjourned at 8:30AM

NEXT PROGRAM on October 14th:

Kathleen O’Laughlin and Ellen Clark,

Update on the Wilmette Public Library


Greeters: Mike Bailey

Thought:Maureen Barry

Set-Up:Gil (looking for more volunteers)

Attendance: John Baker

Scribe: Jim Bowman