Team Case Analysis Project & Peer Evaluation: This team project gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your ability to apply concepts from the course to analyze real organizational problems and develop appropriate solutions using what you have learned. Utilizing case studies in this way provides real-world practice without the risk and the deliberate application of skills and knowledge to determine what, how, when and why it works in the case scenario. Unlike the lecture case homework assignments, this case project is designed to take several weeks to do a thorough job. You will not get the benefit of the assignment (i.e. do a sufficiently comprehensive analysis and evaluation) if you wait until the last week or two before the due date.

Keep the following criteria in mind as you utilize the USC-CT framework to complete this assignment. The case project case is available in the Team Case Project folder on Blackboard.

  • Develop a complete mastery of the facts in the case. It is essential to sort out those facts that are pertinent and discard those that are irrelevant. Develop a clear mental picture of the situation being studied. Describe the relevant facts and then add to them assumptions that are reasonable given the circumstances. A case rarely provides perfect information. There is no need to summarize or restate the case in a separate section of the paper; rather, use the important facts to support your arguments throughout the paper.
  • Clarify the problem and diagnose its’ causes. You need to determine the key problem or issue in the case. Sometimes the problem may be clear, but other times it may be quite obscure. Learning to ask the right questions and to analyze a situation is one of the most important skills of management. It is in this section where you will apply organization behavior theories to understand the causes underlying the problem. The theories serve as diagnostic models pointing to possible causes of organizational problems.
  • Identify alternative courses of action and assess them. Usually there are several possible solutions to a problem situation. However, make sure your solutions are consistent with the problem and causes you diagnosed. Identify the critical differences and the ‘pros and cons’ of each option. The analytical phase of evaluating each alternative is the foundation for effective decision-making.
  • Decide on a course of action. Often one factor must be balanced against another, adjustments made for uncertainty, and full recognition given to difficulties of implementing the chosen course of action. Check your decision from several angles and defend it clearly in your paper.

Your grade on the case analysis is a “team grade” that will be assigned equally to all members of the team. Please note: You will complete a self and peer evaluation for this team assignment that contributes to your overall course grade. Additionally, if you do not participate fully in team meetings and tasks, you will not receive the team grade but be assigned an individual grade that is lower than the team grade. Your participation grade will also be at risk. This may also constitute an academic integrity violation and will be treated accordingly.

The case analysis paper should be 8-10 typed pages, double-spaced using 12-point font and 1-inch margins. The cases will be graded according to the Case Project Grading Rubric (on next page and on Blackboard) which contains specific instructions about the assignment. This assignment will be explained further in discussion.


I. Developed complete mastery of the facts in the case

√ Relevant / critical facts

√ Discarding irrelevant facts

√ Clear picture of the situation

√ Reasonable assumptions

√ This is not a separate section of the paper. It is demonstrated throughout the paper.


II. Clarify the problem and diagnose its causes

√ Determining the key problems (overall issues rather than details)

(e.g. leadership, individual differences, communication, organization design, etc.)

√ Appropriate supporting logic

√ Applying OB theories to understand the causes

√ Details and examples (i.e. if communication is determined to be a problem, outline specifically where things went wrong in the communication process – e.g. encoding)

25 points______

III. Identify alternative courses of action and assess them

√ Acknowledge several possible solutions (2-3 well-reasoned options)

√ Identifying pros and cons for each option

√ Application of OB theories and terminology (not just stated)

√ Each option helps to solve the problem/problems that are identified

√ Logical consistency

√ Solutions are grounded in reality and the context

25 points______

IV. Decide on a course of action

√ The final recommendation is supported/defended as to why it was selected

√ Discussion of chosen option and steps in greater detail

√ Potential issues associated with implementation (e.g. timing, resistance)

√ Logical Consistency

√ Final solution addressed the main problem and its causes, which are identified prior

√ Verifying the decision from several angles

25 points______

V. Overall Presentation

√ Grammar, spelling

√ Clarity of writing and ideas

√ Flow of paper

15 points ______

TOTAL100 points______