2013-14 PESTL Content Course Information

1.  The content module is a self-directed resource for you to learn more about the content. The URL for the online module is located at: http://www.pestl.org under the content course link.

2.  When you have completed the online module and/or assigned investigation send your completed assignment (see below) to Brett Moulding at .

3.  Stipends will be paid in late June along with the other stipends you have earned. The stipend for the two in-person sessions and completion of the assignment in #5 below is $300. To receive the full stipend, you must attend both Saturday sessions and complete the assignment described below in #5.

4.  Credit

·  If you want re-licensure points, complete the online module and e-mail Brett with your responses to #5 below (Note: The questions within the online module do not get recorded online).

·  If you want university credit complete the assignment described in #6 below and email to Brett. Then e-mail Nicole Paulson at to confirm you are taking the course for credit, have completed the registration form, and given her a check made out to SUU for $42. For credit you must submit the assignment described in #6 below.

5.  Assignment for Stipend

Complete the online content module and develop a lesson specific to the topics in the module. Use the alignment lesson format and instructional model of Gathering, Reasoning and Communicating:
A. Using the instructional model of Gathering, Reasoning and Communicating and the lesson format from the alignment session:

a.  Select one science core objective related to the Content Course topic.

b.  Develop a lesson that follows the model.

1.  Gather - find a set of information students can read

2.  Reason - develop a reasoning task (e.g., develop a model, construct an explanation, analyze data)

3.  Communicate - Establish a communication task (e.g., develop an argument and communicate the argument through written and/or oral forms, develop models to communicate science ideas).

The assignment for credit has two parts. Part II has seven components:

Part I – Complete the online module and the lesson development described in #5 above.

Part II – Analyze Instruction: Re-read or review chapters 5, 6, and 7 in Ready, Set, Science! and reflect on the instruction and lab activities used during the in-person class session you attended. Analyze and report on each of the following elements of instruction you received:

a.  Compare the lab activities presented in the class to those described in RSS. Did they have the attributes for you to classify them as “Investigations” rather than cookbook labs?

b.  Evaluate the “Talk and Argument” that was presented during the in-person Saturday session. Present one or two specific examples to support your evaluation detailing the talk moves.

c.  Identify and analyze the use of representations of models by the instructor of the Saturday session. How did the instructor use them?

d.  Evaluate and describe examples of how the instructor engaged you in gathering information.

e.  Evaluate and describe examples of how the instructor set up the class to engage you in reasoning.

f.  Evaluate and describe examples of how the instructor set up the instruction to engage you in communicating.

g.  Use the lesson you developed in #5 above in your class and reflect on the student engagement in the performance.

SUU credit available (2.0 semester hours):

ALL Assignments must be submitted via email to: prior to February 2. 2014

Please use the following to name your attached files you send:

Please email the completed assignment to Brett at
Due Date: February 2. 2014

Name your file as follows – PESTL2014CCHWyourname

Do not place any spaces in the title of the file

Performance – 2014 – Name of Developer
Grade / Title
Core Objective:
Student Performance Expectations: (hint see NGSS at www.nextgenscience.org )
Student Science Performance
Gather Information
Science Essentials
Science Practices
Crosscutting Concepts
Disciplinary Core Ideas

See also the handouts from the summer on Gathering, Reasoning, and Communicating science practices.

See also the Science Essentials handouts from the alignment session for Practices, Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts