US-LT RCD Board Meeting Minutes: September 22, 2016
Board Members / Associate Members / Other / StaffP
P / Mike Broadhurst (Pres.)
Susan Cochrane (V.P.)
Tom Mora (Sec.)
Robert Hartzell (Treas.)
Chuck Pritchard
Mike Bonnheim
Randy Heinzen
Doug Piirto (by phone) / A
P / Royce Larsen
George Kendall / MargyLindquisty / P
A / Devin Best
Erin White
Audrey Weichert
I. CALL TO ORDER @ 4:20 pm
Welcome guests
II. Additions/ Changes / Robert-present letter from ALAB (Vie)
Mike want to add Ag waiver Ag order 3.0 discussion
III. Public comments / Susan-Cattlewomen held successful fundraiser
Doug-report on forestry issues in southern sierras, bark beetle infestation related to climate change
IV. Staff Reports
Devin Best / a.)Executive Director Report-provided in packet
b.)No applicants for Project Manager position
c.)ARP policy changes recommended by Devin, tabled for further discussion at October meeting. Robert and Devin to prepare reports on pros and cons of continuing ARP
V. Consent Agenda MBr / SC / DP / TM / RHa / CP / MBo / RHe
Treasurers report and Minutes / y / y / y / y / y / np / np / np
VI. Other Agency, Director and Association Reports
NRCS / NRCS working group meeting scheduled for 9/30 from 9-11, over 800,000 in 2016 EQIP funding, new mediation program for producers, handouts on fire restoration dos and donts.
WRAC / George Kendall discussed e. paso water district, and the 6 million dollars from flood control district to be distributed
Grant Acceptance Policy / Robert thinks board should need to give explicit approval for grant contracts, according to “contracting policy” anytime an amount exceeds $100K, board needs to give explicit approval. Board gave approval of WCB-IPC grant at October 22, 2015 board meeting, all procedures followed correctly.
ALAB / Planning and ag commissioner working on turning urgency ordinance into permanent ordinance, Mark Lea soliciting feedback, RCD board would like to put together working group to help guide that legislation
VII. Board Action Items
Mike Broadhurst / a) / Appoint Amy Smart to CRCS Board of Directors
MBr / SC / DP / TM / RHa / CP / MBo / RHe
y / y / y / y / y / np / np / np
Mike, Susan and Robert appointed to policy review committee to review personnel policy
VIII. Agenda Setting
- ARP pros and cons with Devin and Robert
- Set up nominating committee for board elections
- Set up oak ordinance working group
ADJOURNMENT @5:50pm Next USLTRCD Board Meeting October 26 at 4:00 PM
Respectfully submitted, September 20, 2016 Vote Key: y=yea, n=nay, np=not present, a=abstention