THE NETWORK is a European network of nongovernmental organizations, centres for social studies, universities and individuals who co-operate at national, regional and European level for the protection of the rights of children involved in migratory event and the support of transnational and migrant families.
ChildrenLeftBehind.euis anopen network. Joint efforts and common values are all the requirements needed to become a Member.
All Members are required to contribute to the growth of the network, and specifically:
- to actively participate in the updating of the website, sharing your experience and your knowledge - provide data, news and information about the phenomena;
- to be proactive and take part in drafting all future documents describing the network, the vision and the mission;
- to make all necessary efforts to participate in the future events organized by the network, which will not have own financial resources.
As a Member of the network you will:
- be part of the network and be in contact with other organizations working with migrant and transnational families and children left behind;
- use the website, that is the main work platform of all Members of the network;
- be able to promote your organisation to a Europe-wide audience and to the European institutions through the network activities;
- get the latest information about policy developments at European level;
- participate in events and activities organized by the co-ordinator and by all Members of the network.
Please fill in the Application for Membership form and return
Organization data:
Full legal name:Acronym:
Country of registration:
Legal status:
Type of organization:
(NGO, national/local government, professional association, research institute/university – single organization - other)
Official Address:(legal and Headquarters if different)
Main focus of your organization:
Contact person:
Name and surname:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Data will be processed by L’Albero della Vita Foundation , a non-profit organization located in via L. il Moro 6/a – Palazzo Pacinotti – Milano 3 City – Basiglio (Milano, Italy), as well as by the other entities belonging to the before mentioned non-profit organization, that is entitled to process your data for the organizational management of “” and all connected operations, as well as for informing you on initiatives and projects of L’Albero della Vita, its advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns, conferences and initiatives of public interest, researches and publications. Data will be processed, manually and electronically and using methods that do not involve specific processing criteria, only by the people entitled to do it, included those responsible for services related to the above mentioned activities. Data will not be communicated or disseminated and will be subject to appropriate security procedures.
Under Article. 7, Legislative Decree 196/2003, you can exercise your rights to consult, modify, delete data or oppose their use for purposes of sending information, by contacting the owner of data processing at the above address, at which it is available, upon request, a list of those responsible for the processing.
As Member of the network:
- we state our commitment to the mission and the objectives of, and we subscribe the Terms of Reference;
- we allow L’Albero della Vita Foundation, co-ordinator of the network, to publish in the all the information and material we will share with the co-ordinator and other members of the network;
- we allow L’Albero della Vita Foundationto publish our LOGO in the website and to use it for all activities and documents implemented by the network;
- we commit ourselves to provide the co-ordinator with all the information about our organization and our work (area of activity, experience related to the children left behind/ transnational and migrant families) necessary for the publication on the website of our member status.
We attach to the application form:
-the description of our organisation
-our Logo in JPEG format
Place and dateOrganization name
Legal representative (name and signature)