Dr. Abdelmoneim Sulieman

Personal Data


Date of Birth:1st July 1971

Current position: Associate Professor of Radiological Sciences

Professional Title: Consultant of Medical Physics (SCFHS)

Current Address:

Department of Radiological Sciences and Medical Imaging, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, P.O.Box 422Alkharj 11942, Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Email: ,

Office Tel: +966 11 5886334

Fax No. : +966 11 5886301

Permanent Address

Basic Science Department, Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Medical Radiologic Science, P.O.Box 1908, Khartoum 11111, Sudan

Office Tel: +249183771818

Fax No. : +249 183 785215

Associate ship: Regular associate, The Abusalam International center for theoretical physics, Trieste , Italy 2011-2016


From / To / University / Subject / Degree / Grade
1993 / 1997 / Sudan University of Science and Technology / Diagnostic Radiology / B.Sc / First Class
1999 / 2002 / Sudan University of Science and Technology / Medical Radiation Physics / M.Sc / N.A
2003 / 2008 / University of Thessaly-Greece; / Medical Physics / Ph.D / Excellent

Prizes & Awards

  • Award of The African Union and the academy of sciences for the developing world (TWAS, Italy) for young African scientists (Physics) 2011
  • Award of outstanding presentation. 4th Radiographers’ Scientific Conference (RASCO 2010) 8th October – 10th October 2010. Naivasha, Kenya. 2010
  • Prize of Distinguished Youth researcher Scientific Research Council, Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2009

Additional Qualifications & Training

Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Advances in X-ray Instrumentation for Cultural Heritage Applications / 2015
Joint ICTP-IAEA School on Nuclear Energy Management / 2013
Teaching strategies / 2013
Intended Learning outcomes / 2012
Basic Training Program for the developing the professional performance of the University staff (SUST ( / 2010
Strategic Planning for higher education (SUST) / 2010
School of Radiotheray: state of art and prediction the future:University of Oxford, UK / 2009
CT Technology, Dose and Performance. Imaging Performance Assessment of CT scanners (ImPACT) course. Saint George Hospital. London / 2007
Thermoluminescence dosimetry applications, University of Ioannina, Greece / 2004
ESTRO Teaching Course on Basic clinical radiobiology (Santorini - Greece). / 2003
Teaching Methodology. Faculty of Medicine. University of Khartoum in collaboration with WHO. / 2000
Teaching Skills Development. Ahfad University. Khartoum Sudan / 2001
Quality control and radiation Protection. Sudan Atomic Energy Commission. Khartoum, Sudan / 2001
Assessment and evaluation. Faculty of Medicine .University of Khartoum in collaboration with WHO. / 2000
Applications of laser in medicine. Cairo University. Egypt. / 2000

Employment ( Academic)

August 2012- Present

Associate Professor of Radiological Sciences, Radiology Sciences and Medical Imaging Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Salman bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia

May 2011- July 2012

Associate Professor of Radiological Sciences, Basic Science Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

June 2008- April 2011

Assistant Professor of Radiological Sciences, Basic Science Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

February 2002- March2003

Lecturer, of Radiological Sciences, Basic Science Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

April 2003- May 2008

PhD student, Medical Physics, Medical Physics Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece

December 1999January 2002

M.Sc Student, Medical Radiation Physics,College of Graduate Studies, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

July 1997 November 1999

Teaching Assistant of Radiological Sciences

Basic Science Department, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

Professional Experience

December 2014- Present

Consultant Medical Physicist (Saudi Commission for Health Specialties) Radiology Laboratory, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Salman bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia

June 2014- Present

Consultant Medical Physicist (National Council for Medical and Health Profession, Sudan)Radiology and Ultrasound Clinic, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

April 2003- May 2013

Medical Physicist, Medical Physics Department, University Hospital of Larissa, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece

July 1997- November 1999

Radiography Technologist, Radiology and Ultrasound Clinic, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology, Khartoum Sudan

Teaching Experience

Undergraduate (B.Sc)
University / Department / Subjects / Academic year
Salman bin Abdulaziz University / Radiology and Medical Imaging / 1.CT physics and Instrumentation
2.MRI Physics and Instrumentation
3.Research Methodology
4. Principles of Image Formation / 2012- till present
Sudan University of Science and Technology / 1.Diagnostic Radiology, 2.Biomedical Engineering / 1. General Physics1&2
2. Radiation Physics 1&2
3. Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Imaging / 2008-2012
Nilain University / Medical Physics / 1.Radiotherapy Physics 1&2
2. Nuclear Medicine Physics
3. Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy.
4.Radiobiology / 2009-2012
Sudan University of Science and Technology / 1.Medical Physics
2. Nuclear Physics /
  1. Ultrasound Physics
  2. Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
  3. Radiation Protection
  4. Physics of Nuclear Medicine
  5. Quality Assurance in Medical Imaging
/ 2009-2012
Sudan Academy of Science / 1.Radiation Protection
2. Nuclear Science /
  1. Introduction to ICRP.
  2. Radiation Protection in Medical applications
/ 2010-2012

Research Experience

  • Calibration protocols for TLDs in high and low energies photon beams.
  • Protocols for in vivo dose verification to patients treated with radiotherapy.
  • Protocols for the determination of DRLs that are applied in clinical practice in the interventional radiology procedures in Sudan and Greece.
  • Development of Build up caps to be used in high energy radiation beam dosimetry Radiation dose measurement in CT.
  • Calibration protocol for TLDs in Nuclear medicine
  • Non ionizing Radiation measurements
  • QC of Medical Imaging Systems (CT, MRI, US, projection Radiography systems)

Current Funded researches, Salman bin Abdulaziz University

  1. Measurement of effective radiation dose to patients and staffin radiographic examination in Alkharj. 2014/01/2053
  1. Optimization of patient Radiation Dose of patient doses fromBreast during mammographic X ray Examination. 2014/03/2274

Supervision of Postgraduate Students

Sudan University of Science and Technology

Current PhD Projects(Supervisor)

  1. Optimization of Radiation Dose and Image Quality in Planar Diagnostic Radiology ( E. Babikir 2012-2015).
  2. Patient And Staff Doses In Interventional Radiology with Emphasis In Interventional Cardiology (Abdelrahman Adam Ahmed Amer 2012-2015).
  3. Optimization of Image Quality and Radiation Dose in CT, SPECT, SPECT/CT andImaging Modalities (2013-2016)

Current PhD Projects in Medical Ultrasound ( Co-Supervisor)

  1. Study of Fetal Middle Cerebral and Umbilical Arteries in Diabetic Mothers ( PhD in Medical Ultrasonography) Sara Mohammed Ahamed Fadalallah (2012-2015).
  1. Measurement of the flow changes of the ophthalmic artery in diabetic patients during pregnancy (Gehan Omer (2012-2015)).

Co-supervisedPhD Projects (Finished)

  1. Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules in Patients with Goitre using Nuclear Medicine , Biopsy and Ultrasound in Sudan. Mohamed Mohamed Omer PhD In Nuclear Medicine. 2008-2010.
  1. Radiation Dose Measurements and Risk Estimation in Paediatric Radiography (Badreldin Mohamed Ahmed Elhag) 2008-2012.
  1. Optimization of radiation doses and image quality during orthopedic interventional procedures. Hamid Osman Hamid. Medical Physics 2009-2011.

Supervised M.Sc thesis (Partial fulfillment) (Finished)

Sudan University of Science and Technology (14 thesis)

  1. Measurement of Radiation Dose in Gastrointestinal System Examinations. Maisa Mohammed Elzaki Mohammed. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Optimization of Patient Dose in Abdominal Computed Tomography. Abdelrahman Mohamed Noor. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Radiation measurement for pediatric patients during CT examination. Afrah Alsadiq. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Radiation dose measurement and optimization during extracorporeal shock Wave lithotripsy. Asim Abdelmagid. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Radiogenic Risk for Paediatric Patients Undergoing Micturating Cystourethrogrraphy. Frial Nyle. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Evaluation of Radiation Protection Status in Omdurman health Centers. Sarra Hassan Khalifa Ali. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Radiation Dose Measurements in CTU and IVU. Entisar Yousif. Diagnostic Radiologic Technology.2010.
  1. Optimization of radiation dose in multi-slices helical CT scan examinations. Diagnostic Radiologic technology.Ali Mohamed Abdelrazig Elmahdi 2011.
  1. Newborn dose Meausrement during Chest X Ray Examination. Omer Osman . Medical Physics. 2011.
  1. Estimation of Radiation Risk in CTA. Abdelfattah Abd-Allah. Medical Physics 2011.
  1. Optimisation of Patient Dose during Bone Scan. Nisreen Tammam. Medical Physics.(Progressing).
  1. Radiation dose measurement for neonates in baby care units. Afraa Yousif , 2011.
  1. Estimation of radiation dose to critical organs during brain CT. Nidar Mohamed,2011.
  1. Diagnostic reference level for CT examination in Sudan. Abdelrahman mohamed Nor , Sudan University of Science and Technology.2011.

2. Supervised M.Sc thesis (Partial fulfillment)

Al-Zaeim Alazhari University (Medical Ultrasound)

  1. Correlation of Fetal gestational age by Biparietal diameter and abdominal Circumference in 2nd trimester . Sara M.A. Fadalalla. 2010.
  2. Diagnosis of breast pathologies in Sudanese population by ultrasound. Mai Mirghani.2009.
  3. Ultrasound Assessment of Hepatic Volume in Sudanese Population. Omer Alfaroug.2009.
  4. Assessment of Pregnancy in First Trimester Findings Using Trans-vaginal Ultrasound and Conventional (Transabdominal )Ultrasound. Safaa Osman Mohamed. 2009
  5. Ultrasound evaluation of early pregnancy failure. Sheema Osman Gismalla 2010.

External Examiner

External examiner for B.Sc program of Radiology Imaging, College of Medical Sciences, University of Sharja, May 2014.

Administrative experience

Activity / Years
Co coordinator of quality, Radiology and Medical Imaging Department, Salman bin Abdulaziz University / 2013- till present
Member of Research Council, Salman bin Abdulaziz University / 2013-till present
Co coordinator of graduate and internship students- Salman bin Abdulaziz University / 2012-till present
Member of Awards and Prizes Executive Committee, Deanship of Scientific Research, Salman bin Abdulaziz University / 2014- till present
Head of Basic Science Department_ Sudan University of Science and Technology / 2008-2012
Head of Basic Science Department / 2002-2003
Member of Research Council. College of Graduate Studies. / 2011- 2012
Coordinator, Medical Physics Program / 2008-2012
Member , Central Examination Committee / 2002-2003
Coordinator , Distant Learning Program / 2001-2003
Coordinator, Medical Physics Program / 2002-2003
Student Advisor / 1997-2002

Membership of Professional Organizations

Saudi Society of Medical Physics

Sudanese Society of Medical Physics

International Society of Radiation Physics

International Association of Biological and EPR Radiation Dosimetry (IABERD)

Invited Presentations

Radiation dose during interventional radiology, Khartoum Teaching Hospital 12/ 2008.

Radiation dose measurements and risks estimation during diagnostic radiology, Sudan Atomic Energy Commission 11/2008.

Radiation Protection Course for cardiologist, Ahmed Gasim Hospital, 03 /2011

Extracurricular activities

a. Organizer, Radiation Protection course annual course, College of Medical Radiologic Science

b. Reviews: I reviewed 20 articles for the following Journals

1. European Radiology

2. Journal of Science and Technology,

3. Open Journal of Radiology.

4. International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health

5. Radiation Science and Technology Journal (Member of Editorial Board)

6. Insights in Medical Physics (Member of Editorial Board)

c. Secretary general: Savanna Organization against Cancer(NGO) (2009-2011)


Peer-reviewed Journal Publications:

  1. Sulieman A. Measurement of Patient Radiation Doses during Certain Diagnostic Radiography Procedures. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research12(5): 1-8, 2016
  2. Sulieman A,AlzimamiK,Habeeballa B,Osman H,Abdelaziz I,Sassi SA,Sam AK. Evaluation of occupational and patient radiation doses in orthopedic surgery. Appl Radiat Isot, 100:65-69(2015).
  3. Alzimami K, Sulieman A, Babikir E, Alsafi K, Alkhorayef M, Omer H. Estimation of effective dose during hystrosalpingography procedures in certain hospitals in Sudan. Appl Radiat Isot, 100:2-6 (2015).
  4. Mahmoud MZ, Al-Saadi M, Abuderman A, Alzimami KS, Alkhorayef M, Almagli B,Sulieman A. To-and-fro" waveform in the diagnosis of arterial pseudoaneurysms.World J Radiol. 2015 May 28;7(5):89-99.
  5. Sulieman A, Barakat H, Zailae A, Abuderman A, Theodorou K.Measurement of patient radiation doses in certain urography procedures. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):397-401(2015).
  6. Omer H,Sulieman A, Alzimami K. Risks of lung fibrosis and pneumonitis after postmastectomy electron radiotherapy. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):499-502 (2015).
  7. Hamza Y,Sulieman A, Abuderman A, Alzimami K, Omer H. Evaluation of patient effective doses in CT urography, intravenous urography and renal scintigraphy. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):452-6 (2015).
  8. Babikir E, Hasan HA, Abdelrazig A, Alkhorayef MA, Manssor E,Sulieman A. Radiation dose levels for conventional chest and abdominal X-ray procedures in elected hospitals in Sudan. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):102-6 (2015).
  9. Manssor E, Abuderman A, Osman S, Alenezi SB, Almehemeid S, Babikir E, Alkhorayef M,Sulieman A. Radiation doses in chest, abdomen and pelvis CT procedures. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):194-8 (2015).
  10. Sulieman A, Tammam N, Alzimami K, Elnour AM, Babikir E, Alfuraih A. Dose reduction in chest CT examination. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):185-9 (2015)..
  11. Sulieman A. Establishment of diagnostic reference levels in computed tomography for paediatric patients in Sudan: a pilot study. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):91-4(2015).
  12. Suliman II, Ibraheem SB, Youssif BE, Abdelgabar MI, Gafar R, Elshiekh E, Ahmed NA,Sulieman A. Examination frequency and population dose from medical X-ray examinations in Sudan in 2010. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 165(1-4):141-5(2015).
  13. Alkhorayef M, Mahmoud MZ, Alzimami KS,Sulieman A, Fagiri MA. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) in Localized Prostate Cancer Treatment. Pol J Radiol. 13;80:131-41 (2015).
  14. Sulieman, A. Current Status of Radiation Dose Levels in Conventional Pediatric Radiography: A Review Study. OJRADIOL, 5, 104-110, 2015.
  15. Mahmoud MZ, Dinar HA, Abdulla AA, Babikir E,Sulieman A. Study of the association between the incidences of congenital anomalies and hydrocephalus in Sudanese fetuses. Glob J Health Sci. 2014 Apr 27;6(5):1-8.
  16. Ibrahim I. Suliman, Amna J. Al-Jabri, A.A. Badawi, M.A. Halato, Khalid Alzimami,A. Sulieman. Radiation dose and cancer risk in patients undergoing multiple radiographs in intravenous urography X-ray examinations. Radiat Phys Chem. 104,272-275 (2014).
  17. K. Alzimami,A. Sulieman, E. Omer, I.I. Suliman, K. Alsafi. Effective dose estimation during conventional and CT urography. Radiat Phys Chem 104,154-157 (2014).
  18. Omer, H.,Alzimami, K,Sulieman, A. XSTING, software for evaluation of radiotherapy planning performed using EGSnrcMP codes. Current Medical Imaging Reviews. 10(1) 48-52 (2014).
  19. K. Alzimami,A. Sulieman, A. Yousif, E. Babikir, I. Salih I. Evaluation of radiation dose to neonates in a special care baby unit. Radiat Phys Chem. 104, 150-153 (2014).
  20. A. Sulieman, K. Alzimami, B. Elhag. Evaluation of Radiation Dose to Pediatric Patients during Certain Special Procedures. Radiat Phys Chem 104, 267-271(2014).
  21. A. Sulieman, K. Alzimami K, R. Gafar.E. Babikir, K. Alsafi, I.I. Suliman. Occupational and patient exposure in coronary angiography procedures . Radiat Phys Chem 104,68-72 (2014).
  22. Mahmoud MZ, Alkhorayef M,AlzimamiKS, Aljuhani MS, Sulieman A. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) in Uterine Fibroid Treatment: Review Study. Pol J Radiol. 79:384-90 (2014).
  23. A.Sulieman, K.Alzimami, B. Elhag, E. Babikir, K. Alsafi. Evaluation of radiation dose to pediatric patients during certain special procedures. Radiat Phys Chem. 104, 267-271(2014).
  24. Alzimami, K.S.,Mahmoud, M.Z.,Sulieman A. Evaluation of common carotid artery changes in Saudi current smokers using medical ultrasound (B-mode and Doppler). Journal of Medical Ultrasonics. 41(3) 351-357 ( 2014) .
  25. I. I. Suliman,H. M. Khamis,T. H. Ombada,K. Alzimami,M. Alkhorayef, A. Sulieman.Radiation exposure during paediatric CT in Sudan: CT dose, organ and effective doses. Radiat Protect Dosim . Published in advance, November (2014).doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu321
  26. M.Yousef,M.A. AliOmer, A. Sulieman. Detection and Evaluation of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma by using Tc99m and Iodine 131 Scanning. IJSR. 2(1):541-549 (2013).
  27. Mohamed Yousef, Abdelmoneim Sulieman,Naji Ali,Abdalla Ahmed. Evaluation of renal functions using isotopic renogram and biochemical test. Sudan Medical Monitor. 8 (3), 67-169, 2013.
  28. M. Musa, A. Sulieman, Alsafi Abdallah, Bushra H Ahmed. Renal Artery Stenosis using different Doppler Parameters: A review study. J Am Sci 2013;9(4):493-498 (2013).
  29. K. Alzimami,M. Z. Mahmoud, A. Sulieman,M. A. AliOmer. Effects of Cigarettes Smoking on Common Carotid Arteries Resistance and Pulsatility Indices in Current Sudanese Smokers. J Am Sci. 9(12):592-597 (2013).
  30. Mohamed Yousef,Mohamed E. Mohamed,Mohammed A. Ali Omer, Abdelmoneim Sulieman. Characterization of Thyroid Nodules using Thyroid Scintigraphy.Sudan medical monitor. 8(2):81-85. 2013.
  31. H. Osman,A. Zaki,K. Sherif, A. Sulieman.Orthopedist's Hands Radiation Doses during Orthopedic Surgery Procedures. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 10/2013; 1(5):369-371.
  32. Alzimami, K,Sulieman, A.,Paroutoglou, G.,Potamianos, S.,Vlychou, M.,Theodorou, K. Optimisation of radiation exposure to gastroenterologists and patients during therapeutic ERCP. Gastroenterology Research and Practice. Vol. 2013Article number587574 (2013).
  1. Mohamed Yousef,Mohammed A. AliOmer, Abdelmoneim Sulieman. Detection and Evaluation of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma by using Tc99m and Iodine 131 Scanning. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 2(1):541-549.2013
  2. H. Osman,A. Zaki,K. Sherif, A. Sulieman.Orthopedist's Hands Radiation Doses during Orthopedic Surgery Procedures. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 10/2013; 1(5):369-371.
  3. Mustafa Z. Mahmoud,Maram A. Fagiri,Atallh Fowzan Al-Motrfi, Abdelmoneim Sulieman.Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Knee Joint Pain at King Saud Medical City, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Science and Research. 06/2013; 2(6):4-7.
  4. Mohamed Yousef, Abdelmoneim Sulieman,Naji Ali,Abdalla Ahmed.Evaluation of renal functions using isotopic renogram and biochemical test. Sudan Medical Monitor. 8 (3), 67-169, 2013.
  5. Mustafa J Musa, Abdelmoneim Sulieman, Alsafi Abdallah, Bushra H Ahmed. Renal Artery Stenosis using different Doppler Parameters: A review study. J Am Sci 2013;9(4):493-498].
  6. Khalid S. Alzimami,Mustafa Z. Mahmoud, Abdelmoneim Sulieman,M. A. AliOmer. Effects of Cigarettes Smoking on Common Carotid Arteries Resistance and Pulsatility Indices in Current Sudanese Smokers. Journal of American Science. 11/2013; 9(12):592-597.
  7. A. Sulieman, H. Joda H.Osman, H.Omer M. Y. Hamadelneel. Evaluation of Effective Dose to Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization. 5th European IFMBE Conference, IFMBE Proceedings 37, pp. 512–515, 2011.
  8. H. Osman, A. Sulieman, M .Yousef , A. K. Sam. Orthopedist and Patient Radiation Exposure: State of art and future prediction. Asian J Med Cli Sci, Vol1(1), 27-34,2012.
  9. Hamid Osman, A. Suleiman, Adam Sam. Evaluation of staff and ambient exposures during orthopedic procedures. Asian Journal of Medical and Clinical Sciences. Asian J Med Cli Sci, Vol1(1), 14-18,2012.
  10. Badreldin M.A Elhag, Hiba Omer, Abdelmoneim Sulieman . Estimation of pediatric radiation doses in intravenous urography. Asian J Med Cli Sci, Vol-1, Issue-1, 11-13,2012.
  11. M. Z. Mahmoud, S.Mahmoud, B. Ahmed, A. Suleiman, H. Osman, A. Elzaki. Fetal femoral length as a parameter for estimation of fetal weight using ultrasound. Asian J Med Cli Sci, Vol-1(1), 11-13,2012.
  12. Hiba B. S. Omer , Elmugheira H. Salim,Badreldin M.A Elhag ,Abdelmoneim A. Suleiman. Monte Carlo techniques in radiation medicine. Asian J Med Cli Sci, Vol-1, Issue-1, 35-39,2012.
  13. Mohamed Yousef, Abdelmoneim suleiman, , Nagi I.Ali , A M.Hassan and Khalid Eltom. Characterization of radioimmunoassay and scintigraphy as diagnostic tools for goiter in sudanese patients. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences 5(2), 151-157, 2012.
  14. Omer SA, Sulieman A, Ayad CE, Osman HM, Abdulrahman MAand Saeed AM. Effects of Repetitive Static Magnetic Field Exposure on Serum Electrolytes and Histology of Certain Tissues of Swiss Albino Rats. OMICS J Radiology 2012, 1:2, 1000104
  15. Hiba Omer, Abdelmoneim Sulieman . Simulation of ELEKTA SL18 Beams for Electron Radiotherapy. Asian Journal of Medical and Clinical Sciences. (2012) Vol-1 (2), 49-52.
  16. Hifaa.Mohamed Khair , Hiba.Osman , Abdelmoneim Sulieman. Estimation radiation risk during mammography in Sudan. Asian Journal of Medical and Clinical Sciences. (2012) Vol-1 (2), 56-60.
  17. Mustafa Z. Mahmoud, S.Mahmoud, B. Ahmed, A. Suleiman, H. Osman, A. Elzaki. Transvaginal scan versus transabdominal scan for gestational sac detection in the early first trimester of pregnancy in sudanese ladies. Asian J Med Cli Sci, Vol1(1), 19-21,2012.
  18. Mohamed Yousef, Abdelmoneim Sulieman, Bushra Ahmed,Alsafi Abdella, and Khaled Eltom.Local Reference Ranges of Thyroid Volume in Sudanese Normal Subjects Using Ultrasound. Journal of Thyroid Research.. Volume 2011, Article ID 935141, 4 pages.
  19. A. Sulieman Sarra Khalifa and Mohamed Elfadil. . Evaluation of Radiation Protection Status in some Health Centers in the Sudan. Proceedings of International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry. IAEA.Vienna, Austria. (IDOS) Volume 2, Page 463-472, 2011.
  20. A. Sulieman, F. Abd-Alrahman, B. Hussain and M. Hamadelneel. Radiation Dose Measurements for Pediatrics and Co-patients During Micturating Cystourethrography. Proceedings of International Symposium on Standards, Applications and Quality Assurance in Medical Radiation Dosimetry. IAEA.Vienna, Austria. (IDOS) Volume 2, Page 125-134, 2011
  21. M.Yousef, A Sulieman, M.Omer, M.Yousif, O. Sabeel, M Ibraheem and M.Khalil. Estimation of Radiation Doses Received by vital Organs in Thyroid Scintigraphy. Journal of Science and Technology. 12 (02) 2011
  22. A. Sulieman, G. Paroutoglou, A. Kapsoritakis, A. Kapatenakis,S. Potamianos, M. Vlychou, K. Theodorou. Reduction of Radiation Doses to Patients and Staff During Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. Saudi Journal of Gastroenetrology. 17 (1) 22-27, 2011.
  1. A. Sulieman, Marianna Vlychou, Ioannis Tsougos, C. Kappas Kiki Theodorou, Radiation doses to patients undergoing Enteroclysis. Radiation Protection Dosimetry Journal. 147(1-2):122-5,2011.
  2. A. Sulieman, Marianna Vlychou, Ioannis Tsougos Kiki Theodorou. Radiation doses to paediatric patients with pneumonia and co-patients undergoing Chest X rays. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 147(1-2):171-5.2011.
  3. A. Sulieman, Maisa Elzaki , C. Kappas and Kiki Theodorou. Radiation Dose Measurement in Gastrointestinal Studies. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 147(1-2):118-21,2011.
  4. Mohamed Yousef, Caroline .E .Ayad Amin A. E. Elzaki and A. Sulieman. Evaluation of x-ray request form used in Kharoum state hospitals . Sudan Medical Mopnitor. Vol. 6 No. 3, 201-210. 2011.
  5. 16. Mohamed Yousef, A. Sulieman, Hamid Osman, Mohamed Adam and Khalid Elom. Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules in Patient with Goitre Using Nuclear Medicne, Biobsy and Ultrasound in Sudan. Sudan Medical Monitor. 6 (3): 221 – 227, 2011.
  6. H. Osman, A. Sulieman, A. K. Sam. Orthopedist's Thyroid Radiation Dose During Surgery. Journal of Advanced Medical Research 1 55-60, 2011.
  7. A. Sulieman, K. Theodorou, C. Kappas, J. Kalef-Ezra. Build-up caps to be used in vivo thermoluminescent dosimetry .Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 12 (1), 1-6,2011.
  8. A Sulieman, K Theodorou and C. Kappas.. Entrance and pripheral dose measurements during radiotherapy. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 12 (1), 20-27,2011.
  9. A.M Nour, A. Sulieman. Radiation Dose measurement and Optimization during CT. Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 12 (1), 57-63,2011.
  10. Hiba Omer and A. Sulieman. Constrains and common Techniques in Postmastoctomy Radiotherapy . Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 12 (1), 122-133,2011.
  11. A. Sulieman, M.Elzaki and Mohamed Khalil. Occupational exposure during Endoscopic Retrograde Choolaniopancreatography in Sudan. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. (2011) 144 (1-4): 530-533.
  12. 6. H. Joda, A Sulieman, M. Hamadelneel. Radiation dose measurement for staff during cardiac catheterization. Sudan Monitor Journal Vol 5 (2) 103-106, 2010.
  13. Hamid Osman, A. Suleiman, Ibrahim Suliman, Adam Sam. Radiation Dose Measurements in routine X ray Examinations. Proceedings of the Tenth Radiation Physics & Protection Conference,- Egypt page 287-294, 2010
  14. A. Sulieman, A.A. Ibrahim, H. Osman, M. Yousef .Radiation Dose Assessment and Risk Estimation During Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Proceedings of the Tenth Radiation Physics & Protection Conference- Egypt page 303-309, 2010.
  15. Ebtihal Bushra, A. Sulieman, Hamid Osman. Radiation Measurement And Risk Estimation For Pediatric Patients During Routine Diagnostic Examination. Proceedings of the Tenth Radiation Physics & Protection Conference - Egypt page 295-301, 2010
  16. M. A. Halato 1 , A. A. Badawi 1 , I. I. Suliman and A. Sulieman. Radiation doses in intravenous urography and potentials for optimization. Proceedings of the Tenth Radiation Physics & Protection Conference - Egypt page 279-284, 2010
  17. A. Sulieman, K. Theodorou, M. Vlychou, T. Topaltzikis, C. Roundas, I. Fezoulidis and C. Kappas. Radiation dose optimisation and risk estimation to patients and staff during hysterosalpingography. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2008 128(2):217-226.
  18. A Sulieman, K Theodorou, M Vlychou, T, Topaltzikis, D Kanavou , I Fezoulidis , C Kappas. Radiation dose measurement and risk estimation for paediatric patients undergoing micturating cystourethrography. The British Journal of Radiology. (2007) 80, 731-737.
  19. A.Sulieman, Hiba Omer., Theodorou Kiki., and Kappas Constandinos. Review on Inter- intra-fraction tumour motion measurements for Radiotherapy. International Journal of Scientific research Volume 15.2006.41-55.
  20. Omer H, Sulieman A, Theodorou K, Kappas C.The Role of Medical and Biophysics Education. International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume 15.2006, 57-65.

Proceedings and Conference Records: