GSIT Meeting
/ May 5, 2017 /Meeting Start 11:01 AM
LSW 102
/ Jimmy Lovett, Sarah Hileman, Chris Goodchild, Ana Mosier, Adam Simpson, Carrie German, Bobby Bowser, Tim Anderson, Kirstin Poindexter, MdIbrahimMinutes
Agenda item:
/ ITP Paracelsus AwardDiscussion:
The deadline for the annual Paracelsus Award is upcoming. Students who have completed the certificate and have been active in ITP-sponsored events are encouraged to apply. To apply you will need a letter of recommendation from your advisor and a letter with a brief summary of participation/accomplishments.
Action items
Visit for additional informationSend applications to / May 20th
Agenda item:
/ OP-SETAC MeetingDiscussion:
OP-SETAC is upcoming (5/15 – 5/17 in Columbia, Missouri). Deadline for abstract submissions to OP-SETAC has passed. There is still space for extra individuals if anyone would like to join the group attending. Current count is 8. Students who are not presenting still need to register for the meeting. This can be done at the door for $10 (cash or check only).
Action items
Please contact Ana () or Kendall () if you would like to join carpool. / ASAPAgenda item:
/ GSIT CommitteesDiscussion:
We currently have four committees: Social, Undergrad outreach, Poster session (may be repurposed during Fall Semester), Graduate Outreach. Members in attendance signed up for these committees (can be in the same or different committee)
Members need to be part of a committee to be in good standing with the society (will be a consideration for fellowship awardees)
Action items
If not in attendance – Please email Jimmy () what committee you would like to join. / Before next meetingAgenda item:
/ Goals for next yearDiscussion:
Should we try for a Fall Gala this year?
Member input: resources may be better spent focusing on Spring symposium and outreach events
Outreach suggestions
Wildlife expo
Women in science
Coordinate withZOGS for elementary school outreach
Focus on website and social media
We have two Facebook pages: professional page (curated by Sarah) and a more informal page that users may post on.
Welcome e-mail
Be mindful of new grad students – introduce them to GSIT using an email
We need to make it more clear how to get involved in program
GSIT flyer – campus outreach
The flyer made last year was circulated to NREM. An attempt was made with the chemistry department as well (no response).
We want to hang printed flyers in relevant buildings. (Figure out permit requirements and post by September)
Action items
Please email Sarah () any pictures you have of yourself presenting at a meeting. / OngoingAgenda item:
/ Financial SituationDiscussion:
Funds are low in the society -- Need to explore new funding opportunities (Ideas?)
GSPGA has funding – would need to have a proposed use (outreach, gala, poster session)
Membership dues? Use towards mini-symposium
Member input: Try other avenues first, since it could be possible deterrence - if financial need is there we could revisit
Action items
NoneOther Information
Special notes:
Motion to adjourn – 11:32
Seconded – Chris