Name of Club: / In which area/ward is your home ground located?Contact name, position (eg Secretary), with daytime telephone number:
Email Address:
Club Website:
Please complete the following table for each team and for all types of play (e.g. competitive matches and training)
e.g.1 x Senior mens
2 x U16 boys / *Type of play
(Competitive / Training and League(s) / Competitions) / When play
e.g. Sat pm/Sunday am etc / Home Ground(s)
Address / Postcode
*If possible please attach a fixture list
In the previous three years has the number of teams in your club:
Senior: increased decreased stayed the same
Youth & Junior (12 – 18 ages):increased decreased stayed the same
Primary (7-11 ages): increased decreased stayed the same
If there has been a change, please indicate how many teams, the nature of the teams (e.g. gender and age group) and the reasons for the change:
Do you have plans to increase the number of teams? Yes No
If yes, please indicate how many more (e.g.two teams):
senior mens teams: ____
senior womens teams: ____
youth & junior boys teams (12 – 18 ages) ____
youth & junior girls teams (12 – 18 ages) ____
Primary teams (7 – 11 ages): ____
Where will they play?
How does the Club plan to attract more members? (e.g., advertisement, coaching sessions, school/club links etc):
Does the Club have any facility/pitch development plans (e.g., new pitches, drainage, clubhouse)? Yes No
If yes, please give details:
Has funding been secured for this development? Yes No
Do the majority of your players live within the study area (e.g. the local authority area)? Yes No
How far do the majority of your players travel to play home games?
Up to 2 miles 2-5 miles 5 miles +
Do any of your teams travel outside of the study area (e.g.out of the local authority area) to access provision?
Yes No
If yes, please indicate the amount and type is being played outside of the area? e.g., one senior team using a senior
natural grass rugby league pitch:
If Yes, please indicate why this play takes place outside of the study area e.g. more convenient site for players, lack of available pitches or lack of pitches with the necessary ancillary facilities in the study area:
Would you prefer this play to take place within the study area as oppose to outside? Yes No
If Yes please indicate any preferred locations/sites:
Do you have any current unmet demand? Yes No
If yes, what is the nature of this demand (e.g. age group) and what pitch provision is required to meet it?
Do you have demand for additional training facilities? Yes No
If yes, what type of facilities would be required (e.g. grass pitch, RFL Community Standard AGP etc):
If more pitches were available at your ground or in the area in the future do you think your clubwould have more teams? Yes No
If yes, how many more teams and in which age groups?
If more/better ancillary facilities were available at your ground in the future do you think your club would have more teams? Yes No
What facilities would be required? (E.g. more pitches, better changing facilities)
HOME GROUND – Please complete this section for your main home ground
Name of ground or playing field:Is the ground owned, leased or rented by the Club? owned leased rented
If leased or rented, please state who you lease or rent the ground from:
If leased, please state how long the lease is and when it expires:
If rented please state the cost of renting the pitch per season:
Who maintains the ground? Club Council Parish Council School Other
Are the rugby league pitches used for any other informal use e.g., friendly matches or any other informal use which occurs per week per pitch (excluding training)?
Please indicate how many sessions this use may equate to using the guidance of one session = 90 minutes
____ sessions
Does any training take place: *on the pitch elsewhere on the ground **off-site
*If training takes place on the pitch please indicate how many training sessions take place per week per pitch? Please indicate how many sessions this use may equate to using the guidance of one session = 90 minutes
______training sessions
**If off site please give the address of the venue(s)
Is this your preferred home ground? Yes No
If no, please state where you would prefer to play and why:
In total, how many grass rugby league pitches are there at your homeground:
1 2 3 4 5 6 + If 6+ please state how many ______
How many of the pitches are : Senior Junior
Do you have a designated pitch(es)? Yes No
If Yes, please indicate pitch number and location at site: ______
Do you consider your designated pitch(es) to be thecorrect size or, undersize
Are any of the grass rugby league pitches floodlit? Please indicate the type and how many pitches? (e.g. 2 senior pitches have floodlights):
Are any of the rugby league pitches marked out over other pitches? Yes No
If yes, please indicate what pitches are overmarked? (i.e. one junior pitch is overmarked on a senior pitch)
Approximately how many matches did you have cancelled at this site last season per pitch type?
What were the main reasons for the cancellations? (i.e. weather conditions)
Has the quality of your designated pitch/pitches got better or worse since last season?
Much better Slightly better No difference Slightly poorer Much poorer
Please indicate why:
If more grass rugby league pitches were available at your ground or in the area, would your Club have more teams?
Yes No
If yes, how many more teams and in which age groups? (e.g., two senior mens teams)
If more/better ancillary facilities were available at your ground would your club have more teams? Yes No
What facilities would be required? (e.g., better changing facilities etc.)
Please rate the following aspects of your designated pitch:GoodStandard Poor N/a
Grass cover
Slope of pitch (gradient and cross fall)
Length of grass
Flat Moderate Severe N/a
Evenness of pitch
None Yes - some Yes – lots
Evidence of dog fouling
Evidence of glass/litter/vehicle tracks
Yes No
Are goalposts safe
Is the pitch enclosed by perimeter fencing?
Is there a training area separate to match pitch (es)?
Are accessible facilities provided?
Changing accommodation: Good Standard Poor N/a
Adequacy of exterior
Adequacy of interior
Please describe any specific problems you have with your designated pitch:
Is there a maintenance programme in place for the natural grass rugby league pitches? Yes No
If yes,are the following maintenance works regularly undertaken?
Sanding Yes No Unsure
Seeding Yes No Unsure
Feeding Yes No Unsure
Weed killing Yes No Unsure
If known how frequent is the pitch aerated (please tick accordingly)?
More than 3 times per year 3 times per year 2 times per year Once per pear Never
If known what type of drainage do the pitches have?
Natural Pipe drained Pipe and slit drained
Are changing facilities available to your club? Yes No If Yes, how many rooms? ______Are separate Senior / Junior changing areas available? Yes No
Are separate Male / Female changing areas available? Yes No
Is officials changing available? Yes No If Yes, how many rooms? ______
Who owns the facilities? Club Council Parish Council School Other
If other, please state who? ______
Who maintains the facilities? Club Council Parish Council School Other
If other, please state who? ______
Does the facility have: showers toilets kitchen Access for disabled Dedicated medical room
Are the changing facilities secured during matches?
Yes No / Is car parking available? Yes No
Is this adequate for all pitches? Yes No
Does the ground have any of the following (please tick if yes):
Clubhouse Floodlights Dugouts Covered stands Pitch enclosed by perimeter fencing Site enclosed by perimeter fencing
If floodlights, are these fixed or mobile?
Has the site suffered from vandalism in the last year? Yes No
If yes, please indicate specific incidences:
Do any other clubs/teams play at this site? Yes No
If yes, please could you let us have the name(s) and when they play at the site (if known):
Are there facilities for any other sport(s) at this site?Yes No
If yes, please could you specify: