IIE Huntsville Chapter #69

Strategic Plan

2004 - 2005 Program Year

April 1 2004 thru March 31 2005

Strategic Objectives

1 Chapter Plan

1.1 Timeline for Annual Chapter Plan

Develop draft strategic plan by August 1 of each year to present to Board Members. Finalize and submit strategic plan by September 1 of each year to Region 3 Vice President and National Chapter Operations Administrator.

1.2 Plan Quality

The strategic plan will include both short term and long term plans. The short-term plans will be specific with a calendar of events, while the long-term plans will be more general and less specific on details. The strategic plan will incorporate both the short term and long term plans so that a high quality, easy to follow plan exists for the chapter.

1.3 Board Meetings

The Board of Directors for the Huntsville chapter will meet a minimum of six times each year.

1.4. Financial Management

The Chapter Budget is based on a Fiscal Year of April each year to March of the following year. A budget will be developed by the Chapter Treasurer and presented to the Board members for finalization. The goal for the approved budget is March of each year.

2 Chapter Programs and Community Service

The Huntsville Chapter is responsible for serving its members and the local community through chapter programs and initiatives such as local Conferences, Workshops, Local Charities, and other local events. The chapter should ensure member satisfaction of theses programs thru evaluation forms, member involvement, and program attendance.

2.1 Number of Programs and Services

It is the goal of the Huntsville Chapter to have attendance or involvement by chapter members in a minimum of eight local programs. Programs include a Quarterly Chapter Meetings, Facility Tours, Joint Student Chapter and Senior Chapter Meetings, Sponsorship of Local Charities, Sponsorship of Local Conferences, and Local Chapter Awards.

2.2 Programs and Service Quality

To ensure high quality for the sponsored programs the Huntsville Chapter will issue, collect and analyze evaluation forms and comments for each program or community service it sponsors.

2.3 Program Attendance

Program Attendance will be monitored by maintaining a sign-in sheet at each Chapter meeting, surveys on which members attended Chapter sponsored events, and sign-in sheets for facility tours and joint chapter meetings.

2.4. Service Involvement

Service Involvement will be based on the amount of support received from the chapter members on community services such as sponsoring local Christmas charities and creation of local a student scholarship fund.

3 Communications with Members, Growth of Chapter, & Retention of Current Members

Communications via e-mail, quarterly newsletters and other types of communication means will help keep current chapter members informed on upcoming events and programs, help recruit new members to the local chapter, and encourage current members to retain membership.

3.1 Communications with Members

Communications from the Chapter Officers and Board should be informative to the chapter members. The communications should inform the members of available services, upcoming events, and initiatives being sponsored by the chapter. The goal for the Huntsville Chapter is to send a quarterly newsletter to its members, monthly e-mails concerning board meetings and chapter meetings and webpage updates, e-mails detailing local conferences, national conferences, joint chapter meetings, facility tours, and other Chapter sponsored events. A minimum of twelve communications being sent to every member per year is the chapter goal.

3.1.a Chapter Newsletter

Establish and maintain a quality newsletter that will incorporate the views and initiatives of the current administration.

3.1.b Other Communications

E-mails and webpage update will be used to disseminate all correspondence such as chapter meeting minutes, conference announcements, facility tour announcements, meeting announcements, election announcements, job announcements, etc.

3.2 Chapter Growth and Member Retention

The growth of the IIE Local chapter is very important to the health of the local chapter, as equally important to the health of the chapter is the retention of current members. Initiatives to improve the retention of the current members and increase the actual membership will be undertaken this year.

3.2.a Recruitment of Members with more than 2 years experience

One recruitment goal of the chapter is to increase the number of active members in the local chapter on an annual basis. This will involve the recruitment of non-members or former members that have more than 2 years of experience in the engineering field.

3.2.b Recruitment of First and Second Year Engineers

With new initiatives being taken at the National level on the recruitment of First and Second year members, the local Chapter will use this benefit to recruit new members from the recently graduated and student sections of the local area. The goal of the chapter is to support the local university student chapter and faculty, so graduating students will be more involved with the senior chapter.

3.2.c Retention of Current Members

A goal for the chapter in the area of current member retention involves sending e-mails encouraging current members to stay active in the local IIE chapter and keep their status current. Other activity for retaining members includes sending e-mails will include simple reminders to those members that are either on the list with fees due soon, on the list to be dropped, or on the list of those already dropped.

4 Student Chapter Involvement/UAH ISEEM Department Involvement

Involvement with the local student chapter at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and involvement with high school students in the local area is very important in maintaining a high interest in the Industrial Engineering Profession. By sponsoring student chapter events, visiting high schools, and having joint senior and student chapter meetings and events, the Huntsville Chapter can establish and maintain a good network for the Industrial Engineers of the future.

4.1 Joint Senior and Student Chapter Meetings

It is the goal of the Huntsville Senior Chapter to participate in a minimum of three Joint Meetings with the Student Chapter at UAH. The senior chapter is currently planning three joint meetings with the student chapter for the fall and spring semester. Each meeting will consist of a guest professional speaker and provide lunch for the student members.

4.2 UAH ISEEM Department Support

The Huntsville Chapter plans to continue support the UAH Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (ISEEM) Department by sponsoring the Annual Spring Honors and Convocation, Sponsoring ISEEM Student Awards, providing Judges, if requested, for the UAH ISEEM Senior Design Projects, a speaker for the ISEEM Homecoming Fall 2004, and joint facility tours during 2004-2005.

4.3 IIE Student Regional Conferences

The Chapter is providing assistance to local student IIE member(s) to attend the Student Chapter Regional Conference in Spring 2005. One of the chapter’s long-term objectives is to sponsor an IIE Student Regional Conference in Huntsville, AL.

4.4 IIE Student Scholarship

The Chapter believes it is very important to support the IIE students that are Junior and Senior Level students. A future goal for the chapter is to initiate a Scholarship Fund that will recognize student chapter members on a local level.

4.5 Involvement with local High Schools

The Chapter will plan to visit at least three local high schools to promote Industrial Engineering to local high school students.

Goals and Objectives for Upcoming Year

April 1, 2004 – March 31, 2005

  1. Submit high quality strategic plan by September 1.
  2. Hold a minimum of six executive board meetings per year.
  3. Hold eight chapter activities per year - not including board meetings.
  4. Finalize Chapter Budget by March 1.
  5. Begin Evaluation of Sponsored Programs.
  6. Send out a quarterly Newsletter.
  7. Maintain chapter web site.
  8. Recruit 5 percent of the newly or recently graduated Industrial Engineers into IIE.
  9. Maintain all current Members that are still working and living in local area.
  10. Send e-mail to every member who has already or is about to be dropped.
  11. Hold a minimum of three joint meetings with the Senior and Student Chapters.
  12. Provide Assistance to Student member to attend Student Regional Conference.
  13. Support community or non-profit organizations.
  14. Setup Scholarship Fund for Local IIE Students at the Senior or Junior Level.
  15. Provide sponsorship to the National IIE Foundation Scholarship.
  16. Encourage chapter members to attend IIE leadership training.
  17. Encourage chapter members to attend IIE sponsored Conferences such as the IIE Annual Conference and IIE Simulation Conference.
  18. Visit three local high schools to promote Industrial Engineering.

Financial Projections
IIE Chapter #69
Huntsville, AL
Current Balances
Account / Balance Date / Balance
Checking Account / 31-Jun-04 / $756
Savings Account - Cash / 31-Jun-04 / $7,115
Bond Funds / 31-Jun-04 / $9,563
Certificate of Deposits
TOTAL / $17,434
Item # / Description / Note / Estimated
1 / Member Rebates / 54 members @ $15 / $810
2 / Checking Interest / $.08/month / $1
3 / Savings Interest / $3.20/month / $38
4 / Dividends / $36/month / $432
TOTAL / $1,281
Item # / Description / Note / Estimated
1 / Membership in HATS (Huntsville Area Technical Society) / Less than 60 member rate / $60
2 / UAH Senior IIE design awards for entire team / 2 Handbooks / $400
3 / IIE Newsletter costs for printing and mailing (Currently no mailings) / 4@$50 / $200
4 / UAH IIE Hsv Student Chapter Regional sponsorship / Requested $600 - Approved pending submittal of papers / $600
5 / UAH ISE Departmental Convocation / Requested $500 / $500
6 / IIE Board/Student Meeting Lunch costs / Student Requested $200 / $600
7 / Registration Fee for IIE Member to IIE Annual Conf. / Incoming IIE President / $1000
8 / P.O Box Renewal Fee / Renew PO Box in Madison / $75
9 / Donation to IIE National Foundation / $200
10 / IIE Promotional Materials / $500
TOTAL / $4,135

Chapter Calendar of Key Dates

August Executive Board Meeting

September 1Submit Chapter Strategic Plan

September UAH ISEEM 6th Annual Academic Homecoming

SeptemberJoint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

SeptemberComposability Forum

September Executive Board Meeting

October Joint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

OctoberQuarterly Newsletter

OctoberExecutive Board Meeting

October Huntsville Simulation Conference – Members Presenting Papers and Member Participation

NovemberJoint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

NovemberQuarterly Chapter Meeting

NovemberExecutive Board Meeting

DecemberExecutive Board Meeting

JanuaryJoint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

JanuaryQuarterly Newsletter

JanuaryExecutive Board Meeting

FebruaryJoint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

February Engineers Week Banquet

February 15Submit Chapter Activity Report

FebruaryQuarterly Chapter Meeting

FebruaryExecutive Board Meeting

March Joint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

March Submit Final Budget for upcoming year to Board Members

March Student Chapter Member Attendance to Student Regional Conference

MarchExecutive Board Meeting

March Nominations for New Chapter Officers

AprilJoint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

April Quarterly Newsletter

April Executive Board Meeting

April Elections New Chapter Officers

May Joint Meeting with IIE Senior and Student Chapters, Guest Speaker

MayIIE Annual Conferences – Sponsor President Elect for Leadership Training

MayExecutive Board Meeting

June 15Submit Annual IRS Tax Submission