LCMS September 2015 Good News Report
LCMS is proud to announce our August Student Leaders of the Month: Lauren Wring, Carson Kitchens, Kainan Goodaker, and Gracie Downey
LCMS is proud to announce our August Staff Leader of the Month: Cindy Hurley
LCMS is proud of our Student Leadership
- Tate Quertermous posed as Clifford to encourage reading at NLES
- Students are campaigning for Student Government offices
- Students are applying for many school level leadership roles
- Multiple students are recognized daily via school announcements as Cardinals of Characters
- Elizabeth Corry, Carson Kitchens, Dakota Lamb, Reagan Wooten, Lauren Wring, Haley Culp, Bradon Henson, and Sheyenna Stytz were selected to serve on the Leader In Me Student Lighthouse Team.
LCMS has won two national awards (1 of only 12 schools in Kentucky). We have received letters from Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, and others commending us for achieving Bronze Recognition in the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program AND Let’s Move! Active Schools Program. We were featured for a second time in the Kentucky Teacher (Sept. 8, 2015). We were mentioned in the Sept. 10 Livingston Ledger, and Sept. 9 KSBA eNews Service.
LCMS is proud to announce some new members of our family: Nora Cherry is our new administrative assistant, and Kayce Roberts is our new SBDM parent member.
LCMS artists participated in the Personnel Cabinet’s Public Employees Poster Contest.
LCMS had a successful first club day. Students were able to pick two of 24 club options.
Students were very excited to take home information about early high school graduation.
Baseball and softball teams are having successful seasons. Even our fan attendance is surpassing our competitors’ fan attendance.
LCMS has 382documented volunteer hours as of Sept. 11, 2015. Thanks to our stakeholders!!!
LCMS attendance year-to-date is 95.41%.
LCMS is communicating with our stakeholders. LCMS teachers have conducted unique face-to-face parent conferences with 83% of our parents. We send home regular OneCall messages, emails, and texts. We havemade 1,245 tweets and have 215 followers on Twitter. We have 365 likes of our school’s Facebook pagewhich includes multiple posts, photos, etc. Our school webpage is up-to-date, and we post important information on the IC parent portal. PTSO meets the second Monday of each month, and we discussed the Title I school-wide program in August. Please check out our school information.