Our prayers have been requested by or for the following members of our church family and those beyond our doors.
Long Term Prayer List
Patty, Laura, Jerry, Susan, Mel, Jarod, Lance, Alice, Shayne, Elizabeth, Mark, George, Ruth, Rachel, Larry, the Bentley Family, Shirley, Pam, Vi, Diane, Julie, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Adel Sakr
Short Term Prayer List
Vickie John, Wilson Rorie,
Esther Guimord, Cristina Diduch,
Franklin Camp, Shirley Ratliff, Charlie, Max Masters, Benjamin Jackson,
Dave Finnell, Bill Sanger, Avery, Greg, Shana, David, Beth Norris, Katie Naughton, Mike Naughton, Paul S., A. J. Garibaldi,
Dorothy Outerbridge, Charlie O’Malley,
Debby, Jim, Brandon, Moe O., Bruce, John D.,
Bobby Hitchcock, Jillian Hajdasz, Meg, Andrew Massara, Terry Mahan,
Elijah McCarthy, Jamie McCarthy, Brian & Diane P.
“For comfort and strength for EGYPT, and all her people,
Christians and Muslims alike.”
Altar Flower Dedication
The altar flowers are given this morning to the Glory of God by the people of God. If you would like to remember or honor a loved one with flowers, please sign up on the sheet outside the offices or call the office at 703-437-3790.
Acolytes and Servers needed for 2011
This is a perfect way to be a part of the worship service. From torch bearers, to servers, to crucifers – all are very important to our services. If you’re 2nd grade (or an ‘older’ 1st grader) and would like to participate in either the 9:30 or 11:00 service, please contact Maria LaWalt, 703-318-9838 or .
Pre-School Registration
Registration for fall classes at St. Timothy’s Pre-School begins on February 18 for members who are recorded in the church register by virtue of formal transfer, confirmation or reception. Registration for the public will be held on Feb. 26. The pre-school offers a part0day program for children three, four and five years old. Please call Helen Guest at 703-437-4767 for more information.
Ministries Crossword Puzzle
Did you know we have so many and varied wonderful ministries at St. Tim's?! VoCoSuM (the Volunteer Ministry) hopes you will enjoy completing the ministries crossword puzzle found in today's bulletin, and that you will come visit all of the ministry tables at today's "Taste and See" Ministry Fair. A "quick reference" guide to the ministries/groups/outreach will be available at the VoCoSuM table, along with copies of the STAR (smaller tasks are rewarding) list. Thanks to VoCoSuM member Bill Perry for creating the crossword puzzle!
Year End Giving Statements
The 2010 year end giving statements are in Henry Hall this morning. Please pick yours up before you leave. The rest will be mailed Monday morning. Carrying them home with you saves the church postage. You help is greatly appreciated.
The Rev. Bradford A. Rundlett, Rector
The Rev. Leslie Chadwick, Associate Rector
The Rev. Wisnel Dejardin, Seminarian
Mr. Peter Doddema, Seminarian
Mr. Peter Waggoner, Director of Music
Ms. Cassandra Riedy, Director of Christian Education
Ms. Keith Nelsen Stroud, Parish Administrator
Senior Warden – Kathy Lombard
Junior Warden – Ted Mankin
Treasurer - Rick Wilson
Registrar – Rose Berberich
Liz Ward Kathy Lombard Cheryl Brock Mike Colie Patrick Hobson Allison Dodd Ted Mankin Duncan Hutcheon Donna Cornwell
Eugene Nkomba Sandy Wright Beth Lumnitzer Jeanne Bennett, Alternate
Tom McLenigan Keith Sinclair Dana “Deke” Smith
Resident Clergy
The Rev. Maeva Harris-Bayfield
The Rev. Dr. Ralph W. Bayfield
Assisting in the Preparation and Conduct of Worship
Altar Guild
Donna Dickt, Nell Hacker, Maria Lawalt
8:00 am Bill Outerbridge
9:30 am Pat Walker & Carmela Condro
11:00 am Chris & Susan Smith
8:00 am Jeanne Bennett
9:30 am Joyce Eanes
11:00 am Carol McLean
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
8:00 am Tim & Marie Lally
9:30 am Frank Martin, Kaworu Yanagihara,
Peter Doddema, Edna Whittick
11:00 am Duncan Hutcheon, Ted Mankin, Michael Cook, Peter Doddema
9:30 am William Hamm, Maggie Weaver, Beau Lawalt, Will Lawalt
11:00 am Christopher Wilson, Meghan Henry, Robbie Henry, Annabelle Marsh
Need a little peace from your issues?
want a shoulder to lean on?
just want to talk?
Ask a Stephen Minister
or Call Fr. Brad at 703-437-3790.
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
432 Van Buren Street, Herndon, Virginia 20170
Parish Office: 703-437-3790 Fax: 703-787-9781
Web Page: www.saint-timothys.org
Office E-mail:
February 6, 2011
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
8:00 am Holy Eucharist – Rite I
9:30 am Holy Baptism– Rite II
11:00 am Holy Eucharist- Rite II
St. Timothy’s Mission Statement
As people of God, we joyfully worship God,
spread the WORD of God’s love
Treasure all people, and
serve others everywhere in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, with God’s help, we:
Open our doors to everyone,
Open our hearts in worship,
Open our eyes to the Spirit’s gifts, and
Open our arms to embrace God’s work.
SUNDAY – 2/6
Holy Eucharist 8, 9:30, 11:00
After Each Service - Taste and See Ministry Fair - HH
9:30 AM Godly Play (PreK through 2nd grade) - B1
9:45 AM Adult Discussion Group - A1
9:45 AM J2A - UR
9:45 AM Rite 13 - A8
10:55 AM Godly Play/Sunday School(PreK through 5th grade) - Various
10:00 AM Pre-school - B1
5:30 PM Stephen Leader Meeting - Fr. Brad's Office
7:00 PM BSA Troop 159 Meeting - HH/UR
7:00 PM Stephen Ministry Peer Supervision - B1
7:30 PM VOCE Chamber Singers Regular Rehearsal - Sanctuary
9:00 AM EfM - B1
6:00 PM Community Meeting - Virginia New Majority - HH
6:00 PM St. Cecilia Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM Stephen Ministry Peer Group- Upper Room
7:30 PM Handbell Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
9:00 AM Pre-School - B1
10:00 AM Morning Bible Study - Kitchen
10:00 AM Wee Got the Beat - Nursery
12:00 PM Pre-School - B1
12:15 PM Holy Eucharist/Healing Service
9:00 AM Pre-School - B1
10:00 AM Wee Got the Beat - Nursery
4:45 PM Jubilate Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
7:00 PM Taoist Tai Chi - Internal Arts for Health - Postponed
7:15 PM St. Ambrose Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room
FRIDAY – 2/11
10:30 AM Friday Folders – Kitchen
Daddy Daughter Dance - Girl Scouts Troop 975- Henry Hall
7:00 AM J2A Rite 13 Ski Trip to Whitetail -Meet in Parking lot
10:00 AM Kumon Math Tutor Rm A3
11:00 AM Dorosheff Violin Lessons - Music Room/Sanctuary
SUNDAY – 2/13
Holy Eucharist 8, 9:30, 11:00
9:30 AM Godly Play (PreK through 2nd grade) - B1
9:45 AM Adult Discussion Group - A1
9:45 AM J2A - UR
9:45 AM Rite 13 - A8
10:55 AM Godly Play/Sunday School(PreK through 5th grade) - Various
All children are welcome to stay with parents in the Sanctuary during worship. However,
for parents of children ages 0-2.5 years who want nursery care, we have a well-equipped and professionally-staffed nursery at the end of the hall nearest the Sanctuary. Each child brought to the nursery is given a number; only the parents of the child can take the child from the nursery. If a parent is needed during worship, the child’s number will appear (in red LED’s) on the black panels beneath the hymn boards on both sides of the Chancel. Parents, please bring diapers and any snacks, formula as needed for your child.
Holy Communion
All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the Sacrament. If you have not been baptized, please come to the Altar rail for a blessing during Holy Communion (place your arms across your chest to signify your desire for a blessing). If you would like to be baptized, please speak with the clergy after the service. To receive Holy Communion, accept the bread in your hand and place it in your mouth, then sip wine from the Chalice when it is brought to you (guide the Chalice to your mouth please), or hold the bread, dip it in the wine when the chalice comes to you, and place the bread with wine in your mouth. If you are allergic to wheat or are gluten intolerant, please let the person serving bread know to give you a rice wafer.
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Sun. 2/6 Amanda Marx, Jenna Marx, Lauren Thrash
Mon. 2/7 Molly Norris, Larry Dickt, Tina Pinkard, John Kidwell
Tues.2/8 Elizabeth Hanes, Courtney Froemming
Wed. 2/9
Thurs. 2/10 Chris Smith, Mary Bizigotti, Gray Lawson
Fri. 2/11 Bill Sanger, Lawrence Grantham, Chuck Allison, Hollis Colie,
John Marsh, Emerson Mustard
Sat. 2/12 Patrick Hobson, Julia Alperi, Robert Hoing, Julia Young, Lauren Young
Sun. 2/13 Matthew Scherger
Adult Discussion Group
The adult Discussion Group that has been meeting at 9:45 in Room A-1 has begun a new series of classes, that will last from 4 to 6 weeks, centering around the controversial and enlightening book, The Shack by William Young, The original and provocative novel has been on the New York Times best seller list for months and has inspired spirited discussions in churches, on the internet and among Christian lay persons and scholars across the nation. It will provide you with a new and challenging way of thinking about the Trinity and our everyday relationship with God. Won’t you please consider joining this lively class of adults? We welcome you and value your ideas. For further information, please contact Marie Lally at . Please note that this class meets at a time that is especially convenient to parents of children who are enrolled in R13 or J2A classes, as it meets at a simultaneous time and is finished at or before your child or children complete their session.
Souper Bowl of Caring
It’s Souper Sunday! And this year the Service Ministry has designated Helping Hungry Kids as the recipient of the monies we collect. Look for the soup pots in the Narthex after each service today, or stop by the Service Ministry Table in Henry Hall to make your donations. Last week, Sandy Amato spoke to us about this wonderful program and mentioned that we could donate money, food, or time to the cause. This week (Souper Bowl Sunday) is the only time we will collect food on behalf of Helping Hungry Kids. Please bring your food donations to the Service Ministry Table in Henry Hall. If you wish to continue to donate food after today, you will need to speak with Sandy to make arrangements for collection. Her contact information is at the Service Ministry Table. Helping Hungry Kids is committed to providing food for 100 local at-risk kids every weekend for the 2010-2011 school year. Thank you from The Service Ministry … putting your faith to work.
Next Week’s Lessons:
The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany – February 13
Sirach 15:15-20
1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Matthew 5:21-37
Psalm 119:1-8
Eucharist Class
The 3rd and 4th Grade Eucharist class will begin this morrning at 11:00 am service in room A-5. All children who are in 3rd or 4th grade or those who are older and haven’t taken the class are invited to attend. Those students who complete the class will be recognized and given their own Prayer Book on April 10 during the service. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please email Liz Griffith at . Students who are already enrolled in the 3rd and 4th Grade Sunday School still need to enroll so that we can order enough booklets and prayer books.
A Special Event at St. Timothy’s TODAY!!!
Welcome today to St. Timothy's Ministry Fair. We hope you will visit each table to "Taste and See" not only the varied snacks, but also the work that each ministry does. Perhaps you can offer some help and suggestions, so be sure to pick up and complete a STAR form from VoCoSum, sign up for a prize at the Viewpoint Book Club, ask your children to find a hidden object at each site (the lists and pencils (TO KEEP) are in the Narthex and there is a crossword puzzle with your Bulletin to tease the brain! Coffee and tea are in Henry Hall near the kitchen and just follow your map to find more tables downstairs near the Pre-School Office and Sunday School Room.!
Connections for Hope – Free Financial Counseling
•Having difficulty paying your bills? •Unable to make your rent/mortgage? •Concerned about your credit report and identity theft? •Struggling with too much debt? This service may be appropriate for you. Snack and childcare provided. Receive one gift card per family. Connections for Hope…13525 Dulles Technology Drive, Suite 103 Herndon, Virginia 20171…Every fourth Tuesday of the month, from February—July 2011 (2/22, 3/22, 4/26, 5/24, 6/28, 7/26) from 6:30pm-9:00pm….Registration Required: Email or call 703-956-6722