Pacifica District Camporee

Leaders Guide

Preliminary as of March 6, 2011

April 29 – May 1, 2011

Table of Contents

Theme 3

Event Leaders 3

Location / Directions 4

Attendance / Guests 6

Firestone Campground Rules 6

Check-In 7

Check-Out 8

Fire and emergency alarms 8

Wilderness area warning 8

Parking and vehicles in individual camps 9

Attire 9

Patches 10

Patrol Skills Competition 10

Judging 10

Summary of the Morning Patrol Competitions 10

Afternoon Events (Troop Activities) 13

Electronic Devices 14

Scout Spirit 14

Tips 15

Order of the Arrow 16

Unit Pioneering Project 16

Pioneering Project Safety 16

Rope Monkey Bridges 19

Shooting Sports 20

Patrol Flag Competition 20

Golden Spoon / Golden Pie Tin Competitions 20

Scoutmaster / SPL Competitions 20

Schedule of events 21

Registration Form 22

Tour Leader’s Checklist 23

BB GUN SHOOTING – Range Rules 24


Parking Permit 26

2011 OC Pacifica District Camporee Unit Roster Form 27

Camporee Critique 27


Welcome to Pacifica District’s annual Camporee at the Firestone Scout Reservation (LAAC) in Brea on April 29-May 1, 2011. The excitement begins on Friday with the arrival of hundreds of Boy Scouts, WEBELOS, and adult Scouters. A number of theme-based (competitive) scouting skills events will open on Saturday morning followed by various fun afternoon events (including BB Gun Shooting). A Campfire Program complete with skits, songs, and fun highlight Saturday evening. It all culminates in an Awards Presentation on Sunday morning.

This packet contains the information regarding the 2011 Camporee.


The 2011 Pacifica District Camporee theme is,

Units are encouraged to show their spirit by incorporating the theme into their weekend activities. The staff and Reenactors will be promoting the theme throughout the weekend; see the letter on the next page from the Reenactors who will be joining us for the weekend.

Event Leaders

Name / Role / Phone / Email
Cole Glenwright / SPL / 714 916-6051 /
Nick Larson / ASPL / 323 215-8706 /
Ben Poteet / ASPL / 714 418-1862 /
Kevin McCarthy / Adult Advisor / 310 962-5809 /
Fred Larson / Adult Advisor / 714 321-2211 /

Location / Directions

The 2011 Camporee will be held at Firestone Scout Reservation. The Loma Linda / Wyatt campsite has been reserved. Camporee is scheduled the weekend of April 29 to May 1, 2011. Arrival times before noon April 29 are not supported. All units are expected to check-out by noon Sunday, May 1. Exceptions need to be requested from the Adult Advisor.

·  Take the CA-22 Fwy. (East);

·  Exit 14D for I-5 No. (following the freeway signs) to CA-57

·  No./Pomona; Merge onto CA-57 No.

·  Exit 11 (for Tonner Canyon Rd.) turning left (East) at the bottom of off-ramp onto Tonner Canyon Road.

·  Watch for the OC Pacifica District Camporee signs.

·  Travel approx. 6 miles arriving at the Loma Linda / Wyatt campground. Please be aware of the reduced speed limits posted at Firestone Scout Reservation!

Tour Permits

All groups MUST have a tour permit. When you arrive at Camporee you must have an official TOUR PERMIT for your unit. It must be posted in your campsite and visible for inspection..

The Local Tour Permit and Health Form, noted below, may be found on the OCBSA website.

Attendance / Guests

Camporee is a Boy Scout event sponsored by the Pacifica District.

Admission to the camp is limited to registered Webelo’s, Scouts, Scouters, Crews and Leaders of the Pacifica District and their invited guests. All guests are expected to behave according to the Scout Oath & Law. Guests please stay with your Pack or Troop. Only registered Webelo’s, Scouts, Scouters, Crews and Leaders may camp and participate at the events

Firestone Campground Rules

·  All units are expected to know and adhere to the BSA “Guide to Safe Scouting”.

·  NO FIRES or OPEN flames are permitted at Firestone Scout Reservation. Charcoal cooking is permitted if raised off the ground and using proper equipment.

·  Water: Loma Linda campsite is equipped with water. Water is located through out the camp and may not be in each unit’s camp. Each unit is responsible for hauling water to their camp and disposing of waste water properly. Washing of dishes, clothes, or other articles is NOT permitted at the spigot locations.

·  Latrines: Port-A-Potties are located through out the campsite. Each person is responsible to leave the latrine clean and usable for the next person. Any person violating the rule will be asked to leave the camp.

·  Camp cleanliness: Each unit is responsible for keeping their camp and any common areas around their camp, clean and presentable.

·  Personal Cleanliness: Each unit is responsible for the cleanliness of all unit members.

·  Camp boundaries: Camps will be individually marked. Units are to remain within the boundaries of the camp that they are assigned. No moving of the boundary markers is permitted without the permission of the adult advisor.

·  Campsite: Scouts and scouters must remain within the boundaries of the Loma Linda and Wyatt camp sites. No hiking outside of the camp without the permission of the adult Camporee staff.

·  First Aid: Be prepared to handle all minor first aid cases in your unit’s area. Major first aid cases must be reported to the Camp Ranger.

·  Transportation: Transportation to and from camp is the responsibility of the unit. All vehicles should conform to State of California motor vehicle regulations. Vehicles should only be driven by licensed drivers 18 years of age or older, and have adequate insurance as required by the State of California. Under NO circumstances are passengers to be carried in trucks (except in cab), or outside of vehicles.

·  Trash: Bag your trash and take it home with you for proper disposal.

·  Our Neighbors: BSA and Firestone Boy Scout Camp enjoy good relations with our neighbors and ask units to observe Scout courtesy, not only to them but also to all persons en-route to and from camp.

·  Camp Breakdown: Most camp sites are to be broken down and packed following the Sunday morning awards ceremony. Units are required to clear their campsite completely, including trash.

·  Damages: The unit is expected to pay for all damage caused by its members to the camp property or equipment.

·  Strictly Prohibited: NO liquid-filled stoves or lanterns allowed. Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages permitted.


·  Gates will open at 1:00pm on April 29th and participants should NOT plan to arrive before this time. Please be cognizant that we have hundreds of vehicles arriving and lines may form at any given time. Our goal is to check you in and get you to your drop-off / parking area / campsite as quickly and safely as possible. Speed limit is 5 MPH in camp and will be strictly enforced

·  All Camporee packets contain a Parking Permit to be coordinated / assigned by the Scoutmaster to all drivers attending Camporee. This form must be completed and placed on the driver’s side dashboard (clearly visible) prior to arriving at the campground controlled entry gate and must remain in-place when in the campground.

·  It is recommended that you arrive as early as possible to set up your camp set up and get started on your gateway / pioneering project(s). Staff Safety inspection will be from 10-11:30 pm

·  Upon entering the park you will be directed to your assigned Campsite (limited to vehicles carrying unit equipment / trailer) or to an unloading area for scout drop-off and/or to a designated parking area. NOTE: Scouts should be prepared to hike to their campsite. Units may want to bring a wagon to two and have several scouts assist as Camp Friends with drop-off unloading for service award points.


·  On Sunday morning, units are encouraged to pack all their items and stage them at the front of their campsites before bringing their vehicles to the campsite for pick-up. The goal is to minimize the traffic flow and the amount of loading in the midway area. Vehicles may haul unit equipment from their campsite beginning

·  The Campground gate will be re-opened for incoming and outgoing traffic after the Awards Ceremony on Sunday morning. As during check-in, only one vehicle per unit will be allowed to drive from the parking area to the unit’s campsite at a time.

·  When your unit has packed and has checked to ensure the campsite is clean and all trash removed, you will need to have your campsite area inspected and approved by one of the Staff members on-hand in the area. Once cleared you may depart. Stop at the Staff HQ to drop off your completed Camporee Critique form and to pick up your units Camporee patches before departing. Please maintain the speed limit on the outbound roadway (speed is monitored by the Ranger and citations will be issued).

Fire and emergency alarms

If the emergency alarm sounds, all campers are instructed to stop whatever they are doing immediately and to walk quickly to the Check-In area and assemble by pack / troop. Leaders will take a head count and inform the camp Staff of the status of their unit. If any evacuation is necessary, participants will be given the appropriate instructions.


Wilderness area warning

You should be aware that this is a wilderness area. There are, among other things, wild animals native to this area including mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, deer, raccoon, rattlesnakes, mice, spiders, ticks, ants, mosquitoes, flies (did I miss anything?). These animals are wild and must be left alone. Some of the smaller animals can get into tents, packs, clothes, food bags, etc. Keep all food and items with a scent stored appropriately so as not to attract these animals. DO NOT STORE FOOD IN YOUR TENTS!

Be prepared to handle exposure to seasonal Poison Oak and Stinging Nettles.

Parking and vehicles in individual camps

Vehicles may be driven to the unit’s camp to unload equipment. All vehicles are to be removed from the unit’s camp by 8:00 PM, Friday or as directed by the Camo-O-Ree staff.

·  Obey all posted speed limits. Never exceed 5 mph.

·  All vehicles must be parked facing out to the access road as a mandatory fire safety precaution.

·  The Camporee Staff may request you to relocate your vehicle, especially if it is parked in front of your campsite gate. If a staff member asks you to move your vehicle, please be courteous and comply with the request. There will be a few special purpose vehicles allowed by staff. Those will have passes

Exception: One tow vehicle and one trailer may be kept in the camp. All vehicles must be parked to the rear of the campsite.

No Recreational Vehicles (RV’s) are allowed in camp, except if required for a special needs person. Please consult the adult staff before hand if such a vehicle is required.


Class A uniforms will be expected at flag assemblies and the awards ceremony (not spirit rallies).

Please note that we are interested in neatness, completeness and uniformity of Scout uniforms and patrol cooperation! The morning skills competition will be in CLASS B or appropriate themed attire. All patrol members are expected to be uniform with each other; themed spirit items within the patrol are encouraged. Example: If in a patrol, one boy is in a themed outfit, then all boys should be in a themed outfit.

There may be some water related events planned for Saturday afternoon and an extra set of clothing / shoes are advised.

In addition, Scoutmasters should inform all Scouts / Scouters that are scheduled for OA Tap Out, to be prepared, in advance, including warm clothing (to wear to the Saturday night campfire).

No cleats or special competitive clothing is permitted.


A special designed Camporee patch will be provided to each unit leader for all paid participants (youth and adults). They will be available after the unut is cleared during check-out on Sunday. If additional patches are available, they willl be for sale on a first come, first served basis on Sunday morning. Patches should be worn on the right shirt pocket below the flag.

Patrol Skills Competition

There will be 2 divisions of competition, Webelos, and Boy Scouts. Scouts will compete against Scouts, and Webelos will compete against Webelos. Webelos are encouraged to participate in all of the events, regardless of their skill level. The Webelos Patrol competition will be judged separately than the Scout patrols competition. Webelos scoring will be based on Webelos skills as well as their Patrol spirit. Patrol competing in the Morning Competitive Events must be from five (5) to eight (8) Scouts in size. Remember there are no electronic devices allowed to be used – at any event.

Patrols must compete individually. There is no passing of information from one patrol to another. Please remember and compete adhering to the Scout Law.

Adult patrols are not to participate in the 2011 Camporee.


The decisions of the Camporee Staff and judges are final. Please remember that Camporee is boy-run and they are doing their best to execute a complex series of events. As unit leaders, your cooperation with them is most appreciated.

Summary of the Morning Patrol Competitions

All events will have a contingent on points dedicated to Scout Spirit. Scouts will be graded on their yell, flag, uniform, 10 essentials, leadership, and teamwork.

All events are entirely Scout planned, run, and managed. Arguing, negotiating, or otherwise disagreeing with the youth staff will result in immediate disqualification from the event as well as Presidential and may result in your Troop being escorted from the Event Field. Please act in accordance with the Scout Oath and Law at all times.

All patrols competing on the Event Field will be issued an Event Punch Card. This card will be punched at every event to ensure that patrols do not attend events twice. Additionally, this card will assign each patrol with a starting event that they must complete prior to moving on to any other events.