Surfin Fire, Inc.

Ponto Beach Surf Camps

Mail to: Surfin Fire, Inc., 6714 Lemon Leaf Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92011 Office: (760) 438-0538

SUMMER SURF CAMPS: Circle: AM 9-12 or PM 12:30-3:30

Session 1: June 5th -9


Session 2: June 12th-16


Session 3: June 19th-23

Session 4: June 26th-30


Session 5: July 3th-7 (4 days only)


Session 6: July 10th-July 14

Session 7: July 17th-July 21


Session 8: July 24th-July 28


Session 9: July 31st-Aug 4

Session 10: Aug 7th-Aug 11


Session 11: Aug 14th-Aug 18


Session 12: Aug 21st -Aug 25

*****Session #5 Fourth of July priced 225.00 and grommet 250.00

For further info on our surf camp curriculum, coaching philosophies, & mission statement login to!


Ripper Snappers/intro (ages 5-7) M-F $350 Session #:______

Teen Surf Camp (ages 13-17) M-F $275 Session #:______

Grommet Surf Camp (ages 6-12) M-F $300 Session #:______

Adult Surf Camp M-F $300 Session #:______

Full Day Surf Camp (9am-3:30) M-F $450 Session #:______

3 Day Surf Camp M-F $200 Circle days:__M__T__W__TH__F__

Surf Camp Daily Drop-In: M-F $75 Session #:_____Date:______

Competitive camp (ages10-17) M-F $275 Session #4:_____Session#8:____

Sat & Sun 9-11AM or 11AM-1PM * All ages kids & adults Weekend Clinic $100 ______


Student Name:______Age:______

Male:_____ Female:_____ Home Address:______City______State:______Zip Code:______

List medical conditions if any:______Food Allergies:______


Parent/Guardian’s Name:______Disability/Concerns:______


Work Phone:______Home Phone:______

Mobile Phone:______E-Mail:______

ENCLOSED REGISTRATION FEES: Deposit of $100.00 is required to secure spot!

_____Deposit ONLY $100.00

_____Entire Fee:______Partial Payment:______Balance Due:______

____I understand my balance due 1 week prior to surf camp/clinic start date.

PAYMENT METHOD: Check #: _____ Amount:_____ Make payable to: Surfin Fire, Inc.

Credit: MasterCard: _____ Visa:_____ Amex_____ Discover:______

Credit Card #:______Expiration Date:__/___ Code:_____

Card Holder’s Name (Print):______

Card Holder’s Signature:______

REFUND POLICY: No refunds will be given with 7 days prior to the start date of the session attending. Make-up days only for inclement weather and no refunds after camp has begun.