Annual Congress “Innovative Technologies in Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery”
International Educational Courses: “Multidisciplinary approach: Spina-bifida and enuresis in children”.
Organising Committee: ICCS, Russian Medical Research Pirogov’s University, Pediatric surgical association, Moscow Speransky children hospital
Program 20-21.10. 2015
20.10.15 10.00 -12.00 Total Congress Opening 12.00 -13.00 Lunch
Date,time-limit / Leading / Topic / Lectors
Opening discussion: Problems in the organization of healthcare and social care for disabled children. Rehabilitation of children with spina bifida
5 minutes / The discussion involved:
Parents of disabled children, charity workers and
orphanage personnel.
Boards ICCS / The organization of medical care and rehabilitation of children with disabilities in a General Hospital / A.A. Korsunsky
O.V. Nedashkovsky
Quality of life of children with disabilities / N. B. Guseva
Register of children with disabilities to actively monitor and routing. / A.Ig. Krapivkin
The main issues of rehabilitation of children with spina bifida / E.T. Lilin
The problems of families with disabled children. / N. N. Kudryavtseva
Children with spina bifida, left without parental care in Children's Home orphanage / A.A. Bondareva, Zarema Espaeva
Aspects of the psychological and motivational therapy for children with incontinence. / M.Ig. Kasbekov, E. A. Akopian
Problems of organization of rehabilitation of children with disorders of the pelvic floor. / M. E. Maximova, E. V. Mlinchik
Problems of organization of orthopedic rehabilitation of children spina bifida / V.O. Krisanov
14.45-16.15 / Lecture / Urotherapy. Clean intermitten catheterisation (CIC). Bladder rehabilitation. / Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink (ICCS)
16.30-18.00 / Lecture / Neurourological work-up for children with spina bifida from birth to adolescence. (Neurogenic dysfunction and bowel dysfunction. Diagnosis and treatment. Conservative and surgical treatments.) / Tom P.V.M. de Jong
18.00 Dinner. Team - party.
Date, time-limit / Leading / Topic / Lectors21.10.15
Bladder and Bowel management & Surgical treatments for children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction
10 minutes / V. G. Geldt , S.N. Nikolaev,
S.L. Kovarskii
D.A. Morozov
I. B. Osipov
Tom P.V.M. de Jong (ICCS)
Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink (ICCS)
Søren Rittig (ICCS) / Opportunities operational technologies of medical and social rehabilitation of patients with malformations of the lower urinary tract. / AY. Pavlov, Z. R. .Sabirzyanova, S.V. Bachiev, G.V. Simonian
Reconstructive rehabilitation of children and adolescents with incontinence at malformation of the lower urinary tract. / A.A. Demidov
Features voiding cycle after reconstructive - plastic operations at the bladder exstrophy. / I. B. Osipov, E.V. Sosnin, A.I. Osipov, V.V. Burhanov
Changes in medical tactics when bladder exstrophy in the past 15 years. / V.V. Nikolaev
Surgical repair of managed urination in children with bladder exstrophy: the rejection of standards. / A.V. Shuvaev, V.G. Geldt, O.V. Staroverov
Experience in treating complex "exstrophy-epispadias” children. / YU.E Rudin, DV Maruhnenko, DC Aliyev, JE Chekeridi
“ Children’s challenges” micturition disorders in adults. / G. G. Krivoborodov Ir.V.Kazanskaya
Bladder control in children with myelodysplasia / SA Sarychev, DA Lebedev, AI Osipov, A.Yu. Shchedrina
Long-term results of the drug botulinum toxin A in the treatment of children with neurogenic bladder. / Mlynchik EV Zabotina EK, Pechikina LA
Date, time-limit / Leading / Topic / Lectors
Orthopedic and neurosurgical problems - indications for neurosurgical unthetering,
10 minutes
Discussion time 20 minutes / Ir. V. Kasanskaya,
V. V. Nikolaev
N.B. Guseva
Tom P.V.M. de Jong (ICCS)
Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink (ICCS)
Søren Rittig (ICCS) / Topical issues of surgical treatment of Spina Bifida in Children. / A.V. Komfort
Controlled liquor hypotension in the surgical treatment of spinal hernias in infants. / V.V.Mishkin, A.V.Pisklakov, A.A.Martynenko, K.A.Bardeeva
Repeated interventions on the spinal cord in children. / S.N. Nikolaev
Strategy orthopedic treatment of children with consequences of spinal hernias. / A.G. Baindurashvili, S.V., Ivanov, V.M. Kenis
The effects of spinal hernia: surgical correction of spinal deformity rough. / A.Y. Mushkin, S.O. Ryabykh
Correction of deformities of the lower limbs in children with myelodysplasia. / A.V. Vinogradov, V.V. Kusakin
Modern methods of orthotics in patients with motor deficits due to spinal dizrafizm. / V.O. Krysanov
Discussion of Federal clinical protocol for conducting children with myelodysplasia
12.15-13.00 Lunch
Date: 21.10.15. / Leading / Topic / Lectors13.00-14.30 / Lecture / Enuresis. Lower urinary tract terminology. Nocturnal polyuria. / Søren Rittig (ICCS)
Date, time-limit / Leading / Topic / Lectors
Urinary tract infections and kidney damage in children with neurogenic bladder. The immune response and associated diseases
10 minutes / A.A. Korsunsky ,
I.M. Osmanov,
A.P. Prodeus,
Soren Rittig (ICCS),
Tom P.V.M. de Jong (ICCS),
Anka Nieuwhof-Leppink (ICCS) / Immunodeficiency in children with chronic diseases of the urinary system / A.P. Prodeus
Il.A. Korsun IA,
N.B. Guseva, E.S. Pushkova
Touch simulation locomotion in patients with neurological manifestations of spinal dizrafizm. / N. Yr. Titarenko
Integrated motor rehabilitation with the use of electrical stimulation of the spinal cord in children with spina bifida . / E.Yu.Shapkova, A.Yu.Mushkin
Practical recommendations of the international community of experts on the problems of children with urinary incontinence (ICCS) for the treatment of enuresis. / S.L. Morozov
V. V. Dlin
The frequency and structure of the urinary tract infection in children of Moscow. Stages of care. / I.M. Osmanov , I.N. Zakharova,
G. B. Bekmurzaev, E. B. Mumladze .
Closing of International Education Course
"The multidisciplinary approach: Spina-bifida and enuresis in children"
Schedule of Events 03..07.2015
- Moscow, Hotel & congress hall “ Kosmos”, Meeting room “Galaktika 1,2”.
- 7 meetings. Every meeting and lecture: 1 Hour and 30 min.
- Day of arrival 19.10.15- a cultural program in the evening to Professors and there family.
- 20.10.15 – Team party: orgcommittee, Professors and family.
- Day of closing 21.10.15 – 19-00, Music theatre for ICCS boards and family.