Risk Assessment – Summer Show 2011


HAZARD / IDENTIFY RISK & TO WHOM / NOS. EXPOSED / Probable FrequencyA / Severity
B / Risk
A x B / REQUIRED ACTION / Residual Risk
Failure to assess site suitability / Failure to identify potential hazards at the site
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 5,000 / This site is frequently used by the events team and other event organisers and all site ‘issues’ are well understood and accounted for later in this document.
Failure to plan event / Failure to identify and effectively control risk
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 5,000 / The HSE publication ‘The Event Safety Guide – HS(G)195’ guidance on planning events will be followed.
Accordingly an event safety team was set up - see copy of Event Manual that contains:
  • copy of the event safety policy;
  • identities of those in key roles;
  • a description of the event (including site layout, structures, audience profile, capacity, duration, toilet, food, refuse, water, fire and first aid, special effects, access and egress routes, music levels etc.);
  • site safety plan (including site rules - a copy of which is provided to all with an role on the site, details of all site crew managers, the safety co-ordinator, structural safety calculations and drawings);
  • crowd management plan (designed taking into account the HSE publication ‘Managing Crowds Safely – HS(G)154’;
  • transport management plan.
  • emergency plan;
  • first aid plan.
All aspects of the event will be considered and planned for at this stage including site preparation, the event itself, the load out and the breakdown phases.
Failure to ‘vet’ contractors effectively / Failure to identify and effectively control risk
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 5,000 / Contractors must submit their health and safety documentation (e.g. method statements, risk assessments, structural information etc.) at least … weeks before the event.
This documentation will be audited by a competent person. Any issues will be communicated promptly to allow the contractor to make necessary amendments to their documents, safe working procedures etc.
See copies of health and safety documentation from the following contractors:
Failure to implement effective site security / Potential for unauthorised persons to access site during build up / load in, event, load out and breakdown
Public / Customers / Visitors / 5 / The site is secured (as necessary) prior to the erection / installation of any structures / equipment that may cause a danger to unauthorised persons.
It may be necessary to secure areas of the site rather than the site in its entirety.
Site hazards / Failure to identify and deal with inherent hazards at the site.
Public / Customers / Visitors / 5 / Prior to any activity on the site it is surveyed by a competent person (e.g. safety co-ordinator and any relevant contractors) for any potential issues (e.g. sloping / uneven ground, pot holes, electrical power lines, roads etc.).
Once identified these ‘issues’ are taken into account when setting up site.
A record is kept of the survey with any ‘issues’ and the solutions to them being recorded.
Electrical installations and lighting / Power cables to marquees
Contractors / Up to 100 / 2 / 5 / 10 / Only competent electricians are allowed to carry out work on any of the electrical systems.
The main electrical intake point or generators are inaccessible to unauthorised persons. The areas are fitted with appropriate danger signage.
All equipment that will be exposed to the weather will be designed for these conditions or be suitably protected (e.g. with covers or shelters).
All power supplies to be RCD/ELCB protected. Cables to be situated out of reach and/or likelihood of damage as possible.
Cables to be buried where necessary in accordance with BS7671: 1992. All joints to be either under cover or weatherproofed.
On completion of each electrical installation it should be inspected and tested in accordance with BS7909: 1998.
No overhead cables will be used.
Any electricity company cables will be identified at the site survey stage and precautions in place to prevent contact with them / damage to them.
Access to all parts of the electrical installations must be possible (to authorised persons) at all times.
No petrol generators allowed on site. All generators must be earthed where necessary.
Suitable back up provision of power will be provided for essential systems.
Any portable appliance are PAT tested annually and records kept. / 6
Structures (General) / Collapse of structure
Correct siting
Instability in adverse weather
Public / Customers / Visitors / The site for all structures is considered during the planning of the event. The condition of the ground surface and its load bearing capacity is considered as is presence of any slope or uneven areas. Overhead power cables are considered (n.b. none at this site).
Competent suppliers / contractors that are vetted before the event are exclusively used. The supplier has to demonstrate that they have:
  • A full understanding of the loads that their structure(s) may be subjected to;
  • A full undertsnding of the properties of the materials used in their structure(s);
  • A knowledge of the skills required by the staff they employ to erect the structure(s);
  • A full understanding of the proprietary structural elements used in the structure(s) and the design required to prevent harm to those erecting or standing on / in the structure.
and provide suitable evidence of this. Particular attention will be paid (where necessary) to the provision of fall arrest techniques used by contractors; protection from falling objects; the use of work equipment (cranes, lift trucks, MEWPs) and limiting the loads being carried by people (see Manual handling below).
If any lifting equipment is used the contractor must provide a copy of the last report of thorough examination for that equipment.
HAZARD / IDENTIFY RISK & TO WHOM / NOS. EXPOSED / Probable FrequencyA / Severity
B / Risk
A x B / REQUIRED ACTION / Residual Risk
Failure to monitor safety performance during event / Potential for avoidable incidents to be missed
Public / Customers / Visitors / Inspections of the work being carried out on site before, during and after the event.
The inspections will involve checking the contractors health and safety documentation against the actual work being conducted on site. Records of the inspections will be kept.
Any incidents / accidents will be promptly reported to the site safety co-ordinator to enable an investigation to be carried out.
The information obtained during the above investigations will be used when reviewing the event at a later date. This is with the intention of further improving safety performance at future events.
Insufficient signage / Confusion
Public / Customers / Visitors / The layout of the site, position of the entertainment, food concessions, toilets, first aid etc. was carefully considered at the planning stage. Signage was a key element of this. Based on experience of previous events signage will be used that will facilitate the movement of people around the site.
Excess visitors / Overcrowding
Public / Customers / Visitors / This issue was considered during the planning stage. See Crown Management Plan for more detail.
Fire / Uncontrolled fire
Public / Customers / Visitors / See fire risk assessment for more detail.
Emergency / Inability to react to an emergency situation
Public / Customers / Visitors / This issue was considered during the planning stage. See Emergency Plan for detail.
Ineffective Communication / Inability to communicate key messages during event
Public / Customers / Visitors / Personnel in key strategic areas have two way radios and are trained to use them. Communication plan in place to ensure correct terminology is used and responses appropriate.
Public announcement system in place to ensure timely delivery of messages to the public as required. If necessary i.e. during emergency messages will be delivered by a person in ‘authority’ to ensure message is taken seriously and followed. PA system has back up power supply in case of failure of primary system.
Stewards briefed prior to the event on their roles and key messages for members of the public, exhibitors, stall holders etc.
Stewards / Inability to deal with duties or with emergency situations.
Public / Customers / Visitors / All stewards are appropriately trained. This is based on the nature of the event.
Prior to the event the safety co-ordinator will brief the stewards on the event, their duties and emergency procedures (see steward briefing note which details the briefing, time, name of person delivering and those receiving the briefing).
As stated above a suitable number of radios and mobile telephones are available to ensure effective communication.
Noise / Noise levels in excess of the action limits stipulated by the Noise at Work Regulations 2005
Contractors / A noise risk assessment has been carried out. This has determined that noise levels at this event will not exceed the lower action limit stipulated by the Regulations (80dB(A)).
Hearing protection is therefore not required at this event.
Tripping / Obstructions / Marquee guy ropes (where applicable)
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 5,000 / 3 / 2 / 6 / Guy ropes to be marked with hazard tape. Vulnerable cables to be buried where appropriate or placed in non-public areas. Cables over roadway to be covered with ramps. / 4
Telehandler / Crushing of crew / structures
Public / Customers / Visitors / 5 / 3 / 4 / 12 / Ground crew to wear hi viz, operators trained with qualification up to LA specification.
Speed limit to field 10mph
Suitably trained banksman used for lifting operations.
All operations using this equipment are planned by a competent person. / 6
Quad bike (use by staff) / Falls from bike, bike rolling and crushing driver. Head injury
Staff / 2 / 3 / 4 / 12 / Quads limited to 10mph on field.
Motorcycle helmet to ECE 22.05 should be worn whilst riding.
Operator to wear Hi Viz and protective boots.
Only suitably trained staff to operate. / 6
Segway use / Falls from Segway, head injury, broken bones, spiral fractures, collision.
Public / Customers / Visitors / 2 / 4 / 3 / 12 / Segways max speed limiter to 6mph staff to maintain slower speeds on site and use essential observation when park users are present.
PPE to be worn, Hi Viz, steel toe caps.
Full training given to each staff member from Segway Solutions Ltd and vehicles must be used in accordance with manufacturers instruction. Staff not to use segways away from main event site. Maintenance issues must be reported to Hire company.
Users instructed not to use vehicles to reverse and steering used to manoeuvre segway in the opposite direction. / 8
Catering/Bar outlets / Food poisoning
Gas safety issues
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 5,000 / 2 / 4 / 8 / All caterers to be registered with an Environmental Health department. Insurance cover & last food hygiene inspection letter / schedule from Environmental Health to be provided in advance of the event.
Random checks to establish validity of documents will be completed.
Brief checks during the event will be carried out to identify any clear issues related to food hygiene or health and safety (e.g. provision of fire fighting equipment, hygiene / cleanliness of staff and outlet; availability of sufficient potable water for cleaning; ability to collect waste water and materials safely). The public should also be able to queue in a safe, orderly manner. Appropriate action will be taken if issues identified.
All lpg cylinders to be effectively secured away from public access. Caterers to provide gas safety certificates from gas safe registered engineer.
Random checks to establish validity of documents will be completed.
All generators to be diesel powered NO PETROL. Contractors are advised on documentation prior to the event.
Catering operations sited to allow for operator access to rear of operation for support / storage vehicles. Public access to these areas to be prevented, as far as is reasonably practicable. / 6
Water provision / Potable water (from the mains supply or a bowser) is considered at the planning stage and provided if necessary.
Medical Emergency / Burns
Alcohol poisoning
Heart attack, stroke etc
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 5,000 / 1 / 3 / 3 / Qualified first aid personnel on duty. Emergency 999 communications by mobile telephone if necessary.
See ‘Event Medical Plan’. / 2
Structures (General) / Collapse of structure
Correct siting
Instability in adverse weather
Public / Customers / Visitors / In addition to the control measures stipulated in the pre-event section above the following measures apply to relevant structures on the site.
Appropriate PPE should be worn during rig and de-rig. Steel toecaps, Work gloves, Ear defenders when power tools in operation, hard hats.
Staff given training prior to erection of marquee and fully supervised to ensure correct lifting technique and safe erection
Upon erection of certain structures a completion certificate will be required and a copy must be provided to the safety co-ordinator before any members of the public are allowed access.
A representative of the contractor should be present at all times during the operational times of the event to monitor the structure.
Amendments (e.g. addition of banners, projection screens or cladding) to a structure will not be made until the designer has been consulted.
It is important that the equipment loads to the stage (e.g. lighting rigs, sound systems, special effects) do not exceed the levels permitted by the design documentation.
Marquees/Tented Structures/ Cabins / 1.Collapse
2.Trip Hazard
3. Combustion
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 2000 / 3 / 2 / 6 / 1. All marquees and structures erected by trained staff
2. All marquees and structures to be guy rope free.
3.All enclosed structures to have clear signage for emergency exits and fire points. / 2
Marquee/stalls / Collapse of temporary structures
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 200 / 1 / 5 / 5 / Structures to be erected by competent companies / 3
Inflatable play structures / Collapse of structure, take off, injuries to participants through over crowding
Public / Customers / Visitors / 30 / 3 / 4 / 12 / Inflatable equipment should be registered with PIPA scheme. Operator must carry public liability insurance, risk assessments and provide a Safe System of Work in line with the HSE’s guidance on the safe operation of inflatable structures.
Safety co-ordinator will check the equipment prior to it being used by members of the public. Specifically the effective anchoring of the inflatable will be verified.
Barriers / fencing / An assessment is first carried out (at the planning stage) to consider if fencing or barriers are required.
If they are they are of a suitable type and erected by trained competent persons.
Fire / Temporary structures catching fire
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 200 / 2 / 4 / 8 / Emergency evacuation procedure to be part of staff briefing. Appropriate fire extinguishers to be available at fire points in marquee. Tents and stall covers to be BS5438 compliant. / 6
Fairground Machinery Failure / Collapse/malfunction of ride
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 200 / 2 / 4 / 8 / HSE inspection documentation to be available on demand. Insurance to be available on demand [NB Showmen’s Guild carry 10m insurance, + members carry own cover] / 2
Performing Artists / Public straying onto performance areas and/or errors during performance
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 25 / 2 / 2 / 4 / Performance areas to be fenced. PA announcements asking public to keep out of performing areas [unless invited in for “audience participation”]. All artistes to have insurance cover of £5m min. / 2
Public Disorder / crowd problems / 1. Gate-crashing performance areas
2. Lost children
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up To
50 / 3
2 / 5
1 / 15
2 / 1 Performance areas segregated from public access with appropriate barriers.
2. Lost children procedure followed. Located within first aid area. / 6
Car Parking / Car Movement/Collision
Public / Customers / Visitors / 1000 / 1 / 5 / 5 / Demarcation between public/staff and disabled car parking in place.
Car parks to be marshalled by trained staff in hi-vis jackets. The staff have been provided with traffic marshalling training and a specific briefing prior to the event.
See transport management plan.
Signage to the event (on the public highway) is clear.
Access to the site for vehicles is suitable.
Access for emergency vehicles has been identified and will be kept clear at all times. This will allow emergency vehicles access to all areas of the site. / 3
Pedestrians / Struck by moving vehicle
Public / Customers / Visitors / A safe means of entry to the site (segregated from the vehicular access route) has been provided. Those with a physical disability have been considered.
Vehicle movement on site during event / Pedestrian struck by moving vehicle
Collision between vehicles
Public / Customers / Visitors / Vehicle Restriction to be implemented at all appropriate points and previously agreed.
All road closures to be clearly marked, stewarded and strictly adhered to (radio communications between stewards & controller).
No access to be allowed through road closure to ANY vehicles (except to emergency vehicles).
No vehicle movement on site during event operational times
If for any reason a vehicle needs to be moved it should only be done so if directed by a member of the emergency services or with the permission of the safety co-ordinator.
This does not apply to planned vehicle displays (see relevant risk assessments).
Wind / Structural collapse/turnover
Public / Customers / Visitors / up to 200 / 2 / 4 / 8 / Wind speed monitoring SSoW to be used.
Rigourous checking of Traders TDS
All events TDS to be staked down if weather is expected is to be windy
Sun / Sun Burn
Heat Exhaustion
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 20 / 3 / 3 / 9 / Provide bottled water for car parking staff and provide small gazebo for shade. Provide high factor sun block. Ensure staff take scheduled breaks.
If very hot / high sun exposure public announcements to be given reminding members of the public about ‘sun sense’. / 4
Craft Traders / Waste build up, unsafe structures, vehicle collision, dog bites
Public / Customers / Visitors / Up to 100 / 4 / 2 / 8 / Traders given detailed information on load in times, vehicle speeds and conduct on site including keeping dogs on leash. / 4
Manual handling / Injury caused by lack of manual handling training, inadequate training, failure to plan.
Falls from height / If work takes place at height it must be carefully planned and carried out by trained competent persons. A full risk assessment will be provided and available to the site safety co-ordinator.
The edges of any raised performance areas (that do not have a guard rail) should be conspicuously marked and well lit.
All stairway edges must be provided with suitable guardrails to prevent a person from falling.
Falling objects / Platforms or work spaces / areas above 1.8 metres in height must either have a suitable clear space around / under them or another method employed to prevent objects falling onto persons. A full risk assessment will be provided and be available to the site safety co-ordinator.

Risk Assessment Date:3/6/11