Bainbridge Island FC
Mission Statement Promote the love of the game of soccer by providing quality training and appropriate competition for all ages and abilities in a safe and supportive environment, while developing the highest standards of player growth and fair play.
BIFC Board Meeting Agenda
May 8, 2017 @ 7:15 PM - The Marge Williams Center
I. Board Members: (* denotes present at meeting)
*Bill Lesko, President Brenda Berry, Dir of Fundraising
*Ron Piland, VP Competition *Pam Conyers, Dir of Volunteers
*Craig Heisinger, VP Select Soccer Ian McCallum, Dir of Coaching
John Thornton, VP Recreational Soccer Ballan Campeau, Dir of Goalkeeping
*JP Werlin, Treasurer *Phil Avison, Technical Director
*Liming McMillan, Registrar *Johannes Happonen, Dir Communication
*Cathy Weiss, Secretary *guest: Ethan Tait
II. Administrative - Roll call and quorum established at 7:25pm
III. Minutes Review and Approval: approval of April 2017 minutes
IV. Special Topic/New Business:
Craig/John: resignation of ’07 white coach
Craig: during try-outs, another coach indicated to the ’07 white coach that there is an unpopular parent opinion of her; discussion regarding whether the first coach will be reprimanded; what was the degree of negative feedback from parents; how do we better validate younger coaches, look at mentorship program for newer coaches; Ian and Phil are heavily involved in mentoring new coaches – how do we get this info out to parents; this club does not tolerate non-support of coaches; there was not as much oversight of this try-out. Ian to talk with both coaches, letter from the Board emphasizing positive culture (action; bill); put out info two weeks prior to first try-out, explaining process; clarifying process and coach mentorship.
Cathy: change in coaching model suggestion: would the Club support a change where Ian and Phil assist coaching all teams, one practice per week, rather than have their own teams; would this help alleviate parent concerns about the large disparity between coaches, provided some feedback regarding ’07 boys where all (minus one) boys trying out were placed on a team, white team has an unknown/unproven coach; it makes a parent wonder if there is value in the select program to support such a higher price over rec soccer; quick discussion about girl who made boys ’07 blue team; placement of whom is supported by the Club.
Pam: Socks: Pam brought ad from UW socks to table, Pam will contact then to see if we can get profit-share, Pam to coordinate putting on website; table discussion to later date; will ask Brenda to see if it can be part of fundraising
V. Officer’s Reports:
• President (Bill)
Island cup 2017 update: meeting every two weeks, Liming fixed Doodle for sign-ups for volunteers; update – Johannes to update (action); Ian has agreement with Crossfire and NW United; new shed available for BIFC at batting cage for use with Island Cup; college scholarship results: one female and one male app – volunteers, refs, three year players = Jake Prodinsky and Audrey Clark. $500 each. Waiting on more apps.
• DoC (Ian) – not present
• TD (Phil)
Thurs/Fri are final select try-outs
Johannes; ordered stickers, recommend cheaper balls;
• VP Recreation (John) – not present
• VP Competition (Craig)
Went to a lot of try-outs, fun to see enthusiasm, parents hanging around, talked with a guy who flys a drone, might be interested in taking pics from overhead;
• Dir of Comms (Johannes)
Push Fall try-outs toward end of school; all camps on website; update Island Cup on website;
• Treasurer (JP)
Financials: submitted to board, standard report, no red flags;
• VP Competition (Ron)
Getting up to speed on scheduling: only responsible for our home teams for home games; Gary Christenson, head of COBI, got terms and conditions at Strawberry to him
Gary is using that as a model for what they might be able to amend the code as it applies to Sakai and maybe Sands, possibly Woodward. WMS is a project with potential for future turf; Gary said schedule a time in front of city council to show interest in this; later on amendment comes up for vote; should we have soccer players show up? (action: Ron); June will be published bi parks feasibility study Sakai; action; identify date and organize to show up at COBI meeting; maybe July
Maybe it’s a good idea to show up in mass, because people don’t realize how many kids play soccer; Craig: talked with a guy who flys a drone;
• Dir of Volunteers (Pam)
• Registrar (Liming)
Getting requests for fields for practices; going out to coaches and ask them for their schedules, Liming sent form to Ian to forward to coaches; coaches: what age, time, days for practice so we plan fields; will schedule BHS grass and BPP for summer practices; before contacting the school;
VIII. Adjourn: 9:05 – Pam motion, Craig seconds, unanimous.