Providing hope for those with none
PO Box 83Dodson, MT 59524
406-262-8122Name(s): / Email:
City: / State: / Zip:
Home Phone:
() / Work Phone:
() / Cell:
List all persons in household, including yourself (include name, age, sex, and occupation):
What type of dwelling to you live in? (House, apartment, condo, townhouse, etc.)
Do you own or rent? / If you rent, please provide landlord's name and phone number:
Do you have a fenced yard? / If yes, how tall is the fence? / What type of fence?
Kennel or run: / Describe the area:
Please list all pets in household (include type, breed, age, and sex):
Spayed or neutered? / If no, why?
Are your current pets up to date on vaccinations?
Are your current pets accepting of new dogs in their house?
What is the length of time you would be willing to foster a particular dog?
Is someone home during the day? / If not, how long will this dog be left alone?
Where will this dog be kept while home alone? / Where will this dog be kept when the family is home?
Where will this dog sleep? / How will you confine and exercise this dog?
What experience do you have with dog training and/or working with dogs with behavioral issues (Please be specific in the methods that you use)?
Please check any that you are willing to foster:
Puppies (4 months or less)
Adult dogs
A dog that is not yet housebroken / Nursing mother and litter of puppies
A dog that may not get along with other dogs
A dog with very little obedience training
A dog with separation anxiety
References: Please list two personal references who have known you for at least two years (We recommend listing your dog trainer, neighbor, personal friend, or co-worker; and no more than one family member.) and your veterinarian. Be sure to include their name, address, and phone number. All references will be checked.
Fostering a dog requires a large commitment of time and energy. Often while fostering a bond will develop between you and the foster dog that may make it very difficult to give up the dog to its new ‘forever home’. Have you considered this aspect of fostering and are you prepared for this type of commitment and for letting go of the foster dog?
Additional Comments:
By signing this application, I (we) testify that all of the above information is accurate and valid.
Home check date: / Home check completed by:
Home check notes/issues:
Date references contacted: / References contacted by:
Reference notes/issues:
Approved for foster:
No / Signature / Date:
RezQ Dogs Foster Home Contract
RezQ Dogs Commitment
RezQ Dogs is committed to re-homing the dogs in our care into the best possible permanent situation for the individual dog. Therefore we must take into consideration the temperament, energy level and health of the dog we are placing, along with the situation of the home into which we are placing the dog. Our foster system is the final step in the process of getting rescued dogs into their forever homes.
To that end RezQ Dogs will endeavor to match foster dogs with foster homes for the safety of all concerned. RezQ Dogswill provide for the needs of the foster dogs while in the care of the foster home. We provide food, veterinary care, training aids and advice, crates, toys, bedding, etc.
As a foster home for RezQ Dogs, it is recognized that you are in a unique position to assess the needs of a dog that has been in your care in as far as health, temperament and a future home are concerned. Your input is valued and will be taken into serious consideration.
However, all dogs in foster homes remain the property and responsibility of RezQ Dogs. This means that RezQ Dogsretains the final say in veterinary care and placement of the dog(s) into alternate foster homes or into their new adoptive home. All paperwork and payment pertaining to the dog is also considered to be the property of RezQ Dogs. As such, it must be returned to RezQ Dogsin a timely fashion when requested along with any equipment that has been loaned to the foster home for the health, welfare, safety, housing and training of the dog.
Foster Commitment
As a foster home I, ______agree to:
- provide for the welfare of the dog in my care including
- a clean, temperature appropriate, safe environment
- feed and water according to RezQ Dogs guidelines - picking up of dog food provided by RezQ Dogsunless otherwise arranged,
- administer of medications as required and transportation of the dog to and from veterinary appointments unless otherwise arranged,
- train the dog to the level of time and expertise that I have as agreed upon,
- provide updated information on health, training, behavior, etc. and pictures to the RezQ Dogsrepresentative,
- make the dog available to potential adopters,
- provide the adopter, on relinquishing, with all paperwork that comes with the dog,
- communicate with the RezQ Dogsrepresentatives on a regular basis with regard to the state of health and behavior of the dog.
In providing a foster home for a rescue dog, I understand and accept the inherent risks to myself, my family, my pets and my home and will not hold RezQ Dogsor its members responsible for any personal injury or damage to property caused by the foster dog.
Signature: ______Date: ______