Liverpool Parks Animation Project Board Minutes

25 April 2014

Present:Cllr Peter Mitchell, Mayoral Lead for Parks (Chair)

Sarah Vasey, Culture Liverpool

Maxine Ennis, Rotunda

Richard Tracey, Liverpool Vision

Polly Brannan, Liverpool Biennial (LARC Rep)

Alan Stevens, GlendaleLiverpool

Derek Dottie, LCCParks

Mark Boardman, LiverpoolPark Friends Forum

Neil Bascombe, LCCParks

Chris Lines, LCCParks

Nicola Higham, Plus Dane Housing

Gemma McGowan, Isla Gladstone

Andy McNicholl, Culture Liverpool

Chloe Drury, Culture Liverpool

Samantha McEvoy, Culture Liverpool

Apologies:Cllr Wendy Simon, Cabinet Member Culture and Tourism

Julie Turner, Culture Liverpool

Phil Knibb, Alt Communiversity

Rob Connor, LCC Sports Development

Keith Gerrard, LCC Sports Development

Ann-Marie Moran, LCC Licencing

Pam Boardman, LiverpoolPark Friends Forum

Peter Ward, Hope St Ltd (COoL)

Louise Gray, LCC Community Services

Sue Lees, Culture Liverpool

1. / Introductions and apologies
Introductions made and apologies received.
2. / Minutes of the last meeting
Agreed by all.
3. / Actions from the last meeting
None to be noted.
4. / Update on Giants at NewshamPark
AMc provided an update on the Memories of 1914 project which brings the giants back to Liverpool. Thegiants will visit NewshamPark on Friday 25 July and stay overnight.
Wider participation programme will wrap around the event.
Action: MB to get back to AMc re local concessions that may be interested in being part of the event. / MB
5. / StanleyPark: Events for 2014/15
GMc and NH gave an update on events planned for StanleyPark in 2014/15.
Food Festival:18/19 July 2014. Products to be sold throughout 100stalls as part of a 4 year deal.
Action: GMc to send sign up details to the group.
StanleyParkFestival:15 June 2014. Previously Justice Jazz Festival. 5 year deal.
Action: Can offer joint promotion as this falls the same weekend as River Festival. GMc to send details to SV.
5k & 10k Run:Interest from Santander being followed up.
Additional events include:
Stanley Bark Dog Month – held and huge success
Holi Festival – To be held in July as the Festival of Colours
Park Clean Up – 11 apprenticeships secured, launches 9 May 2014.
Bulky Bob Event – 28 May 2014.
Action: Information (text and image) to be forwarded to r inclusion in the Culture E-blast. / GMc
6. / Mayor’s Performance Report
DD provided an update regarding the Mayor’s performance report.
This report asks for 1. Number of events in the parks
2. Number of participants
It was noted the importance of catching numbers for all events held to improve the levels of consistency.
For more information, please refer to Appendix 1 / ALL
7. / Parks Portfolio
The portfolio will provide promotional information and a primary point of call for events enquiries within parks and provide contact information to discuss further.
The organisation selected through tendering was Non Conform. The first draft was shared with the group.
This will be online and in print by mid June 2014.
For more information, please refer to Appendix 2
8. / Nesta Fund: Rethinking Parks
This project was in response to a government initiative that parks will receive 60% less funding over the next 10 years.
Unfortunately the funding bid was unsuccessful. There were 28 applicants shortlisted.
Action: DD/SV will monitor feedback and any other opportunities that may arise from the NESTA developments.
For more information, please refer to Appendix 3. / DD/SV
9. / Update on Nature Connected / Rethinking Parks
A cross- Merseyside Task and Finish Group has been established and met on 11 April.
All are collectively keen to revisit the proposal to look at a Combined Authority approach to parks innovation in management. This is a proposal at present but will be developed if interest is shown from all Merseyside Authorities.
Action: Feedback will be received at future meetings. / DD
10. / Update on EvertonPark
Sky Pier Project – ERDF money has been awarded and the city has decided to find the match funding. LCC will deliver and manage.
For more information, please refer to Appendix 4, 5 and 6.
11. / Update on LIMF 2014
LIMF 2014 will take place in SeftonPark from 23 – 26 August 2014.
On Friday evening there will be one main stage open. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday there will be three stages plus the bandstand and the Palm House as a performance area.
There will also be a Family Area, Academy Area and a variety of concessions throughout the site. The times for the festival are 12-6pm.
12. / Update on CroxtethPark
NB provided an update regarding events in CroxtethPark
AltValley Event – 10 August 2014
WW1 Centenary Dinner
Fiesta – 3 August 2014
Beat the Reaper – October 2014
Men’s Health Event – 22 November 2014
13. / Postpone new action plan pending restructure?
Discussions were held around the next stage for our parks as we have gone a long way to achieving what we set out to do.
It was agreed to spend the next meeting focusing solely on
  1. Review of the current action plan
  2. Review of potential pilots
/ ALL to note
14. / AOB
Funding for Our Big Gig bandstand weekend has been secured. £400 for StanleyPark and £400 for SeftonPark. This takes place weekend of 11-13th July and will launch LIMF Bandstand 2014.
15. / Date of the next meeting
Friday 27 June 2014
2 – 4 pm
Culture Liverpool
The CapitalBuilding, 10th Floor
39 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9PP