OCTOBER 8, 2002
Dear Juniors/Seniors and Parents/Guardians:
This is the second newsletter available to Signature juniors and seniors and their parents this year. If you need more information about anything within the bulletin, please contact Dr. Gibson. Hard copies are available through the senior Government/Econ classes and through junior English classes. Previous newsletters can be found at under the counselor’s section. If you would like to be on an email distribution list to receive this newsletter monthly, please make your request at and reference the student name in the subject line.
General Information
Be certain to check the guidance bulletin board on the 5th floor hallway frequently for information on scholarships, colleges, college campus days, and college admission visitation dates.
College and scholarship applications must be completely filled out before turning them in to the counseling office. The guidance section will then be completed and an official copy of transcripts, test scores and other information requested by the institution will be prepared. I REQUIRE FIVE (5) WORKING DAYS TO PREPARE THIS INFORMATION BEFORE THE APPLICATION DEADLINE. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. When you are ready for an application mailing, include your completed paperwork, a check for any fees required, and a stamped, addressed envelope. This will ensure that applications are submitted in a timely and efficient manner.
College admission visits
Admission counselors from post-secondary institutions are calling daily to schedule visits with Signature School students! Their visits are during regular class times. You must have your teacher’s permission to attend a college representative meeting. If you are unable to attend, please inform Dr. Gibson the day before the visit and she will make certain the admission representative will get information to you. Please tell your parents/guardians that they are welcome at any of these informational meetings!
Tuesday, October 8, 2002 Ball State University 8:30
Wednesday, October 9, 2002 Indiana Wesleyan 2:45
Monday, October 21, 2002 Marian College 12:15
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 DePauw University 1:15
Thursday, October 24, 2002 St. Mary of the Woods 2:00
Tuesday, October 29, 2002 Hanover College 12:00
Thursday, October 31, 2002 Notre Dame 10:00
Tuesday, November 5, 2002 Earlham College 10:30
Wednesday, November 7, 2002 Rose-Hulman 8:30
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 Indiana State University 1:45
Registration packets are available in the counseling office or you may register on-line.
You will need the above CEEB Code to register for the SAT/ACT. Please make a note of it. Many scholarships require SAT and/or ACT scores, so plan to register for an early test date. Sophomores and Juniors who registered will be taking the PSAT at Signature School on October 15, 2002 at 8:30.
ACT – Registration fee: $25.00
Late Registration fee: $40.00
ACT Test Date Registration Deadline
December 14, 2002 November 8, 2002
February 8, 2003 January 3, 2003
April 12, 2003 March 7, 2003
June 14, 2003 May 9, 2003
SAT – Registration fee: $26.00
Late Registration fee: Additional $16.00
SAT Test Date Registration Deadline
December 7, 2002 November 1, 2002
January 25, 2003 December 23, 2002
April 5, 2003 ** February 28, 2003
May 3, 2003 March 28, 2003
June 7, 2003 May 2, 2003
**Subject tests (SAT II) offered each testing date except this one.
Detailed information about scholarship opportunities, applicant criteria and deadlines are printed in monthly senior bulletins as they are received by the counseling office. Information will not be repeated in future newsletters. See Dr. Gibson if you are interested and meet the qualifications of any of the listed awards.
School Scholarship Information
St. Joseph’s College
Presidential Scholarship full tuition , room and board to students with SAT of 1100 or ACT of 24, top 15% of class and GPA of 3.0 or better. Student must meet 2 of 3 criteria. They also have numerous other scholarships available. Check their information out in the guidance office.
Butler University
Four year scholarship for students interested in majoring in Chemistry. Students will be considered when they apply by December 1st. Applications are available by contacting the school.
Franklin College
Students interested in journalism should apply for the National Pulliam Scholarship. December 1 deadline. Awards of up to $40,000.
University of Indianapolis
Scholarships ranging from $1000 departmental awards to full tuition. Look at their catalog for specific deadlines and criteria.
Indiana University Bloomington
The school of Journalism Ferree Scholarship is for students who have demonstrated a serious intention of pursuing a career in mass media. Postmark deadline for application is February 5.
Ball State University
Freshman Scholarship information is available at
Washington University in St. Louis
Numerous merit and need-based scholarships available. Please see the Scholarship booklet in the counselor’s office.
University of Evansville
The Principals Award allows principals to nominate Twenty-First Century Scholars for a full-tuition grant. Please see Ms. Snyder if you are interested in being one of Signature School’s nominees. Additionally, The Trustee Scholarship provides a full-tuition grant for students who are ranked first in their class at the time of application to the university.
Tri-State University
Has numerous scholarships available based upon GPA, SAT and/or ACT. Interested students will find more details at This school is located in Angola, Indiana. Students may also call toll-free 800-347-4878.
Other Scholarship Information
Toyota Community Scholars Program
Awards renewable scholarships valued at $10,000-$20,000 over four years to outstanding students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who best exemplify outstanding academic leadership and dedication to community service. The nominee must have initiated or be actively involved in a service program that addresses a school or community need. The Signature School can nominate only one student for this scholarship. Students interested in being nominated should submit a letter to Dr. Gibson by November 15, 2002.
Attn: Class of 2004
Discover Card Tribute Award Scholarship
Awards nine state and nine national scholarships to juniors with at least a 2.75 GPA who are multi-talented, take the lead, have overcome obstacles and who are giving back to their communities. Applications are available in the counselor’s office or can be downloaded from the website: The deadline is January 10, 2003.
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
Applications are available in the counseling office to be nominated as Signature School’s top Youth volunteer. This student can be in grades 9-12. The selected candidate could receive $1000 and a trip to Washington D.C. next May. If you feel you’ve made a positive difference through a volunteer activity during the past year, pick up an application in the counseling office or get a copy at Applications for nomination consideration must be received in the counseling office by October 31, 2002.
The Coca Cola Scholar deadline is October 31. (details in previous newsletter) Apply on line at
The Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union
Offer ten $1,000 scholarships to seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.5 with parents are guardians who have been members of ETFCU for at least one year prior to the Feb. 1, 2003 scholarship deadline. Applicants are required to submit an essay, two letters of reference, and the application form available through the counseling office. All materials need to be submitted to the counselor by January 27, 2003
Simon Youth Foundation Scholarship
Available through the spring. Pick up an application at Eastland Mall at the “Market Place’ across from Merle Norman cosmetics. More information available at
Richard C. Lugar Minority Scholarship
Each school can recommend two seniors from their school. In March, 2003, they will award two $20,000 and eight $4,000 scholarships to the finalists. Eligible students must meet the following criteria: be a minority high school senior (African American, Hispanic or Native American), Intent to enroll in and Indiana college or university, have a combined SAT of 1000 or higher, and have a “B” average or higher. Interested students should submit a letter to the counseling office by November 25.
Voice of Democracy
This is the VFW;s and its Ladies Auxiliary premier youth scholarship program. Open to students in grades 9-12, it provides more than $2.5 million in awards and scholarships. Entry deadline is November 1, 2002. Students must submit a 3-5 minute original easy written and then recorded on audio cassette. This year’s theme is Freedom’s Obligation. See Dr. Gibson for more details.
Each school has visitation days on their respective campuses. See the bulletin board on the 5th floor for specific schedules or check the college web site for more specific information.
Explore IUPUI Day, Saturday, October 12, 2002 from 10:00 until 4:00. This event gives students an opportunity to visit the campus and investigate the various educational opportunities at IUPUI, Indianapolis.
Illinois College, located in Jacksonville, IL, boasts a traditional New England style brick and ivy campus with liberal arts studies. Their open house dates are October 28, November 11, February 17, and March 3.
The Indiana Online Academy (IOA) has been successfully providing online courses to students since the Spring of 2000. This virtual school is open to all Indiana public, private or home-schooled students and applications are accepted until early February for the Spring, 2003 semester. Course tuition is currently $300 per student, per course. The following courses will be available in the spring: Advanced Composition, Algebra 1-2, AP English Language, AP English Literature, AP US Government and Politics, Art History, Biology 1-2, Earth and Space Science 2, Economics, US Government, Health, Novels, Physics 1-2 Psychology, US History 2 and World History and Civilization. For more information visit the website at
A senior parent financial aid night will be schedule for the middle of January. At this meeting, we will be discussing filing the FAFSA with a college financial aid advisor. This will be an important meeting for you to attend. There are changes to the FAFSA this year as well as changes to the filing dates and deadlines. Dates to be announced.
If any seniors are considering competing in athletics at the collegiate level and have not registered with the NCAA Clearinghouse, please see Dr. Gibson by October 31, 2002.
See Dr. Gibson now to schedule an appointment for you and your parent/guardian to discuss college admissions, financial aid, scholarship applications, etc. Some evening appointments are also available. These individual meetings will be conducted during the months of October and November.
There are lots of career, college and financial aid resources on the Internet. Below are some websites for you and your parents to check out. If you do not have access to the Web at home, you may use our Internet access at school:
Scholarship search sites:
Hard copies of the senior bulletin will always be distributed via Mr. Lynch’s Government/Economics classes. If you or your parent would like a copy emailed, please send a request to , reference the student’s name in the subject line and you will be placed on our email list. Thank you.