Vocabulary Unit 12
1. appreciable / (adj.) sufficient to be noticed or measured
Syn: perceptible, detectable, considerable Ant: slight, trivial, inconsequential, negligible
2. autocratic / (adj.) absolute in power or authority
Syn: domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical, bossy Ant: democratic, egalitarian, lenient permissive
3. blanch / (v.) to remove the color from; to make or turn pale; to parboil
Syn: bleach, drain, wash out, go white Ant: color, dye ,infuse, blush ,flush
4. blasphemy / (n.) an act, utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred.
Syn: curse, profanity, sacrilege, imprecation Ant: reverence, veneration, devotion, respect
5. brawny / (adj.) strong, muscular
Syn: broad-shouldered, strapping, husky, burly Ant: slight, frail, delicate, puny
6. concerted / (adj.) planned or performed in cooperation with others.
Syn: joint, cooperative, combined, consolidated Ant: unorganized, unilateral, diffused
7. contend / (v.) to fight, struggle; to compete; to argue
Syn: battle, dispute, vie, maintain, assert Ant: yield, acquiesce, submit, relinquish
8. humane / (adj.) kind, merciful
Syn: sympathetic, compassionate, kindhearted Ant: cruel, merciless, unfeeling, brutal, heartless
9. illustrious / (adj.) very famous, distinguished
Syn: eminent, renowned, prominent, celebrated Ant: unknown, obscure, nameless, anonymous
10. intolerable / (adj.) unbearable
Syn: insufferable, unendurable, outrageous Ant: enjoyable, pleasant, pleasing
11. irreverent / (adj.) disrespectful
Syn: profane, impious, sacrilegious, flippant Ant: awed, respectful, devout, pious, deferential
12. laborious / (adj.) not easy, requiring hard work; hardworking
Syn: arduous, difficult, strenuous, wearisome Ant: easy, effortless, facile
13. lithe / (adj.) bending easily, limber
Syn: supple, flexible, pliant, lissome Ant: stiff, rigid, inflexible, taut
14. maltreat / (v.) to abuse, use roughly or crudely
Syn: misuse, mistreat, harm aggrieve Ant: coddle, pamper, indulge
15. ponder / (v.) to consider carefully, reflect on
Syn: think over, ruminate, contemplate
16. subversive: / (adj.) intended to undermine or overthrow; (n.) one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system
Syn: (adj.) treasonous, traitorous (n.) a revolutionary Ant: patriotic, loyal, true-blue
17. synthetic / (adj.) made or put together by people; (n.) something artificial
Syn: artificial, ersatz Ant: natural, genuine
18. temperate / (adj.) mild, moderate
Syn: composed, balanced, mellow, fair Ant: immoderate, extreme, excessive, harsh
19.venomous / (adj.) poisonous; spiteful, mean
Syn: nasty, malicious, virulent, malevolent Ant: harmless, innocuous, benign
20. wily / (adj.) sly, shrewd, cunning
Syn: clever, tricky, artful, foxy, cagey Ant: dull-witted, dense, artless, straightforward

Pre AP Terms:mood, motif, motivation, myth, narrative