LACCD District Planning Committee
Framework for Program Review
The Purposes of Program Review
- To assure that the program aligns with the mission of the college
- To assure that the program is in compliance with Title V and accreditation requirements
- To assess the effectiveness of the current educational program
- To assure that program scheduling meets student needs
- To provide a framework for the on-going assessment and improvement of student learning
- To provide a forum for serious reflection on the challenges & opportunities programs will face
- To spur curricular and pedagogical innovation
- To provide a set of clear goals to guide future departmental efforts
- To align departmental goals and efforts with the goals of the college’s Educational Master Plan and the District’s Strategic Plan
Outline for theContent of Program Review
- Executive Summary of Program Effectiveness
- Program Achievements
- Awards & Recognitions
- Special Activities, Events, & Collaborations
- Programs & Courses Developed
- Student Profile (for department and college)
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Age
- Primary Language
- Faculty & Staff Profile(by department/program & college-wide)
- Fulltime/Adjunct Faculty Ratio (3-6 years)
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- Age
- Classified Staff Positions/Hours
- Unclassified Staff Positions/Hours
- Faculty Service on Departmental, College, and District Committees
- Program Compliance
- Program Level SLO Implementation (date of implementation, expected implementation, or revision)
- Program Level SLO Assessment Results
- Program Effectiveness & Equity
- Program EFTES(WSCH)/FTEF (Fall and Spring terms for past 3-6 years)
- Average Course Size (Fall and Spring terms for past 3-6 years)
- Degrees Awarded (past 3-6 years)
- Certificates Awarded (past 3-6 years)
- Evidence of equitable achievement (by ethnicity and gender)
- Student Satisfaction Survey Results
- Course Compliance (per program)
- Title V Update for all courses in program (date of last revision)
- SLO Implementation (date of implementation, expected implementation, or revision)
- SLO Assessment results
- Course Effectiveness& Equity
- # Sections offered per term by time of day, with notation of cancellations for last 3-6 years, identified as “GE, Transfer, Occupational, Basic Skills, etc.
- Average section size per course by time of day (am, afternoon, evening)
- FTES(WSCH)/FTEF per course
- Demand/Waitlist measure
- FTEF Fulltime/FTEF Adjunct per course
- Within-class success rate by ethnicity and gender
- Persistence rate (for course sequences)
- Evidence of equitable achievement (by ethnicity and gender)
- Vocational Program Effectiveness
- Job Placement Numbers and Rates for Vocational Programs (3-6 years)
- State/National Board Test & Accreditation Results
- State/National Certificates Awarded
- Labor Market Demand
- Other Accreditation Information/Data
- Advisory Board
- Board Membership
- Board Analysis and Recommendations
- Satellite Program Effectiveness
- # Sections offered per term by time of day, with notation of cancellations for last 3-6 years, identified as “GE, Transfer, Occupational, Basic Skills, etc.
- Average section size per course by time of day (am, afternoon, evening)
- FTES(WSCH)/FTEF per course
- FTEF Fulltime/FTEF Adjunct per course
- Demand/Waitlist
- Within-class success rate by ethnicity and gender & compared to main campus
- Distance Education Effectiveness
- # Sections offered per term by time of day, with notation of cancellations for last 3-6 years, identified as “GE, Transfer, Occupational, Basic Skills, etc.
- Average section size per course by time of day (am, afternoon, evening)
- FTES(WSCH)/FTEF per course
- FTEF Fulltime/FTEF Adjunct per course
- Demand/Waitlist
- Within-class success rate by ethnicity and gender & compared to regular classes
- Summary of Progress Made Toward Past Departmental/Discipline Goals
- Goal # 1: Expected outcomes & measures
- Goal # 2, etc.
- Trend Analyses/Outlook
- Professional/Curricular Challenges & Opportunities
- Pedagogical Challenges & Opportunities
- Technology Challenges & Opportunities
- New Department/Discipline Goals & Action Plans(Aligned with College Ed Master Plan & with timelines, costs, responsible agents, & projected personnel, equipment, and facilities costs)
- Development of New Courses and Programs
- Student Success Enhancements
- Projected Professional Development Activities
- Scheduling Changes
- Planned Responses to SLO Assessments
- Etc.
- Dean’s Analysis/Response