Newsletter No: 10 21stJanuary 2016

Shropshire Residential

Just a brief reminder that Mr Wiggall will be holding a meeting for parents next Tuesday 26th January straight after school at 3.15pm. We are also in the process of organising some fundraising activities as we build up to another exciting week away. We would like to remind you that the final payment is due by 31stJanuary 2016. Thank you.


As you are aware, wecontinually monitor absence rates in school in an effort to improve our attendance figures. The autumn term 2015 figure for the period 1st September to 31stDecember,shows a significant improvement on the same period for 2013 and 2014. Thank you again for ensuring your children attend school regularly and on time.

Autumn 2013 / Autumn 2014 / Autumn 2015
Whole school attendance / 96.4% / 95.6% / 97.4%

Art Project with Steve Porter

We are very excited to have been able to arrange for Steve Porter to come into school for the first 2 days of next term i.e. Monday & Tuesday 22nd & 23rd February to work with the children. We will beexploring Art and Design in the context of the fantastic view of the river that we have from our school grounds.

The idea links to our Searching the Severn topic. Steve will be asking the children to come up with ideas and designs which can be incorporated into a Whole School piece of art. If you would like an idea of some of the work he has done in other schools take a look at

We think this offers the children a great chance to be involved in something genuinely collaborative and memorable and of which they can be proud.

Mars Class Assembly

Mars Class will be hosting assembly on Wednesday 10thFebruary

2016 at 9.15am. We hope you can come along and join in the fun.

SSnoS Club

SSnoS ‘Megamakers!’ starts next Thursday 28th January. Registration forms have already been sent home with the children. Mrs Tucker is really looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the club.

KS2 Tests

As many of you already know, the first new key stage 2 tests in English, mathematics and science, based on the new national curriculum, will be sat by pupils in Year 6 for the first time this summer.

There is a link on the school website to a short video explaining about the new KS2 tests. Click on the Useful Links tab on the school website and then on the KS2 tests explained hyperlink which will take you to this URL:

Play Coordinator

We are thrilled to welcome Mrs Karl to our school who has joined us this week as our new Play Coordinator. It is clear from talking to her during the recruitment process and in the last few days,that she has lots of exciting ideas to develop the OPAL project that we have launched this year. You should expect to hear more from her directly in future newsletters.

Active Kids Tokens - Sainsburys

The Active Kids vouchers are now available from all Sainsburys’ stores, petrol stations and with online grocery orders between 27th January and 3rd May 2016. Sainburys’ Active Kids is a marvellous way for us to claim free equipment. We do hope you will be able to support the school and collect as many tokens as possible. Thank you for your continued support.

Tree Planting

We have been lucky enough to get the Woodlands Trust to supply us with 105 new trees. They are going to be delivered to school sometime between 7th to 11th March. At that time we will be looking for as many volunteers as possible to come and help us plant them to create the new boundary to what will become a forest school or outdoor learning area.