At the Heart of Our Community
January/February 2007 /

Directors up-date
GVA email & contacts
Attention all group workers
Preparation for volunteering FREE course
Law up-dates
One to one supervision
Volunteer induction checklist
At long last we are into our new accommodation in Martin Snape House on the St George Barracks site in the town centre. Together with Gosport CAB we are now settling in and we now look forward to working to improve our services on behalf of all our members and supporters in Gosport. I would like to take this opportunity to say many thanks to everyone at Gosport Community Association for all of their support over many years in providing our previous home. We will miss them but look forward to maintaining our good working relationship in the future.
Thank you also to all of you who attended the last Compact event which looked at the funding issues that affects us all. It was a very useful meeting which will go a long way in helping us develop the Compact Funding Code for Gosport.
Another important event that has taken place is the Charities Act becoming law. The Charities Bill received royal assent in November 2006 bringing in changes that will have an impact on many of us. I will be circulating information on these changes as soon as I can but if you wish to find out more details sooner you should look at the Charity Commission web site:

Well, like it or not Christmas is nearly on us! As I write for this edition of our newsletter there are only two weeks to go. It has been an eventful year for us at GVA with a very happy conclusion with our move and we are now looking forward to 2007.
Can I wish you all a very happy Christmas break and a prosperous and successful new year.
Best wishes.
David Miles


Email & Contact list
Director – David Miles
023 9258 3836
Deputy Chief Officer – Karen Merritt

023 9258 3836
Admin – Ann McLellan
023 9258 3836
Admin – Emma Cummings
023 9258 3836
Finance – Angela Weston
023 9252 8511
Befriending – Jean Legg
023 9252 9300
Volunteer Centre Manager –
Nicola Staveley
023 9258 8347
Volunteer Centre Admin –
Jenny Romicheva
023 9258 8347
Homeserve – Jackie Pringle
(incorporates DART & gardening)

023 9260 1314
Dustbusters – Julie Wrightson

023 9250 3871
Connect Advocacy – Alison Flack,
Yvonne Collins & Bernadette Beresford
01329 848649
Supported Volunteering –
Peter D’Agostino

023 9252 3322
Disability Information Centre –
Sue Eden-Browne
023 9258 0373
Rowner Community Development
023 9258 0096
Jacky Charman –
Debbie De-La-Haye – /

Attention all groupworkers!
4M is a small family concern which writes and publishes its own educational books on communication, group work and teamwork. There are many textbooks, but notmuchwritten material which puts sound theory within a friendly, non-academic style, bringing a note of fun into the text, and attending to anti-discriminatory practice. Our books have sold well over the years in the voluntary and statutory sectors - they are particularly relevant to the work you are doing.

A book to help members of groups (that's all of us!)
For full details, with sample pages, see


Enabling Everyone To Volunteer


New Fire Regulations - Free Sessions
The first Wednesday of each month commencing 09.30 - 12.00 at Southsea Fire Station, Somers Road sees a presentation covering the new legislation and risk assessment. It is designed for people (with little or no knowledge) that are employers, run a business or are responsible for fire safety issues.
For further details of the “Risk Seminar” contact the Technical Fire Safety Team on 92 664656 or visit the Hampshire Fire Service web site including the FIRE LOGBOOK that can be downloaded.
Guides to the new legislation can be downloaded free from
Age Discrimination Legislation
The Age Positive campaign promotes the benefits of employing a mixed-age workforce that includes older and younger people. We encourage employers to make decisions about recruitment, training and retention that do not discriminate against someone because of their age.
From 1 October 2006, new laws protect workers from age discrimination. The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations make it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees, trainees or job seekers because of their age and ensure that all workers, regardless of age, have the same rights in terms of training and promotion.
To download a guidance document visit or telephone 0845 715 2000 to receive a hard copy.
Rowner Access Point

We want to hold an all day event which will cover all ages etc and be fun, free and motivating, empowering people through information in a style that they enjoy.
To plan this amazing event we need to know what the local people would like!
The Rowner Family Well-being Festival will be held on the 3rd March 2007 at the Nimrod Community Centre.
We are asking local people what sort of things they would like, come along and offer any ideas or suggestions you may have.
Local people want to know what’s out there for young people and how the parents can support their young.
If anyone wants more information please contact Jacky Charman, Community Development Officer on 023 9258 0096 or you can email jacky on :


The BBC Children in Need Appeal gives grants to organisations working with disadvantaged children and young people living in the UK. The children and young people that the Appeal supports may be affected by:
illness, distress, abuse or neglect
behavioural or psychological impairment
living in poverty or situations of deprivation
There are two closing dates for applications 30th November 2006 and 30th March 2007. The grant application form can be completed on line at The website also contains a new grant application toolkit and lots of other information about making an application to BBC Children in Need.
If you require further information then please contact Austin Riley at
The youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is a pot of money, given to us by the Government, to pay for young peoples activities.
The YOF offers you the chance to apply for grants so that you and other people in your area can do some of the amazing things you want to do.
You do have to meet the grant aid criteria printed on this flyer.
Applying is not difficult so talk to your friends about what you would like to do and then get in touch so that we can give you more information and help you with an application.
Maria Calway-Kennedy, Senior Youth Worker
Tel: 07779 344769
Grant Criteria
  • Applications to the Youth Opportunity Fund must be for groups/young people aged 13-19.
  • Applications must be completed by young people.
  • Applications must have a sponsor organisation, which must be a constituted group with its own bank account, (this maybe an organisation such as a school or youth club, but could also be a young people’s group).
  • All sections of the application form must be completed.
  • Applications form projects that involve or benefit groups of vulnerable young people will be given additional weighting in the decision making process.
  • Applicants must show how they offer equality of opportunities.
  • Applications should be submitted by the 30th of the month.
  • Following successful funding, projects must provide feedback to the Youth Funds Management Board on the success of their project.


If assertiveness has never been your strong point – or if you sometimes wonder if you’re being too rigid or to flexible in how you communicate – you’ll welcome the coaching and solid advice this course offers / Wednesday
24 January
9.30 – 12.30 / The Acorn Centre
76 Eagle Avenue
This practical workshop will help you write an effective business plan for a funding bid or strategy. Business Plans are increasingly required by many potential funding bodies. Participants will receive a Template document and opportunity step-by-step on how to complete the plan. Tips and advice to make the whole process less work and more effective. / Thursday
25 January 2007
9.30 – 3.00pm / The Acorn Centre
76 Eagle Avenue
This can be used as a follow on from the Business planning course
A workshop (which helps participants writing a business plan) and others undertaking funding bids. It is not for the faint hearted, looking at all the financial aspects of medium/large funding bids from understanding to writing cashflow. budgets, costing a project and management issues. / Thursday
8 February
9.30 – 12.30 / The Acorn Centre
76 Eagle Avenue


One to One Supervision
What is supervision?
The main functions of supervision are to maintain focus and motivation: To monitor and review working practice and perhaps above all, to provide support for the worker.
Why do we need it?
Working with people can be stressful. Most of us are often at the cutting edge, working long hours, managing a number of different and difficult situations often unaided and usually giving our all to the service users or clients.
This level of activity and personal commitment is only sustainable in the long term if we are being properly supported and supervised by the organisation.
We are aware that in busy environments supervision can get relegated to the bottom of the pile – Both managers and workers can be reluctant to make the time necessary for supervision as other work commitments seem more pressing. Unfortunately and inevitably this causes stress levels to build up and may even lead to burn out.
How can we make it more effective?
For supervision to be effective it needs to be regular and consistent. Good managers recognise this and give supervision the priority and recognition it deserves.
Managing a supervision session is a key management skill and therefore requires training. Effective Supervision Skills training is a two day course that examines a one to one supervision session, and explores the range of skills –professional and interpersonal- that are needed of the supervisor. This includes; building and maintaining the working relationship; clarifying issues and determining appropriate interventions. All of which will enable both the supervisee and supervisor to feel more confident and less stressed about their roles.
Effective Supervision is insurance for the service users, the staff and the organisation. It is an acknowledgement that all workers need support and guidance and demonstrably recognises the need for continual professional and personal development.
Effective Supervision Skills. (A 2 day Course)
Provided by - IDT Training & Education
Portsmouth. 5th & 6th March 2007
For further information about this two day course, other venues & dates please visit our website, or email/phone for a course leaflet.
Phone. 01803 299049


2nd Gosport Scout Group
2nd Gosport Scout Group is looking for adults to work with Beaver and Cub Sections.
We meet at the Nimrod Centre Nimrod Drive on Wednesday Evenings
Beavers 5.30 – 6.45pm (5¾ - 8yrs)
Cubs 6.30 –8pm (8 – 10yrs)
We are a friendly group taking part in lots of activities both on the Wednesday evenings but also some weekends.
No experience needed, as full training will be given. There will also the opportunity to gain an Open College Network Certificate (equal to NVQ). Volunteers must be willing to complete a CRB check.
For more information contact Sue Archer (Group Scout Leader) on 02392 524687 or e-mail or
Ghost Walks
7th, 14th, 21st February
Discover the fate of past workers in a twilight - guided walk through the historic buildings of the Royal Navy’s munitions stores at Priddy’s Hard. Tea and Coffee will be served before and after the walk in the Museum Boardroom.
Tickets: £4.00 - Limited places so please book in advance
Explosion! Museum

"I am nobody
Nobody is perfect
Therefore, I must be perfect!"

Gosport Voluntary Action is a company limited by Guarantee.
Registered in EnglandWales Number 4191320
Registered charity number 1087177
The views in our NEWS may not be shared by us.
Gosport Voluntary Action, Martin Snape House, 96 Pavilion Way, GosportPO12 1FG
Please Telephone: (023 9258 3836 or fax 023 9260 2505

We are grateful for the support of Gosport Borough County Council and all our Volunteers


Volunteer Induction Checklist
Trustee/Committee Member Application Form
During the last two Volunteer Co-ordinator Forums, one or two of you have asked me to either find or develop two particular forms. I have now prepared two draft forms, as I have been unable to find either on Volunteering England, the Governance Hub or the NCVO websites. I would be delighted to send out one or both to anyone who is interested. If you would like to see a copy, please email Jennie Romicheva on: or me on: . I would be very interested to receive constructive criticism or any additions or amendments!
For further information look at the following:
and then Good Practice Bank

Happy Christmas, Nicky Staveley

We have been offered a colour printer/fax/copier/scanner - HP K80 and TRUST flat-bed scanner free to collect.
Any charitable organisation interested in this equipment can contact:
Gosport Voluntary Action on 023 9258 3836


Good News for DAG
Members of the Disability Activity Group received a welcome boost on December 13th, when they were presented with a cheque for £250 from the Southern Co-operatives Foundation.
The GVA project meets in the Old Chapel, St George’s Walk, and was set up to meet the needs of disabled people who are socially isolated and want to achieve personal independence. The donation is the result of an application to the Community Award Scheme 2006 and the money will enable the Group to participate in fun and mentally stimulating workshops to help them achieve their aims.
Everyone at the Disability Activity Group greatly appreciates the award and would like to wholeheartedly thank the Southern Co-operatives Foundation for their support.
Annual Scoot
Gosport Shopmobility and Age Concern had their annual scoot from Waterlooville to Bury House on the 1st December 2006. Members of both groups participated in this event, the oldest competitor was Rose whose a young bubbly 80+. Rose felt younger than we did when we arrived.
The mayor, Councillor June Cully met us all at the Gosport Ferry and guided the group home to Bury House where light refreshments were available. The Mayor kindly presented 3 Hampers 1 to Bury House Age Concern, the Lutman Centre and Cheshire Homes, Lee-on-the-solent.
All funds raised will be divided between Shop Mobility and Age Concern. So far £450.00 had been counted and we still have sponsor money coming in.

Gosport Voluntary Action held its annual mince pie and coffee morning on 14th December 2006. This event was our first in the new building and was very successful with approximately 40 volunteer attendants from a variety of groups, including Befriending, Office Volunteers, Disability Information Centre, Shopmobility and Supported Volunteering.

Gosport Voluntary Action would like to thank The Mayor, Councillor June Cully for kindly presenting Certificates to volunteers for completing an eight week course, Preparing to Volunteer.
Thank you to Peter Carroll for organising the supply of mince pies for the morning which were very kindly donated by the Co-op.