Minutes of the 16th A.G.M. held at The Quinta Christian Centre, Oswestry

on 15th June 2015

Mrs G Buckeridge (Chairman); Mrs J Bevington (Secretary); Mrs A Denyer (retiring Treasurer); Mrs I McMaster (co-opted Treasurer) Mr Ben Mayho (Schools Worker); members of the Board together with 63further members as listed on the attendance register (filed).
Welcome and Prayer
The Chairman thanked The Quinta Christian Centre for their hospitality and welcomed all members to the meeting along with Tim Hastie Smith, National Director of Scripture Union. He had earlier given a talk applying some principles fromthe history of Scripture Union starting from the first beach mission held by Josiah Spiers at Llandudno in 1868 to the computer interactive game being pioneered by Scripture Union. A key point was that working with children and young people is a long term project.
Mr C Woolcock from The Quinta had earlier opened the evening with prayer.
1. Apologies
Received from 5 members, as indicated on the attendance register (filed).
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 19thh June 2014
The minutes were approved. Proposer :Mr M Horner Seconder Mr R Beaman. All in favour.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Mrs A Denyer presented the Annual Statement of Accounts, copies of which are filed. Thanks were expressed to the Christian Bookshop for accommodation, the generosity of the Kingswell Trust and not least to supporters who have enabled finance to be available to recruit a second Worker. Thanks were also given to Mr M Horner for his support in producing the accounts. Mrs Denyer continued to explain that the Independent Examiner had not yet b signed the annual accounts. There was an outstanding query requiring the Tax Office’s response regarding the amount of the Gift Aid. The answer to this had unfortunately not yet been received. The Independent Examiner was happy with the remainder of the accounts.
The co-opted Treasurer, Mrs I McMaster, then introduced herself to the meeting. She reported that due to the generosity of supporters the Project was in the process of recruiting a second Worker and there was finance in place to employ someone for 18 months.
All Annual Reports will be submitted to the relevant authorities.
The financial report was approved. Proposer : Rev R Derbridge. Seconder Rev P Darlington. All in favour
A time of prayer for the finance of the Project was led by Mr. M Horner.
4. Election to Board of Directors
Mrs. Alison Denyer and Mr John Howard have resigned from the Board . Thanks were expressed to them both for their work on the Board .
Mr. Martin Digby, as Vice Chairman, took the chair for part of the election of Board members. Mrs Gill Buckeridge has retired by rotation and has been nominated for re-election. The Vice Chairman expressed thanks to Mrs G Buckeridge for her determination to keep the Project going in spite of previous financial difficulties. He asked for a proposer and seconder. Proposer : Mr B Hogbin. Seconder : .Mrs J Drowley. All in favour.
Mrs G Buckeridge then resumed the chair. Mrs Alison Denyer retired as Treasurer on 31st May 2015. Mrs.Ingrid McMaster was co-opted to the Board for this position. The Chair asked for a proposer and seconder to elect her to the Board. Proposer : Mr. M Horner Seconder :Mrs C Myddelton. All in favour.
Mr Andrew Cranston had been nominated to the Board. After introducing himself to the meeting the Chair asked for a proposer and seconder to elect him to the Board. Proposer Rev R Derbridge. Seconder Mrs R Robinson. All in favour.
A time of prayer for the Board was led by Mrs C Myddelton.
5. AOB
There was no other business.
6. Schools’ Worker Report
Mr Ben Mayho gave a presentation of the highlights of 2014/15.
  • Outdoor mentoring work
  • L!fe and iBreakout courses to 150 primary and secondary school children
  • A growth in relationships with schools and development of pastoral work.
  • Discipleship of individuals.
  • Treat Time delivering coffee and cake to staff rooms.
  • Developing life skills work with 11-18 year olds
  • Developing pastoral work with staff and pupils of all ages. Building on the chaplaincy style work that the Project is already involved in.
  • A second Schools’ Worker.
A time of prayer for Ben Mayho and the Project was led by Rev P Darlington.
7. Chairman’s Report
The Annual Report was presented by the Chairman. A copy is filed.
8. With no further matters for discussion Mr G Nankivell, Chair of Churches Together in Oswestry,closed the meeting with prayer.
SIGNED ...... [Chairman] DATE ......


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