Benjamin Adlard Sports Premium Grant 17-18

Sports Premium Grant 2017/18 Summary

From April 2013, the Government announced that it would be providing additional funding to improve the provision of PE and sport in primary schools. This funding has been made available to schools in the academic years 2013-2014 2014-2015 and 2015/ 16.

This initiative has been devised to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport across primary schools. It is intended that this funding will promote healthy lifestyle choices and give children the opportunities to reach the performance levels they are capable of.

At Benjamin Adlard Primary School Academy our intention was to allocate the funding in the following ways;

  • Employing qualified coaches to work alongside teachers in lessons to increase their subject knowledge and confidence in sport specific PE.
  • Buying into the School Sports Partnership, to increase pupil participation in local and national school games competitions.
  • Establishing links with local secondary schools to gain access to high quality sports facilities and highly trained sports professionals.
  • Developing a PE Partnership with other local Primary Schools, to promote competition within peer groups, throughout the school.
  • Enhancement of extra-curricular clubs with the emphasis on encouraging our less active children to participate.
  • Establishment of sports teams in KS2.
  • Purchasing equipment and resources to replenish and develop the sports equipment available to children.

A summary of how our funds were spent in 2016/17 was as follows:

PE & Sport 2017-18 £8845 or £17690

Actual expenditure £14,358

Activity / Expenditure / Impact
2.5 day a week coaching/ Teacher support in PE from Multisport pro.
One Lunch time club from Multisport Pro
One Evening club lead by multisport pro. / £10,640 / Children are receiving specialist sports teaching.
Teachers have more skills and confidence when teaching PE themselves as a result of Coaching.
Transport to sporting events at the local secondary school and other primary schools. / £100 / Children are able to take part in competitions and events, experiencing more sport and competition.
Sporting equipment to improve the provision made available to children. / £300 / Opportunities to take range in different multi-skills activities.
Swimming tuition for children in year 3. / £918 / All children able to go swimming free of charge.
Gainsborough Trinity Football coaches / £2350 / Children are receiving specialist sports teaching.
Hiring Sports Ground / £50 / Sports Day can take place- Competitive sports for all
Key stage 1 sports club ran by outside coach. / Included in £10,640 / Increase opportunities for young children to get involved in sport, strengthening our ability to be competitive at a later date.
Provisional Sport Equipment/Resources / £3602

Total Expenditure for 2017/18: £14,358

Sports Premium Grant 2016/17

Expected Funds for 201-17= £8,895

Actual Funds- £8780

Actual expenditure likely to be £12,918 £4138 over budget

It is the intention of the academy to adopt the same approach for 2017/18 in order to consolidate and improve the impacts secured during 2016/17.

Activity / Expenditure / Impact
2.5 day a week coaching/ Teacher support in PE from Multisport pro.
One Lunch time club from Multisport Pro
One Evening club lead by multisport pro. / £11,400 / Children are receiving specialist sports teaching.
Teachers have more skills and confidence when teaching PE themselves as a result of Coaching.
Gainsborough Trinity coaching 1 afternoon a week
Entry into Tournaments / £50 / Children able to take part in competitive sports
Transport to sporting events at the local secondary school and other primary schools. / £300 / Children are able to take part in competitions and events, experiencing more sport and competition.
Sporting equipment to improve the provision made available to children. / £300 / Opportunities to take range in different multi-skills activities.
Swimming tuition for children in year 3. / £918 / All children able to go swimming free of charge.
Gainsborough Trinity Football coaches / Free / Children are receiving specialist sports teaching.
Cricket coaches / Free / Children are receiving specialist sports teaching.
Key stage 1 sports club ran by outside coach. / Included in £11,400 / Increase opportunities for young children to get involved in sport, strengthening our ability to be competitive at a later date.
New sport PE Equipment / Ensure correct Equipment to teach PE well.