ǂ Allan & Karen Buitendorp are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on February 10 and there will be an Open House on that day from 2-5 p.m. at the church. No gifts please. Thank you.
ǂ The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14. Please join us at First Fremont CRC for a special Ash Wednesday worship service from 6:15-7:00pm on Wednesday, February 14.
ǂ Neighbor 2 Neighbor BlanketDrive for patients of Spectrum Health Oncology – Gerber. Any new fleece, quilts, flannel, homemade or purchased can be donated! We are asking that blankets be large enough to cover an adult! There are tags and ribbon on the table in the Fellowship Hall. Please feel free to add one to your donation. We will be delivering them in February definitely a month to share a lot of love!!! Questions contact: Sandra Crandell 924-9441.
ǂ At the request of church leaders, Volunteers In Service is seeking individuals to be trained as a financial mentor. There are 35 mentors who have been trained and are connected and we could use 50 more to fill the high demand! This training is at no cost to you and is held four consecutive weeks, on Monday nights beginning February 12 from 6:30pm-8:30pm. For more information visit the VIS website at visgr.org. To register or for questions please contact Bernita Tuinenga at or 459-7500 ext. 15.
ǂ Welcome to the West Michigan Women’s Ministry page! We are very excited to announce a new opportunity, for all women in the West Michigan area, a chance to slow down and slip away from busy lives and chaotic schedules…at least once a month anyway :)
Starting February 3, 2018, we will be hosting a Women’s Breakfast every first Saturday of the month, at Cronk’s Oakridge Restaurant, from 7:30-9:30am. Come eat your breakfast favorites, fellowship with other women, and listen to a guest speaker who will be discussing her personal walk with Christ.
This breakfast is a chance for women around our community to stay connected with other women and have a chance to renew and refresh their spiritual-self. Come join us as we talk, laugh, eat, and most importantly strengthen our minds and spirits. If you have any questions, please contact Grace Connell via email or phone (262)442-9404. We also have a Facebook page: West Michigan Women's Ministry
As a part of God’s family
We strive to show Christ’s love to all
For the glory of God
February 4, 2018
Welcome and Announcements
Guatemala Commissioning
*Call To Worship: Psalm 126:1-3
*Opening Song: “To God Be the Glory”
*God’s Greeting
*Mutual Greeting
Baptism and Profession of Faith
Congregational Prayer
Offering: General Fund/Faith Promise
*Song: “Blessed Assurance: Jesus Is Mine”
Children's Message
Prayer Of Illumination
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Sermon: “All Things to All People”
*Song of Response: “I Love to Tell the Story”
*Departing Blessing
*Song: “As You Go On Your Way May God Go With You.”
*Moment of Meditation
* Indicates standing
Organist: Carla Proctor Pianist: Diane Kooistra
Greeting us today: Steve & Michelle Burt
Next Sunday: Cadets
Caring for our children this morning: Elizabeth Rasmussen,
Leslie Bennett, Molly Kooistra, Kaitlynn Bennett
Next Sunday: Breanna Kulikowski, Ruth Barkel, Sydney Moon, Katelynne Gerth
Fellowship time: Jim Bazzett & Nate Sparks
Feb. 11 – Wayne Cowley & Scott Breuker
Feb, 18 – Stan Witte & Carlos Escalante
Feb. 25 – Jared Krick & Luke Van Dop
Worship Center Leaders: Jody Hooker & Myah Wiersema
Next Sunday:Jody Hooker & Gabi Frens
Ushers today: Jeff Clark & Jared Krick
Next Sunday: Ron Breuker & Jared Krick
ǂ CoffeeBreak will meet Tuesday, 9:30 – 11 @ Second CRC.
ǂ GEMS will meet Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:45.
ǂ Next Sunday there will be special offering the Cadet Corps office.
ǂ RYPED High Schoolers!
Sat 2/3: Let's go bowling! Meet at the Fremont Lanes from 6:30-8:30. Cost $5
ǂ Fremont Christian Church is having its Annual Soup & Pie Supper Friday, Feb. 16 from 4:30 – 7 p.m. See flyer on bulletin board for further details.
ǂ The Church of the Living Christ deacons at 605 Hemlock Street in Fremont will be holding a breakfast on Saturday, February 10 at 9am for all widows & widowers This is an “Open” invitation to anyone in the Fremont area. We will be serving pancakes with assorted fruit toppings, breakfast casserole, bacon or sausage and beverages. This meal is free of charge but we need you to sign up NO LATER than February 8 so we know how to plan. Please call 231-924-4670 to RSVP.