Prepping, Investing andBudgeting

In part one of this 2 part series with Bennett Johnson we talked about how the world economic system affects us here in the Unites States. Here in part two we talk about investing in gold and silver for preppers and what we should be doing before we even think about that.

We also go a little more in depth with setting our priority's, budgeting and we even talked about what life is like living up in Alaska. Bennett has just bagged his first bear, and he has more salmon than he knows what to do with.

Here are a couple of questions I asked Bennett in the show,We went over quite a bit more about prepping, investing and budgeting in the show, but this is a pretty good outline.

Prepping and budgeting: Gettingout of debt

I was blessed to know my great grand parents and grand parents at the end of their lives when I was a young kid. I remember them talking about the great depression etc. These were blue collar people in deep south Louisiana known as Cajun country. They all agreed that the ones who survived the great depression were the ones who could feed themselves.

There were no jobs so no on had any money to buy food. If you could grow plants, raise a pig or goat, catch some fish or take wild came sometimes then you could eat when others starved! They knew people that died from freezing in winter or starved and got sick then died or got sent off to war and never came home. How scary of a time that must have been.

1. FORGET GOLD. That is a marketing scam. There are more important aspects of preparedness before we start thinking about gold.

2. GET OUT OF DEBT. Don’t believe me? Google the words “debtors prisons” of WW2 etc.Until you are out of debt or close to it. Nothing else matters.

3. Once you are out of debt or nearly out of debt and have your other prepping priority's in line then invest in a piece of land and some renewable resources like small animals and vegetable and fruit plans. Learn how to live like our great grandparents did during hard times.

4. Once you have that then consider things like gold and silver maybe. At this point my preference would be firearms, not gold.

Q: What are your opinions on investing in gold and silver from an SHTF standpoint.

Gold:I know of no person who lived through the last war that said they were glad they had gold!! Everyone I know said that they were really glad they had a goat, some bean plants and a roof on a piece of land away from large cities. A reliable firearm, a good knife, some traps and fishing nets were the other tools of survival.They traded and bartered with things to eat and tools to create things to eat not precious metals.

Bennetts 6 Prepping Priority's

1. Get out of debt. Plain and simple. Everyone's plan will be different, but it all starts here.

2. Put down roots somewhere you think is safe. A small piece of land away from large populations if possible.

3. Invest in renewable resources.Line a garden and some small farm animals like chickens, a goat, a pig etc.

4. Learn the skills of our grand parents. Gardening, raising animals, preserving vegetables, fish, meat, etc.

5. Get educated. Not necessarily college. Stop watching TV, start reading books, listening to podcasts etc. where you can pick up skills and knowledge. No, I am not talking about knowing what shoes are in fashion or what David Letterman said today. Focus on knowledge that you can use in your current job or at home while you prepare.

6. Get healthy. Again, turn off the TV. Turn off Facebook! Go hiking. Learn what it feels like to be hot, be cold, be uncomfortable and learn that it will not kill you.

All of this seems to have a slight negative slant but it really is not. All of what we said here is just good common sense and a great way to live! SHTF may never happen and we pray it does not. Either way, you will be glad you started that garden, glad you raised those animals, happy that you are out of debt and really happy that you created that plan for your life way back when.