
To: County Treasurers and Staff

From: Peggy Stalcup, Assistant Manager, Titles & Registrations/Dealers Licensing

Date: February 11, 2004

Subject: Training and miscellaneous items

The Titles and Registration Bureau is going to be setting up training sessions for county front line vehicle employees within the very near future. The training plan will start with a county wide survey that is yet to be created. In this survey, we will be asking the county treasurers for their input as to what type of training is needed and how and where the sessions will take place.

I will be working with the county treasurers very closely in the next 6 months to get training sessions established and set up.

We are planning to start using the broadcaster again for quotes in the event there are no business notifications. This will ensure there is always something to read.

Thanks for your continued assistance and support. It is sincerely appreciated.

Cc: Carmen Alldritt, Director of Vehicles

Mathew Moser, Manager, Titles and Registrations
