P1P_W01 / Students understand basic phenomena and processes occurring in nature / K_W01 / Students identify and understand basic processes and phenomena in the field of biology, physics and chemistry as well as analyze their occurrence in relation to the natural environment
P1P_W02 / Students use the empirical basis for interpreting natural phenomena and processes, and have the full understanding of the significance of mathematical and statistical methods of analysis / K_W02 / Students characterize the rules of using natural laws in technology and everyday life
K_W03 / Students describe the significance of mathematical and statistical methods in natural sciences
K_W04 / Students describe the laws which govern the natural water cycle
K_W05 / Students have knowledge of exact sciences which allows them to comprehend the processes and phenomena occurring in the hydrosphere; students also have knowledge about Earth's geography which is defined as a uniform system of interrelated and interacting components
K_W17 / Students detect and identify the main types of pollution sources of surface water and groundwater
K_W18 / Students characterize and understand the processes involved in the treatment of water and wastewater
K_W28 / Students analyze interrelations among the processes and phenomena in the natural environment, and identify the relationships between the environment and enterprises
P1P_W03 / Students have the necessary knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry that allows them to comprehend basic processes and phenomena occurring in nature / K_W02 / Students characterize the rules of using natural laws in technology and everyday life
K_W03 / Students describe the significance of mathematical and statistical methods in natural sciences
K_W08 / Students characterize the mathematical and statistical methods of research that are appropriate for water management
K_W17 / Students detect and identify the main types of pollution sources of surface water and groundwater
K_W18 / Students characterize and understand the processes involved in the treatment of water and wastewater
P1P_W04 / Students have knowledge about the most important problems in the scope of scientific fields and disciplines related to the studied discipline, and are aware of their interactions with other disciplines of natural sciences and the main sectors of socio-economic activities / K_W01 / Students identify and understand basic processes and phenomena in the field of biology, physics and chemistry as well as analyze their occurrence in relation to the natural environment
K_W11 / Students recognize potential threats to the aquatic environment caused by the development of civilization, particularly by the intense pressure of human activities
K_W12 / Students describe the structure and legal basis of environmental protection, nature protection and water management in Poland and in the context of international agreements
K_W13 / Students define the services rendered by aquatic ecosystems, and understand the interdependence between the aquatic ecosystems and the social and economic development of man
K_W14 / Students describe the rules of application and the aims of cost-benefit analysis in water management and protection of water resources; students are capable of characterizing the methods of environmental valuation
K_W15 / Students characterize the assumptions of ecosystem approach to managing human activities in the environment
K_W16 / Students describe the classification principles of water resources in different applications in accordance with the Water Framework Directive
K_W19 / Students recognize and describe basic problems in hydraulic engineering at the national level and in the countries leading the field
K_W20 / Students characterize animate and inanimate resources of aquatic environment, and the means of their legal protection inPoland and worldwide
K_W28 / Students analyze interrelations among the processes and phenomena in the natural environment, and identify the relationships between the environment and enterprises
P1P_W05 / Students have knowledge of basic conceptual categories and terminology related to natural sciences as well as terms which are directly connected to the practical applications of knowledge about nature / K_W01 / Students identify and understand basic processes and phenomena in the field of biology, physics and chemistry as well as analyze their occurrence in relation to the natural environment
K_W04 / Students describe the laws which govern the natural water cycle
K_W05 / Students have knowledge of exact sciences which allows them to comprehend the processes and phenomena occurring in the hydrosphere; students also have knowledge about Earth's geography which is defined as a uniform system of interrelated and interacting components
K_W07 / Students know the structure of hydrometeorological services and the basics of Integrated Environmental Monitoring
K_W11 / Students recognize potential threats to the aquatic environment caused by the development of civilization, particularly by the intense pressure of human activities
K_W12 / Students describe the structure and legal basis of environmental protection, nature protection and water management in Poland and in the context of international agreements
K_W13 / Students define the services rendered by aquatic ecosystems, and understand the interdependence between the aquatic ecosystems and the social and economic development of man
K_W15 / Students characterize the assumptions of ecosystem approach to managing human activities in the environment
K_W16 / Students describe the classification principles of water resources in different applications in accordance with the Water Framework Directive
K_W18 / Students characterize and understand the processes involved in the treatment of water and wastewater
K_W20 / Students characterize animate and inanimate resources of aquatic environments, and the means of their legal protection inPoland and worldwide
K_W26 / Students define basic concepts in the field of studied discipline in English language
K_W27 / Students characterize selected problems in English language
P1P_W06 / Students have knowledge of statistics and information technology at the sufficient level to be able to describe and interpret natural phenomena / K_W03 / Students describe the significance of mathematical and statistical methods in natural science
K_W05 / Students have knowledge of exact sciences which allows them to comprehend the processes and phenomena occurring in the hydrosphere; students also have knowledge about Earth's geography which is defined as a uniform system of interrelated and interacting components
K_W08 / Students characterize the mathematical and statistical methods of research that are appropriate for water management
K_W09 / Students describe basic statistical tools which allow the characterization of aquatic environment and the interpretation of data related to the phenomena and processes that occur in this environment
K_W10 / Students choose appropriate IT tools to create and use data sets, to interpret basic mathematical formulas and to make calculations for describing the processes and phenomena occurring in the environment
P1P_W07 / Students have knowledge about the basic techniques and tools of research in the scope of scientific fields and disciplines related to the studied discipline, and are familiar with fundamental technologies which implement scientific achievements / K_W06 / Students characterize the theoretical basis of data acquisition techniques
K_W07 / Students know the structure of hydrometeorological services and the basics of Integrated Environmental Monitoring
K_W14 / Students describe the rules of application and the aims of cost-benefit analysis in water management and protection of water resources; students are capable of characterizing the methods of environmental valuation
K_W17 / Students detect and identify the main types of pollution sources of surface water and groundwater
K_W21 / Students describe methods and techniques used for estimating the ecological value and quality of water resources and for the protection of these resources
K_W22 / Students describe trends in the development of applied solutions and scientific research aimed at the protection and renewal of water resources in selected branches of national economy
K_W29 / Students describe techniques, methods and tools used in modern research related to water management or protection of water resources
P1P_W08 / Students understand the relationships between the achievements in selected fields of science and natural sciences, and the possibilities of their use in socio-economic activities in accordance with the sustainable management of biodiversity / K_W13 / Students define the services rendered by aquatic ecosystems, and they understand the interdependence between aquatic ecosystems and the social and economic development of man
K_W14 / Students describe the rules of application and the aims of cost-benefit analysis in water management and protection of water resources; students are capable of characterizing the methods of environmental valuation
K_W22 / Students describe trends in the development of applied solutions and scientific research aimed at the protection and renewal of water resources in selected branches of national economy
P1P_W09 / Students know the basic rules of safety and hygiene at work, and ergonomics / K_W24 / Students describe the organization of activities and managing human groups at the place of practice
P1P_W10 / Students know and understand the basic concepts and rules of industrial property protection and copyright laws, and can make use of patent resources / K_W25 / Students collect data and conduct preliminary data analysis aimed at the fulfillment of their thesis requirements
P1P_W11 / Students are capable of showing and further developing individual resourcefulness by using knowledge in the scope of the fields of science and disciplines related to the studied discipline / K_W23 / Students define tasks in the field of water management that are the objects of activity of a company
P1P_U01 / Students apply basic techniques, research tools and technological processes appropriate for the fields of science and disciplines related to the studied discipline, which are also based on pertinent areas of socio-economic activities / K_U01 / Students use basic measuring and analytical techniques commonly applied in natural sciences
K_U04 / Students use basic techniques and research tools in the field of water management and environmental protection
K_U08 / Students choose and apply (unassisted) basic techniques and research tools in the field of environmental studies which are adequate for solving the scientific problem under consideration
K_U18 / Students follow the established analytical procedures when making the measurements
P1P_U02 / Students comprehend Polish literature in the field of sciences and disciplines related to the studied discipline; students read and comprehend simple scientific and technical texts in foreign language / K_U05 / Students search for and select necessary information from the specialized literature and other information sources, including electronic resources
K_U12 / Students point to appropriate legal regulations and administrative bodies responsible for water management and protection of water resources
K_U17 / Students use Polish literature on the processes of water reclamation
K_U29 / Students formulate opinions on a given topic in English language
K_U31 / Students read and comprehend the specialized scientific texts in English language
P1P_U03 / Students are capable of using the available information sources, including electronic resources / K_U02 / Students use information sources with regard to basic topics in natural sciences in Polish and English language
K_U09 / Students use the available information sources, including IT, multimedia and internet resources
K_U12 / Students point to appropriate legal regulations and administrative bodies responsible for water management and protection of water resources
K_U15 / Students distinguish the aims as well as analyze and evaluate the modern strategies of environmental management, particularly in the context of ecosystem approach to managing human activities
K_U26 / Students collect factographic data
K_U32 / Students use the available information sources and critically evaluate their content
P1P_U04 / Students perform simple practical tasks or expertises under the supervision of academic advisor / K_U03 / Students perform simple measurements under the supervision of academic advisor
K_U18 / Students follow the established analytical procedures during the measurements
K_U22 / Students plan and conduct simple analyses related to the valuation of natural environment and environmental quality assessment, either supervised or unsupervised
K_U25 / Students create work schedules and perform simple tasks, either supervised or unsupervised
P1P_U05 / Students apply basic statistics, algorithms and IT techniques in order to describe and analyze the phenomena typical for the socio-economic areas based on natural sciences / K_U01 / Students apply basic measuring and analytical techniques commonly used in natural sciences
K_U08 / Students choose and apply (unassisted) basic techniques and research tools in the field of environmental studies which are adequate for solving the scientific problem under consideration
K_U10 / Students use the basic mathematical and statistical methods for analyzing the data and describing the phenomena that occur in the environment
K_U11 / Students use the modern IT methods to assess the risk of environmental threats, particularly in the hydrosphere
K_U13 / Students choose and independently apply the techniques and tools for assessing the monetary value of aquatic ecosystems in the context of ecosystem approach to environmental management
K_U27 / Students evaluate the finalized tasks
P1P_U06 / Students conduct observations and simple physical, biological and chemical measurements which are typical for the socio-economic areas based on natural sciences / K_U01 / Students apply basic measuring and analytical techniques commonly used in natural sciences
K_U03 / Students perform simple measurements under the supervision of academic advisor
K_U06 / Students conduct the basic observations of processes and phenomena that occur in the hydrosphere; students choose measuring methods which are appropriate for characterizing these processes and phenomena
K_U16 / Students demonstrate skills necessary for conducting basic measurements of selected processes related to water treatment in a laboratory scale
K_U18 / Students follow the established analytical procedures when making measurements
K_U25 / Students perform simple tasks, either supervised or unsupervised
P1P_U07 / Students can draw correct conclusions based on the data originating from various information sources / K_U07 / Students observe and describe changes occurring in the water management; students predict the directions in the development of water management
K_U14 / Students analyze case studies in the field of water management and protection of water resources with regard to the impact on ecological, social and economic systems
K_U15 / Students distinguish the aims as well as analyze and evaluate the modern strategies of environmental management, particularly in the context of ecosystem approach to managing human activities
K_U20 / Students formulate opinions on the subject of basic topics in environmental engineering
K_U23 / Students evaluate the impact of planned investment projects on the value and quality of water resources
K_U32 / Students use the available information sources and critically evaluate their content
P1P_U08 / Students use the specialized language in the discussions undertaken with professionals from a chosen discipline of science and the pertinent areas of socio-economic activities / K_U19 / Students can explain and justify the necessity of land irrigation and drainage, and the construction of hydraulic structures
K_U20 / Students formulate opinions on the subject of basic topics in environmental engineering
K_U28 / Students create short reports in English language
P1P_U09 / Students can prepare well-documented reports on the problems related to scientific fields and disciplines pertinent to the studied discipline, in Polish in English language / K_U21 / Students prepare well-documented reports on the results of water quality measurements
K_U24 / Students propose and evaluate the solution variants aimed at the protection and renewal of water resources; students recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of these variants
P1P_U10 / Students have skills necessary for making oral presentations in Polish and English language on the detailed topics related to scientific fields and disciplines pertinent to the studied discipline / K_U19 / Students can explain and justify the necessity of land irrigation and drainage, and the construction of hydraulic structures
K_U28 / Students create short reports in English language
K_U29 / Students formulate opinions on a given topic in English language
K_U33 / Students have skills needed for preparing an oral presentation of scientific character
P1P_U11 / Students can learn independently in a self-directed way / K_U34 / Students can learn independently in a self-directed way
P1P_U12 / Students have language skills in the field of sciences and disciplines related to the studied discipline, in accordance with level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages / K_U30 / Students search for and use the literature published in Polish and English language in their thesis work
K_U31 / Students read and comprehend the specialized scientific texts in English language
P1P_K01 / Students understand the necessity of life-long learning / K_K03 / Students are aware of their professional and personal competencies, and understand the need for improving these competencies; students update and broaden their knowledge and skills
K_K13 / Students know the limitations of their own knowledge and skills, and understand the necessity of the continuous improvement of professional skills related to the valuation and protection of water resources; students understand a need for on-going personal development
K_K18 / Students motivate others to broaden the obtained knowledge
P1P_K02 / Students can cooperate and work in a group by assuming different roles / K_K01 / Students can cooperate and work in a group by assuming different roles
K_K06 / Students can assume different roles in the group, including the role of manager
K_K08 / Using the experience gained from the participation in the problem-solving group exercises, students can set the right priorities for realizing the task defined by themselves or others; students can independently and efficiently organize their own work, and critically evaluate its progress
K_K09 / Students understand the need for further learning in the field of water management, particularly with reference to drinking water
K_K18 / Students motivate others to broaden the obtained knowledge
P1P_K03 / Students can correctly establish priorities during the realization of tasks set by themselves or others / K_K08 / Using the experience gained from the participation in the problem-solving group exercises, students can set the right priorities for realizing the task defined by themselves or others; students can independently and efficiently organize their own work, and critically evaluate its progress
K_K17 / Students can organize their own work and critically evaluate its progress
P1P_K04 / Students correctly identify and resolve dilemmas related to their professional activities / K_K10 / Students can knowingly assess the impact of human activities on the aquatic environment
K_K14 / Students cooperate with the team
K_K16 / Students follow the principles of intellectual honesty
P1P_K05 / Students understand the necessity of improving the professional and personal competencies / K_K03 / Students are aware of their professional and personal competencies, and understand the need for improving these competencies; students update and broaden their knowledge and skills
K_K05 / Students know the limitations of their own knowledge, and understand the necessity of continuous learning and improving the professional skills
K_K09 / Students understand the need for further learning in the field of water management, particularly with reference to drinking water
K_K13 / Students know the limitations of their own knowledge and skills, and understand the necessity of the continuous improvement of professional skills related to the valuation and protection of water resources; students understand the need for on-going personal development
K_K18 / Students motivate others to broaden the obtained knowledge
P1P_K06 / Students are responsible for their own and others' safety; students are familiar with the emergency procedures / K_K02 / Students assume the responsibility for the equipment and materials entrusted to them; students are responsible for their own and others' safety at work
K_K12 / Students are responsible for their own and others' safety at work, i.e. they know the emergency procedures and take precautions when working with research equipment in the measurement laboratory
K_K17 / Students can organize their own work and critically evaluate its progress
P1P_K07 / Students have a need for continuous updating of knowledge in the field of study / K_K03 / Students are aware of their professional and personal competencies, and understand the need for improving these competencies; students update and broaden their knowledge and skills
K_K04 / Students understand the need for continuous updating of knowledge related to natural sciences research
K_K08 / Using the experience gained from the participation in the problem-solving group exercises, students can set the right priorities for realizing the task defined by themselves or others; students can independently and efficiently organize their own work, and critically evaluate its progress
K_K09 / Students understand the need for further learning in the field of water management, particularly with reference to drinking water
P1P_K08 / Students can think and act the resourceful way / K_K07 / Using the experience gained from playing the roles of different stakeholders, students can effectively communicate with professionals and non-professionals in situations related to water management and protection of water resources in the context of ecosystem approach to managing marine environment
K_K11 / Students demonstrate creativity in individual work as well as team work
K_K15 / Students assume the responsibility for their own and others' safety
K_K17 / Students can organize their own work and critically evaluate its progress