Accessibility Plan 2016/17
EqualityDuty / Action By / Action Required / Target date / Progress – to be monitored at SEAT meetings
Ensure Equality Policy & Plan is accurate, current & impact of objectives is being monitored / Head Teacher
Equality & SEND Governor (tbc)
Comms Governor (tbc) /
- Annual Accessibility Audit to identify current provision and future requirements, including seeking and analysing stakeholder views and needs, and utilising current OCC guidance
- Development of equality objectives, publication and communication of statutory data and plans including online and in governor newsletters
- Monitoring of implementation of Equality Objectives, including the impact on the attainment and progress of groups of children falling within this policy. Most notably children to whom the Pupil Premium applies, children on the SEND register, and children with a disability.
- Annual Report to Full GB
- Full Governing Body update and awareness training of equality duty obligations in whole school governance
- Staff training and awareness of updates to policy and objectives, and to developments in equality legislation as regular agenda item, including regular updating of Equality noticeboard in staff room
- May 2017
- June 2017 with publication in Sept 2017
- May 2017
- July 2017
- No later than December 2016
- Ongoing
Physical Access –
Mobility impaired/Wheelchair access on site / Head Teacher
Equality & SEND Governor (tbc)
PCC (tbc) /
- Locate ramp and place in readily accessible position to enable access over step into Upper Junior classroom
- Address small step/threshold between indoor/ outdoor infant classroom
- Adaptations of playhouse and gazebo
- Assess pupil needs Sept 2016 or when budget allows
- As above
- As above
Doors on school premises /
- Door furniture accessibility may need to be adapted for any wheelchair user with limited arm reach
- As above
Toilets /
- Disabled toilets currently used for storage of a range of school related items. These would need to be removed in the event of a wheelchair user being a permanent member of the school community
- As above
Signage /
- Emergency evacuation sign to be enlarged and moved to a more visible location
- Sept 2016
Access to Learning –
Differentiating the curriculum / Head Teacher
Equality & SEND Governor (tbc)
Quality of Teaching Governor (tbc) /
- Staff CPD plans include training on identification of individual pupils’ needs, differentiated planning for pupils with protected characteristics and teaching on diversity issues
- Narrowing the gap initiatives, including intervention programmes to raise attainment
- Individual Pupil progress monitoring and planning to ensure appropriate provision of teaching at an individual basis
- Staff CPD plans include training on updates on Prevent and Channel
- Ongoing for existing staff, by Dec 2016 for new staff
- On-going
- Termly
- On-going for existing staff, by Dec 2016 for new staff
Safeguarding and Anti-bullying /
- Inclusion of diversity awareness and tolerance in anti-bullying week and Pupil Voice discussion groups
- Leadership CPD to support staff and parent community awareness on bullying and related issues, including cyberbullying, child safeguarding against on-line grooming (tbc)
- Nov 2016
- Mar 2017
Wellbeing development /
- Assess need for additional teaching, learning resources, indoor & outdoor play equipment required to support Nursery – using ring-fenced funding from defunct Pre-school
- Develop a “mobile” outdoor “Quiet Area” demarcated by portable boxes or similar with blankets and cushions, books, colouring & associated materials, for children to sit quietly or pursue quiet activities
- Sep 2016
- For use by autumn or spring terms
Global citizen awareness /
- Establish links and opportunities for face to face interactions with other schools to raise awareness of faith and cultural diversity – based around a religious festival or celebration e.g. Diwali, Christmas, Hannukah, Eid, Easter
- Arrange visit – or further visits - to place or places of worship other than Christian – e.g. Synagogue, Hindu temple, Mosque, Sikh Temple
- Nov 2016
- May 2017
Attendance /
- Develop and implement initiatives to raise attendance levels, particularly across cohorts of children with protected characteristics and/all falling within our equality policy
- Dec 2016
Access to information / Head Teacher
Equality & SEND Governor (TBC)
Comms Governor (tbc) /
- Review further development of relationship with stakeholders with protected characteristics to encourage communication with specific accessibility needs via surveys and questionnaires.
- Review information provision is in suitable formats for all stakeholders to have adequate access.
- Carry out impact assessment on 2016/17 Equality Objectives and Accessibility Plan and Single Equality Duty compliance and publish on school website
- Jun 2017
- Jun 2017
- Jul 2017