Minutes of the meeting of the Child and Adolescent Faculty Executive Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland 10th February 2016
Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland Office, 12 Queen St. Edinburgh
- Present; Anne McFadyen (AMCF), Chair, Elaine Lockhart (EL) Vice-Chair/Secretary, Jackie Pickett (JP), Ereni Skouta (ES), Dianne Forsythe (DF), Ella Robertson, Ashley Cameron (AC), Raghuram Krishnasamy, trainee rep West Scotland, (RK), Kyla Brown (observing trainee)
- Apologies; Jennifer Halliday, Kate Towlson, Joanne Young, Jack O’Hara, Helen Smith, Helen Dawson, Aileen Blower, Justin Williams, Dundee rep Laura
- Previous minutes 3rd November were agreed with the following corrections;
Page 2 Under Workforce the following should be added Greater Glasgow and Clyde 3.2 consultant vacancies and Borders vacancy should read 0.9 instead of 1.0 WTE.
- Matters Arising
AC and RK were welcomed to the group.
AMcF will retire next January and will consider how long she will continue as Chair.
ES has agreed to take on the role of Academic Secretary.
Ruth Ashman and Robin Berger will share the role of trainee rep for South and East Scotland.
Anne Greer is retiring this year and will be stepping down from the RMO Forum.
Action; DF kindly agreed to take on this role, with Dorothy Laing representing specialty doctors.
- Chair’s report;
- There was excellent feedback from the service user, ER’s, presentation at the AGM.
Action; ER agreed to send on the suggested action points from this so we can move onto the next steps.
Karen Addie sent AMcF information regarding a Young Scot event on the 20/2 which she and possibly ER will attend. J O’H is working on a survey of young people asking about different aspects of CAMHS. There will be a Child Health debate on the1/3 in the Scottish Parliament with the opportunity to ask questions regarding children and young people’s mental health.
Action; A McF, ER and ES will attend this and suggest questions for the panel, including possibly one about parity of esteem and another regarding the spending per head of population on CAMHS versus physical health services for children.
There is also to be an event at Scottish Government about Performance Indicators which ER and J O’H may be able to contribute to.
- AMcF reported back from the Lead Clinicians’ group where Lauren Murdoch was discussing what might go into the Mental Health Strategy.
- CAMHS engagement event on the 23/1 was attended by different stakeholders and Lauren Murdoch presented the successes and challenges in CAMHS with a discussion about how we might meet the increasing demand. It is hoped that the Prevalence Study and better data collection will shed light on this. She is keen that we will be able to explore further inequalities, outcomes, the physical health of children and young people attending CAMHS, and how to improve services at Tiers 1 and 2. People were asked to vote on their top priorities with the top 4 identified as Tier 4 services, Early Intervention, Looked After and Accommodated Children and the Balance of Healthcare. John Mitchell’s paper had been circulated which focused on outcome indicators in CAMHS which focus on patients’ experiences, building on the Balanced Scorecard and including workforce data in the Mental Health Indicators.
Action; AMcF will send Lauren Murdoch’s slides round the group.
- Scottish Patient Safety Programme – JH will attend an event in Dundee on the 10/3 on behalf of the group.
- STARG- a meeting was held at RCPSYiS on the 5/2 and there will be a conference for the Scottish University Psychiatry societies on the 27 and 28/2, with ES and Iain McClure presenting workshops. We will be informed of future Careers Fairs and after the positive feedback from the October conference for the presentation of the Safe Spot app. Drs. Punukollu and Mitchell have been asked to present at the next meeting.
Action; All to link with their local University Psychiatry societies.
- Practice Exchange Forum; Ruairidh McKay contacted AMcF regarding his wish to relaunch this and there was general support for having an opportunity to discuss children under 12 years with complex psychiatric presentations with peers.
- Information for schools regarding a career in psychiatry – a leaflet had been circulated by Mallika Punukollu and once agreed will be sent to the leads for Careers Advice in Scottish schools.
Action; EL to send to JP and all to send EL their feedback about the wording of the leaflet.
- Values Based CAMHS Commission- a meeting was held on the 8/2 regarding this and there will be a Scottish sub-group. The challenge is to contribute to this in a meaningful way for the Scottish context. There will be a strand regarding training and AMcF will contact Alice McGrath and Judy Thomson regarding their possible input. Lauren Murdoch has said that Scottish Government will be interested to receive professional advice from this process and there was a discussion about how we can contribute and gain benefit here in Scotland.
Action; AMcF will convene a subgroup which could include colleagues from the CAMHS Implementation group, the CMO and EL.
- Healthy Start, Healthy Scotland – AMcF will attend the Liberal Democrats conference on behalf of the College to promote this campaign.
- AMP – Input from the Mental Welfare Commission has been helpful for Child and Adolescent psychiatry and DF commented that the programme covered most areas but perhaps other people could contribute to this process.
Action – All to send comments regarding this to AMcF.
- There will be a Mental Welfare Commission event on the 17/3 promoting the use of Advance Statements and it is important that this is considered by us.
Action; AMcF will forward details to the group.
- Academic Secretary’s Report;
There was positive feedback from the annual conference on the 20/11/’15. A suggested theme was Complex trauma and a provisional date is the 30/11/’16.
Action; ES to discuss the date with the RPCsychiS Office.
- Reports from Co-opted representatives
- and b. RCPCH and RCPCH Child Protection Committee–ES reported from the Child Protection committee meeting where the Scottish Government debate on the 1/3 was discussed and it was agreed that questions should be asked about children and young people’s emotional well-being, the Children and Young People’s (Scotland) Act (CYP Act) and about physical abuse of children. There was a discussion about Child Protection training for child and adolescent psychiatrists, which level is appropriate and it was agreed that it can be difficult to obtain good Level 3 training. It was suggested that the Child Protection Managed Clinical Networks could be helpful with this.
The challenge of working in professional silos was discussed and it is hoped that joint training for the implementation of the CYP Act could be helpful regarding this.
There was a discussion about how thresholds for Social Services seem to have changed which can be a challenge for those of us working in CAMHS.
Action; AMcF to ask Anne Greer about Child Protection training.
- NIF, the National Child Psychiatry In-patient Unit (CIPU)-HS sent her apologies and let us know that the next meeting of NIF will be on the 23/2 and that 4 beds have been closed in the Dundee YPU due to workforce pressures. The consultant workforce in the West of Scotland adolescent unit has improved and there has been in increase in throughput with a reduction in the length of stay for young people. The Tier 4 services in Lothian including the Intensive treatment team is working well but ES fed back her disappointment about the decision in Lothian that there was no need to pursue IPCU beds.
Action;CIPU will continue as agenda item under Tier 4 discussion rather than as a separate item?
- Learning Disability – there has been no contact from Dee Rasalam. The report on the need for LD CAMHS beds in Scotland is awaited. The consultation on the Adults with Incapacity legislation was circulated.
- Report from Committees
- Faculty – There has been a focus on CAMHS Transformation and on Value Based CAMHS. There has been a request from the RCPCH for evidence regarding children with long-term medical conditions; Fit for the Future. The NICE guidance on ADHD has been updated and ones on Psychosis and on Child Neglect are being undertaken.
Action; AMcF will send round information about several upcoming events.
- RCPsych in Scotland – the AGM was held in January. The January newsletter was circulated with a request for reps. from trainees.
Action; AMcF will send round a summary of the report.
3. Mental Health Specialty Board – JP fed back that a national training Programme Director should be in place by this summer. There was a 19% recruitment to Child and Adolescent psychiatry for the February 2016 start in the UK as a whole and none in Scotland. The application for starting in August 2016 is now open, with 5 vacancies and 1 Clinical Lecturer post in Lothian.
4. Higher Training – the National Academic Programme (NAP) has been reorganised with 10 full days per academic year. RK reported that the plan will be to request speakers will in advance to give them sufficient notice. There are also 10 days of local teaching in the East and West of Scotland but the position in the North is unclear. There is a wish to avoid discrepancies nationally regarding available training e.g. for systemic training. The study leave budget is now allocated on the basis of the number of trainees but this isn’t allocated on an individual basis.
Action; AMcF will e-mail all consultants in Scotland to encourage participation in the NAP.
5. Workforce – EL updated the group on consultant vacancies.
Action; EL to send RPCsychiS staff the minutes so they are aware of the workforce figures.
6. Mentors
Action; JP to convene a meeting of mentors.
7. Integration of Services –AMcF has been I touch with Robert Fraser in Scottish Government regarding this and the implementation of the CYP Act which are seen to be linked.
- Children and Young People’s Health Strategy group
EL fed back from the most recent meeting in December when Penny Curtis from Scottish Government spoke about the various challenges facing CAMHS and the thoughts regarding the next Mental Health strategy.
- College Public Mental Health group
Healthy Start, Health Scotland – there was a discussion about how we can best support this campaign locally e.g. through discussion with paediatricians and other colleagues about how to best support pregnant women. Two million pounds have been allocated form Scottish Government for Tier 2 work with the priority on joint working with other agencies and it could be used to focus on early intervention.
9. Consultations and reports circulated
College Workforce report - AMcF fed back to the authors that Scotland wasn’t included in this.
- Dates of future meetings;
Tuesday 10/5/’16
Thursday 11/8/’16
Wednesday 9/11/’16 all at the College building in Queen St. Edinburgh
RK brought up ISD data collection regarding Tier 3 work and case complexity and the need for long-term work.