Care Home Follow-up Visit
Name of Care Home:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Date of Visit:……../……../…………….
(Questions for Manager or Deputy)
Evidence seen of cascade of trainingYES / NO
The manager should have a record of any cascaded training
How many staff are currently able to manage
the use of inhalers and spacer devices?…………… staff
Staff previously trained in the use of inhalers may have left or may not be deemed competent to manage inhalers.
Can the Inhaler Resource Pack be produced?YES / NO
Device Maintenance
Are all spacer devices labelled with patient’s name?YES / NO(Check all spacers)
Are all spacer devices and inhalers visibly clean?YES / NO(Inspect where possible)
Can staff correctly talk through washing and drying processes? YES / NO(Including frequency)
Do staff know they need to replace the spacer after infection?YES / NO(Infected sputum risk)
Staff are able to talk-through using a spacer device? YES / NO (Ask them to pretend)
Inhaler Types and Uses
Staff can identify the different inhaler types they use?YES / NO
Reliever / Long Acting Reliever / Preventer / Steroid / Combination
Staff are aware of the precautions in use with inhaled steroids?YES / NO
To reduce the risk of oral infections the patient should rinse and gargle with water after using their steroid or combination inhaler
Staff are aware of the correct inspiratory flow rate?YES / NO
Staff should be able to recognise the different flow rate when using an MDI (very gentle breath in) or a dry powder inhaler (strong breath in)
Staff understand the need for an interval between puffs?YES / NO
30 seconds between each puff
Patient Observations
Were any patients observed on this visit?YES / NOIf so, how many? ……………………….
How many of these patients were identified as
being unable to use their specific inhaler type?………………………….
Please comment on the type(s) of issues identified with this/these patient(s):
Please record total numbers for this care homeRecommendations / Made / Actioned
Prescribing spacers for MDI users
Reduction in prescribing/use of
bronchodilators (Asthmatics)
Increase in ICS prescribing/use (Asthmatics)
Personal Action Plan
Management of osteoporosis risks
Change of prescribed device
Referral to Stop Smoking Services
Flu vaccinations
Please record any other recommendations that are NOT listed above
Made / Actioned
Was the GP requested to make any patient reviews? / YES / NO
How many, if any, reviews were requested? / ……………reviews
(Please record summary for all patients at this care home here. These must be subsequently transferred to PharmOutcomes)