Fox School of Business and Management
Temple University
In order to be considered for these awards, a student must have financial “need”. In order to do so, student should have a current FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) on file. (See the Student Financial Services Website ( for instructions on how to file the FAFSA). When you sign the waiver below, Student Financial Services will give us the results of the evaluation.
Please complete lines #1- #4, and the Student Section, and then take the form to Center for Undergraduate Advising Speakman Hall, room 101.
1. Student’s name: (Print clearly) ______
(Last) (First) (M.I.)
2. T.U. ID #: ______
3. Academic Year: ______
4. List all awards for which you are applying (submit only one financial data form):
Please provide information regarding current employment status and income (excluding
Federal Work Study): If employed, by whom, approximately how many hours per week?
Employer’s Name: ______
Hours per week: ______
How much do you expect to earn during the current academic year?
$ ______
I hereby grant my financial aid information to be released by the Office of Student Financial Services.
Student’s signature: ______Date: ______
Email address: ______Telephone: ______
Cost of Attendance for the Academic Year $______
Tuition/Fees $ ______
Room and Board $ ______
Book/Other $ ______
Less the total family contribution (EFC) $ ______
Financial Need: $ ______
Student Waiver to Release Personal and Confidential Information
Student Name: ______TUID: ______
The Student Financial Services (SFS) office at Temple University is required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Title 34, Part 99, to release detailed information to the student only. However, by signing the statement below, the student may voluntarily waive his/her privacy rights, thereby authorizing SFS to release the contents of personal and confidential information to specific individual(s) or agencies.
By completing this form, the Fox School of Business, will be able to obtain information regarding the student's financial aid status, cost of attendance and determination of financial aid eligibility. In signing this request, the student understands that the waiver is valid for one (1) academic year, and that a new waiver must be signed each subsequent academic year that the student is in attendance at Temple University.
I, ______, hereby waive my rights under the Family
Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) by authorizing the Student Financial Services office at Temple University to share any requested information concerning my financial aid application and/or awards information to: The Fox School of Business.
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______
This waiver does not provide to the person(s) listed above any or all information pertaining to the amount of the student's financial aid disbursement(s).SFS reserves the right to withdraw the authorization if there are instances or circumstances of abuse or evidence of a conflict of interest.