Award Programs Overview
Freedoms Foundation currently conducts two awards programs.
Leavey Awards for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education
These awards honor outstanding educators who excite a commitment in their students to the free enterprise system. Established in 1977, and now permanently endowed by The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation of Los Angeles, the program honors educators who unleash the entrepreneurial skills of their students at the elementary school, junior high school, high school or college level. Up to 20 cash awards valued at $7,500 each are made annually. One award of $15,000 may be made for an outstanding entry.
The deadline for Leavey Award Nominations is November 1st of each year
This year we recognized 8 teachers and their programs with Leavey Awards for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education on May 1-4, 2014 at the Radisson Valley Forge Hotel.
National Awards
This was the first program of the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. Since its inception in 1949, the Foundation has honored more than 56,000 Americans from all walks of life¾the famous and the unknown, the young and the old¾from Maine to California. Large corporations and small businesspersons, farmers, elementary school students, teachers and military servicemen and women have been awarded Freedoms Foundation’s National Awards for their efforts to make our America a better place for everyone. The awards are selected by a prominent independent jury and given to those who promote, through words or deeds, an understanding of responsible citizenship and its relationship to a free society.
The deadline for National Award Nominations is June 1st of each year.
Important Dates for Awards Program in 2014
June 1 National Awards – Must be postmarked by this date
July National Awards Jury Convenes
Labor Day Recipients and Chapters Notified
Fall/Winter Volunteer Chapter Award Ceremonies
November 1 Leavey Award Submission Deadline
December Leavey Award Jury Convenes
How to Seek Nominations for National Awards
The National Awards Program was established to say thank you to those who are speaking up for our country or performing deeds which make it stronger. Our goal is to recognize as many different individuals for their work toward this pursuit. The following is a list of suggestions for getting as many unique and interesting nominations as possible for National Awards:
1. Newspapers and Magazines are an excellent source for nominations. Look for
the following:
a. Corporations/organizations who consistently have demonstrated community works and patriotic efforts on an ongoing basis over the current year.
b. Series of speeches delivered to groups in your community. Be sure to include
the full text, name and address of the speaker and dates and places delivered.
c. Articles about a long term activity or project done by a school or community
group. Ask the originator to submit a Portfolio nomination.
2. Visit elementary, middle, and high schools to urge principals and educators to submit nominations of students who are working on projects of an ongoing nature
which instill patriotism and encourages responsible citizenship.
3. Visit colleges and universities in your area and look for economic education, citizenship, law enforcement, ecology or other types of programs which would be appropriate for an award. Make sure there is proper documentation and illustration of the project.
4. Contact military installations, National Guard or ROTC groups to encourage
participation in the military essays category. Usually the Information Officer is the best person to contact or the Professor of Military Science at colleges.
5. Check with companies in your area to see if they are conducting public affairs projects for their employees to learn about the functions of constitutional government, or volunteering for community works projects.
6. Contact local organizations such as Boy/Girl Scouts and Youth clubs, Big Brothers/Sisters, sports teams, Lions, Rotary, AMVETS, etc. to see if they are conducting projects or activities that promote patriotism, remind citizens of their duties, focus on American heritage or history, or youth programs that help clean up the community.
How to Submit a Nomination to the National Awards
The following is a guide for Volunteer Chapters to submit nominations to the National Awards Program.
1. Fill out the Nomination Form for National Awards completely and attach
it to the entry. Be sure to fill in your name and address (nominator), chapter affiliation, as well as the full name and address of the nominee. Designate the appropriate category and age group for the nomination. Include a $20.00 check for return of materials.
2. A letter of recommendation and a one page project synopsis must be included in the front of each entry—why are you recommending this person or group
to receive a National Award and describe the project or activities in the front.
3. Include all pertinent information to best illustrate the nominee, Entries should consist of no more than 10 supporting documents. Supporting documents include letters of commendation, project in action photographs, news clippings, program outlines and/or a supporting video. Entries can be submitted either electronically or by mail along with a nomination form and the one page project synopsis.
4. Use as many illustrative materials as possible to “document” the entry.
Documentation is necessary for proper evaluation. For example, photographs, news clippings, samples of printed materials, copies of letters of commendation, etc.
5. Be sure to include the name of sponsor, school, agency or organization
responsible for the program, along with the full name (including Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr. and full first and last names) and address of the principal or executive officer.
6. All entires may be submitted through e-mail. Include in the e-mail the following information….name, address, nominator, chapter affiliation and e-mail.
7. Social Security Number are not required!
· Feel free to contact the Awards Department for assistance and/or advice. We will be happy to make recommendations or assist you in researching a potential nomination.
· Nominations may be re-submitted in subsequent years. Updated materials should be included in the entry when re-submitted.
· Freedoms Foundation staff and/or Volunteer Chapter members for the Foundation are not eligible. Deceased individuals are also not eligible. However, if someone dies after the nomination is submitted, and, is selected to receive an award, the award will be presented to a member of the family.
· Be sure that you make it clear that nominations are selected by an independent jury. Be careful not to make editorial statements. The unawarded nominee may say, “But you said my project was magnificent!”
· Nomination forms and guidelines will be available online. Brochures will only be available by special request.
National Awards Ceremonies
**Volunteer Chapter Awards Ceremonies to be held after November 1st of each year**
Since National Award recipients are all over the country, we ask Volunteer Chapters to present the awards to those award recipients in your geographic area and in a way which is appropriate for such an honor. To receive a National Award is a very special honor for the recipient and this message should be communicated throughout the presentation.
Once the jury has made their selections, there is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done, for example, letters of announcement are sent, medals need to be ordered and shipped, etc. Therefore, we ask that no National Award presentations be held until after November 1st. Here are a few things that will make this process run smoothly:
· As soon as your Chapter selects a date for the ceremony, contact the Awards Office at 610 933-8825 x234, so that we can be sure the medals are ready for presentation.
· Please send us any information about your awards presentation, with a sample invitation, program and any press releases for our files.
· If there is an awardee you cannot locate for the ceremony, please let us know so that we can help locate an address for the awardee.
How to Plan the National Awards Ceremony
The following is a basic outline for a ceremony. This is given to guide you through the planning stages. You may want to vary the order, make additions such as the Pledge of Allegiance, presentation of the colors, etc.; however, be sure to keep the ceremony under one hour.
Welcome (2 minutes):
Given by the Chapter President, Vice President of Awards, Ceremony Chairman or Master of Ceremonies.
Introduction (10 minutes) - Suggested remarks:
“It is indeed a distinct honor and privilege for me to be with you today, representing Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. We are here to honor recipients of the ### Annual National Awards. The National Awards Program, established in 1949 by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, was the Foundation’s very first activity. It is intended to recognize the exceptional efforts of individuals and organizations whose positive words or deeds promote our country’s great heritage and encourage Americans to understand, to value and to speak up for the rights, unique freedoms and responsibilities which are theirs.
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to effectively communicating to young people the principles upon which our great nation was founded, and the balance of rights and responsibilities of citizens in today’s increasingly diverse society.
More than 4,000 students pass through the doors of Freedoms Foundation to attend our youth leadership conferences each year. These young people gain exposure to the tenets of citizenship necessary to perpetuate a free society, and carry these ideals back to their schools and community. They learn the balancing of rights and responsibilities, the history of our founding fathers and documents, and what it means to be an American citizen.
Freedoms Foundation also sponsors graduate credit seminars and workshops for educators, aimed at enriching the curriculum they share with their students. The educators, from all 50 states, develop among their students an understanding of the nature and responsibilities of freedom and the benefits of a free society. Nearly 150 educators each year take these fully accredited seminars and workshops studying issues relating history to today’s problems, responsible citizenship, and the benefits of the free enterprise system.
National Awards Program nominations are made by the general public as well as members of our 27 Volunteer Chapters, located in 17 states. Since the program’s inception in 1949, more than 56,000 awards have been presented to Americans from all walks of life ¾ the famous and the unknown, the young and the old ¾ from Maine to California. Major organizations and small businesspersons, farmers, elementary school students, teachers and military servicemen and women have all been awarded National Awards for their efforts to make our America a better place for everyone.
Selected by an independent jury composed of national officers of service and civic organizations, educators and leaders from the business community, the award reflects a wide range of efforts within the areas of community programs, public communications and individual achievement.”
Presentation of Awards (Allow 1 minute/citation and 1/2 minute for acceptance):
Announce name of recipient, where he/she is from, category, title award nomination, and type of award. Then read the citation. Once the person receives the award allow them 1/2 minute to respond. Make sure they know how much time will be allowed for their response.
“One nomination which came to Valley Forge for this year’s program told of the efforts of RECIPIENT NAME. The nomination was reviewed by the distinguished jury and was selected to receive the NAME OF AWARD for his/her/their efforts in helping to bring about a better understanding and appreciation of our nation and its principles of human dignity and freedom.
On behalf of the Distinguished Jury and Freedoms Foundation, it is my privilege to present RECIPIENT with the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge NAME OF MEDAL.”
Entertainment (15 - 20 minutes):
It is important to keep the entertainment in line with the prestige and elegance of the ceremony. Suggestions include: a choral group from a local military school or base (in their formal attire), a youth orchestra playing patriotic songs, or show the Freedoms Foundation promotional video.
Speaker (10 minutes - Optional):
Choose a speaker whose subject matter pertains in some way to what Freedoms Foundation promotes. It is best to listen to the speaker in advance, either on tape or in person.
Close (1 minute)
Thank everyone for coming, etc.
Leavey Awards for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education
One of the basic strengths of America is the private enterprise system. This unique concept of individual opportunity, incentive and reward provides Americans with the highest standard of living and personal freedom enjoyed by people of any nation. It is essential that each generation, the future leaders of our country, have a concrete understanding and appreciation for this facet of the American way of life.
Celebrating its 37th year in 2014, the Leavey Awards For Excellence in Private Enterprise Education was permanently endowed in 1981 by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation in order to provide up to 20 cash awards of $7,500 each to educators who conceive and conduct an innovative course or project to teach the private enterprise system to their students. The panel may recommend a special award of $15,000 for an unusually meritorious entry.
Who is Eligible?
Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and employed as an educator at an accredited American elementary school, secondary school, college or university. The candidate must conceive and implement an innovative course, program or project which develops among students, a deeper understanding and appreciation of the American private enterprise system.
The candidate’s course, program or project must have been operating in the previous academic year. For example, entries submitted by November 1, 2013 would have been in operation during the 2012-2013 school year.
Recipients are only eligible to receive the award one time.
An independent awards panel consisting of corporate and academic leaders is assembled each fall. The panel reviews all entries and judges which entries best communicate the principles of the private enterprise system in an innovative way.
How to Submit a Leavey Award Nomination
The nomination form must be accompanied by an outline and a one page project synopsis describing the content and results of the course, program or project and its relevance to the private enterprise system. The nomination must be adequately documented by comprehensive materials, such as graphs, sample materials, photographs, letters of commendation, news clippings, etc. Material should be presented for review by the awards panel in the form of a portfolio or ring binder. In the event a winning nomination involves more than one instructor, the award will be divided among the nominees.