Peter Harrison Howard Atkinson John Mahoney
Clerk to Parish Meeting Chair, Parish Meeting Deputy Chair, Parish Meeting
485052 485765 485169
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Peter Harrison Howard Atkinson John Mahoney
Clerk to Parish Meeting Chair, Parish Meeting Deputy Chair, Parish Meeting
485052 485765 485169
e-mail :
- Superfast Broadband (SFB) and Askerswell Parish: our petition organised by Ian Russell and others was signed by 95% of residents and was heard by Dorset County Council Environment Overview Committee on 17th June. Matthew Piles (Head of Economy, DCC) emphasised that innovative solutions may sometimes be required to reach the remaining 3% without SFB within an achievable budget. His informal opinion was that although Askerswell Parish was in that 3%, it would receive SFB but he was not specific on when! John Mahoney presented our petition seeking a creative-thinking review of how SFB could be delivered to our Parish. Councillor Coatsworth supported our case strongly. The Minutes of the meeting record that “the petitioner be notified that a meeting between officers and the petitioner be arranged, to include the local member, and that a Task and Finish Group on Superfast Broadband Provision to Hard-to-Reach Communities would be established”. We await contact from DCC about this Task and Finish Group. It will conduct an in-depth review not possible within meetings of the Environment Overview Committee.
- Mobile phone reception: there isa government-fundedmobile infrastructure project (MIP) to erect new masts for “not spots”. All four mobile providers (EE, Vodafone, O2 and Three) are committed to use the mastfor at least 20 years. One is planned for near Powerstock and possibly a second above Litton Cheney.The main contractor developing the project (Arqiva) has told our MP that the Powerstock mast is “unlikely to provide comprehensive mobile coverage to the Loders, Uploders & Askerswell areas”.
- Engagement with Oliver Letwin MP on broadband and mobile provision. John Mahoney, Godfrey Lancashire and Howard Atkinson have been present at two Loders PC meetings at which Mr Letwin has been very helpful in offering advice. A meeting is planned forSeptember with Mr Letwin to determine what additional advice and help he can provide to Askerswell Parish on bothSFB and improved mobile reception.
- Volunteers needed for a mobile signal survey:we have been advised that the coverage maps ofthe four providers on their websites are model-based and not necessarily accurate. One way forward is to show Arqiva that the Parish is a more substantial not spot than indicated by their data. Volunteers are needed (contact Howard) to visit each house in the Parish in August and detectasignal from anyprovider in that house and possibly also outside nearby. This will be co-ordinated with Loders PC. Clearly many null returns will establish we are a not spot area.
- Progress on a Neighbourhood Plan:a survey document has now been printed and you will receive a copy in early August from your distributor. Itwill be collected about a week later at a mutually agreed time by the same person and with theanonymity of your return assured. Your return is important to ensure outcomes represent all views and not just those with strong opinions. The survey will be analysed before our Neighbourhood Forum decides whether or not there is support to progress a neighbourhood plan. If a planis developed,you will be consulted next by an event at the Village Hall and later when a draft plan is compiled.
- The Mobile library; use it or lose it: DCC proposes withdrawing 74 stops (about 30%) based on three users or less and an average of less than 10 items issued per visit. The Askerswell stop has been retained but its current usage is close to that cut-off. A questionnaire is available (closing date 4th September) from DCC’s website or Howard. Our proposed new time from April 2016 will be fortnightly on Thursday at 10:25-10:40. The library is important to some residents. Please be public-spirited and use the service to prevent future loss.
- Improvements to our environment:this has beenthe focus of much effort this year. Mandy and Graham Hall have been maintaining the three planters at the square included the two new ones provided by Councillor Coatesworth. Ian Russell has revitalised the seat and Parish notice board and Mary Russell is ensuing the latter carries only current notices.The grass cutting rota for Village Hall and Washingpool greens has 14 volunteers and is working well (see the Parish notice board for details ofthis and other activities). Graham Hall, Geoff Barrett and Howard Atkinson have replaced the failed field drain at Washingpool Green and provided a viewing platform for the pond. A new football goal has been installed. It isa generous gift of the Altham Family of Bridport. The area around the pond is being strimmed regularly (Nigel Guard, Graham Hall, Antony Wilsdon and Peter Harrison). Glyphosate has been applied to some weeds. Most of the sedges are currently being removed fromthe pond to help ensure it does not dry out in future before amphibian development is complete. Maggie and Geoff Barrett have maintained the outer pound and sedges have been eliminated from the inner pound and weed-suppressing fabric and forest bark laid down.
- Contact addresses and telephone numbers of residents: we have received a request that the October meeting consider support for alist to be prepared for distribution to all Parishioners. Please prepare your views so a decision can be reached in the meeting.
- Visual impact and electricity pylons from Spyway to the head of Stancombe: this is one segment of several prioritised by this National Grid project within Dorset ANOB which is itself one of 12 shortlisted areas. A decision onwhich 3-5 of the short-listed areas will be funded for major work from 2017-2021is expected in September 2015.
Peter Harrison Howard Atkinson John Mahoney
Clerk to Parish Meeting Chair, Parish Meeting Deputy Chair, Parish Meeting
485052 485765 485169
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