Using Excel to Submit T&E

Instruction Guide

January 2002

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...... 2

Introduction...... 3

Completing the T&E...... 4

Company Selection...... 4

Header Information...... 5

Airfare...... 6

Hotel...... 7

Business Meals …...... 8

Entertainment...... 9

Mileage...... 10

Rental Car...... 11

Car Service and Taxi...... 12

Gas / Tolls / Parking / Rail / Mass Transit...... 13

Telephone /Fax (non-Hotel)...... 14

Cell Phone...... 15

Conferences/Seminars...... 16

Tips / Baggage Handling...... 17

Gifts...... 18

Office Supplies...... 19

Competitive Products...... 20

Other...... 21

Purchase Orders...... 22

Total Advances or paid by Company...... 23

How Do I …?...... 24

Print...... 24

Change the Size of My Screen Display...... 25

Submit My Expenses...... 25

Save My T&E...... 26

Excel T&E Instruction Guide


The Excel Spreadsheet that you will be using is intended to standardize and simplify the process of submitting T&E. Please note that the program does not validate policy rules. Please reference the Warner Music Group Travel Policy regarding eligibility of expenses, receipt submission, and all other rules regarding travel. The Travel Policy is the definitive document with respect to travel and should be referenced when there are questions regarding travel protocol.

This Excel file will accommodate assigning expenses either to departmental overhead or to Purchase Orders, or both. All expenses that are associated with Purchase Orders must be entered on the “Purchase Order” sheet of the expense report form. Please note that when entering expenses, each entry should match to a single receipt. This allows for Management visibility into individual expenses, as well as for General Ledger coding and Purchase Order matching purposes.

Using Excel to Submit T&EWarner Music Group Services

Instruction GuidePage 1

Completing the T&E

Company Selection

This is the top line of the “Summary” Worksheet (1st tab).

Click on the “Warner Music Group” at the top of the page, and a drop-down button will appear:

Select the drop-down button by left-clicking it with your mouse to bring up the list of Division names:

Select your company name by left-clicking it with your mouse.

Header Information

This is the top section on the “Summary” Worksheet (1st tab).

Enter the following information:

Your Name

Department Name

Telephone Number

Department Number

Period Ending (date)

Company Number

Special Instructions (optional)

T&E Budget for the Traveler (optional by Division)

Year to Date T&E amount for the Traveler prior to this submission (optional by Division)

Project Number (optional)

Tip: The first time you open your T&E template, type in all of the above except the Ending Date, Special Instructions, T&E Budget, YTD T&E Actual, and Project Number, and save the file under the original name. This will “personalize” your template, as every time you open it in the future, this information will be pre-populated.


Go to the first section (lines 12-16) of the “Summary” Worksheet. Airfare may be entered on any of the lines that contain “Airfare” as the expense type (lines 12-16).

Once you select the line that you will be using to enter airfare, input the details as follows:

Date of Travel

Description of Travel (business purpose)

Destination City


Please note that if the Traveler is requesting reimbursement for Airfare, an approved Travel Authorization must accompany submission of the expense report in order for it to be processed.


Hotel Expenses are protected fields on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses.

Go to “Hotel, Mileage, & Car Service” Worksheet (3rd tab) for all hotel expenses. This section should be used for charges you may incur that are billed directly to your hotel room.

Expenses should be entered as detailed on your Hotel receipt, and should match your total Hotel bill:

Date of Expense

Room + Tax (daily rate)

Telephone & Fax




Other Hotel Expenses

Please note that if the Traveler is requesting reimbursement for Hotel expenses, an approved Travel Authorization must accompany submission of the expense report in order for it to be processed.

All entered expenses will accumulate to the Total line and will automatically be distributed to the appropriate account distributions on the “Summary” Worksheet. Once all transactions have been entered, click the tab marked “Summary” to return to the Summary Worksheet.

Business Meals

Business Meals expenses are protected fields on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses. All business meals (except those itemized on your Hotel invoice) should be recorded here.

Go to the “Meals, Entertainment, Tips” Worksheet (2nd tab) to enter the expense details for all non-hotel meals. Also, be sure to refer to the Worksheet named “Entertainment & Meals Defined” (6th tab) for an explanation of reimbursable meals.

Enter the following information:

Date of Meal

Name(s) of Attendees (if dining alone, enter “Self”)

Company and Title of Attendees (if dining alone, leave blank)

Business Purpose (topics discussed)

Location (Restaurant Name)

Meal Amount including tip (in Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner column, as appropriate)

The “Amount” field for each listed transaction will automatically calculate the total cost of business meals incurred. Please note that a separate line should be used for each meal - multiple lines are provided.

When all transactions are complete, click the tab marked “Summary” to return to the Summary Worksheet. The total cost of all meals will calculate automatically and be distributed to the Total Business Meals Expense on the “Summary” Worksheet.


Entertainment Expenses are protected fields on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses. No meals should be included in this section – all meals should be recorded in the Business Meals section.

Go to the “Meals, Entertainment, Tips” Worksheet (2nd tab) to enter the expense details for Entertainment expenses. Also, be sure to refer to the Worksheet named “Entertainment & Meals Defined” (6th tab) for an explanation of valid Entertainment expenses.

Enter the following information:

Date of Event

Name(s) of Person(s) Entertained

Company and Title of Person(s) Entertained

Business Purpose (topics discussed)

Location of Event

Amount (cost of tickets or admission)

All individual Entertainment items will total to the Total Entertainment Expense cell on the “Meals, Entertainment, Tips” Worksheet. Please note that a separate line should be used for each event - multiple lines are provided.

When all transactions are complete, click the tab marked “Summary” to return to the Summary Worksheet. The total cost of all Entertainment Expenses will automatically be distributed to Entertainment on the “Summary” Worksheet.


Mileage Expenses are protected fields on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses.

Go to the “Hotel, Mileage, & Car Service” Worksheet (3rd tab) to enter mileage reimbursement for the use of your personal vehicle.

Enter the following information:

Mileage Reimbursement Rate (rate for 2002 is 36.5 cents/mile – contact A/P for future rates)

Date of Trip

Miles Driven

Business Purpose of Trip

Origin & Destination

The “Amount” field for each listed transaction will automatically calculate the total cost of mileage for reimbursement. Please note that a separate line should be used for each trip - multiple lines are provided. The total cost of all transactions will calculate automatically in Total Mileage Expense cell on the “Hotel, Mileage, & Car Service” Worksheet.

When all mileage is entered, click the tab marked “Summary” to return to the Summary Worksheet. The total cost of Mileage will carry over to the Summary Worksheet.

Rental Car

Go to line 23 of the “Summary” Worksheet. Rental Cars may be entered directly on the space provided under the Rental Car expense type.

Enter the following information:

Date the Rental Car was Returned

Name of Car Rental Agency under “Description”

City where Car was Rented

Total of Car Rental Receipt (enter Gas, Parking, & Tolls under “Gas / Tolls / Parking / Rail / Mass Transit”)

Car Service and Taxi Expense

Car Service and Taxi Expenses are protected fields on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses.

Go to the “Hotel, Mileage, Car Service” Worksheet (3rd tab). Record all Car Service, Taxi, and Limousine expenses under Car Service and Taxi.

Enter the following information:

Date of Service

Business Purpose of Trip

Origin & Destination

Total of Car Service or Taxi Expense including tips

Please note that a separate line should be used for each transaction - multiple lines are provided. The total cost of all transactions will calculate automatically in the Total Car Service and Taxi cell.

When all transactions are complete, click the tab marked “Summary” to return to the Summary Worksheet. The cost of Car Service and Taxi Expenses will carry over to the Summary Worksheet.

Gas / Tolls / Parking / Rail / Mass Transit

Go to lines 25-27 of the “Summary” Worksheet. This section should be used for tolls, parking, rental car gas, rail, and mass transit. Ground Transportation may be entered on any of the lines that contain “Gas / Tolls / Parking / Rail / Mass Transit” as the expense type.

Enter the following information:

Date of Expense

Description of Expense

Location of Expense

Amount (include tips)

If you have more expenses than there are available lines, then you can total all similar expenses, such as parking expenses, and enter the total on one line.

Telephone / Fax / Calling Card (Non-Hotel)

Go to line 28 of the “Summary” Worksheet. This section should be used to record usage charges for Faxes, Pagers, Home Telephones, Air-phones, and Phone Cards. Hotel phone and fax charges should be included under the Explanation of Hotel Expense in the “Hotel, Mileage, Car Service” Worksheet. Cell Phone expenses should be recorded on the “CellPhone” Worksheet.

Enter the total of all eligible telephone, fax, pager, air-phone, and phone card expenses. If more than one receipt is submitted, record the total expense in the “Amount” field, and record the total of each invoice in the “Description” field.

Cell Phone

Cell Phone reimbursement is restricted. Please refer to your Travel and Entertainment Policy for guidelines and eligibility.

Cell Phone Expenses is a protected field on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses.

Go to the “Cellphone” tab (4th tab).

Enter the following information:

Total number of minutes used

Total of the Cell Phone invoice

Number of Personal minutes used

The worksheet will calculate the amount of the Cell Phone invoice that will be treated as reimbursable, and will carry this total to the Summary worksheet. Please note that Accounts Payable will limit reimbursement for Cell Phone usage as outlined in the Policy.

Conferences/Seminars and Conventions

Go to lines 30 or 31 of the “Summary” Worksheet, as appropriate.

Enter the following information:

Date of Event (first day if multi-day)

Name of Event

Location of Event (city)

Amount (registration or fee)

Tips/Baggage Handling

Tips and Baggage handling Expenses are protected fields on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses.

Go to the “Meals, Entertainment, Tips” worksheet (2nd tab) to enter the expense details for Tips and Baggage Handling. Please note that tips for meals, taxi, and car service should be included with the cost of those services and not included here.

Enter the following information:

Date of Tip

Service Performed for Tip

Amount of Tip

When all transactions are complete, click the tab marked “Summary” to return to the Summary Worksheet. The total cost of Tips and Baggage handling will carry over to the Summary Worksheet.


Gift reimbursement is restricted. Please refer to your Travel and Entertainment Policy for guidelines and eligibility.

Go to line 33 of the “Summary” Worksheet.

Enter the following information:

Date of Gift

Description of Gift

Recipient of Gift under “City”

Amount Paid for Gift

Office Supplies

Office Supplies reimbursement is restricted. Please refer to your Travel and Entertainment Policy for guidelines and eligibility.

Go to line 34 of the “Summary” Worksheet.

Enter the following information:


Store Name and Description of Supplies Purchased

City where Supplies Purchased


Authorization to purchase office Supplies must accompany your expense report as detailed in the Policy.

Competitive Products

Competitive product reimbursement is restricted. Please refer to your Travel and Entertainment Policy for guidelines and eligibility.

Go to line 35 of the “Summary” Worksheet.

Enter the following information:

Date of Purchase

Store Name and Description of Product Purchased

City where Product Purchased

Amount of Purchase


Go to lines 36-40 of the Summary Worksheet. This section should include expense items that are not specifically categorized on the Summary Worksheet or on one of the detail schedules, and where additional lines are required for Rental Cars, Ground Transportation, and Telecommunication expenses.

Enter the following information:

Date of Expense

Detailed Description of Expense

Location of Expense

Amount of Expense

Expenses to be Applied to Purchase Orders

Amounts to be Applied to Purchase Orders is a protected field on the summary sheet – you will need to complete a detail schedule to record these expenses.

Go to the “Purchase Order” worksheet (5th tab) to enter the expense details for any expenses that should be applied to a Purchase Order.

Enter the following information:

Date of the expense

Type of expense (e.g., Meal, Travel, Lodging, etc.)

Artist for which the expense was incurred

Description of the expense (e.g. travel for a specific tour date)

Purchase Order Number to which the expense should be applied

Amount of the expense

Please note that a separate line should be used for each transaction - multiple lines are provided. The total cost of all transactions will calculate automatically in the Total PO Expenses cell and is carried onto the “Summary” worksheet.

Total Advances, Credits for Unused Airline Tickets, or Paid by Company

Go to Line 41 of the Summary Worksheet. Record here the total amount of any Travel Advances received, any credits for unused airline tickets that appear on your Credit Card statement, and/or any costs associated with your travel that were billed directly to the Company.

Enter the following information:

Total dollar amount of Advances, credits for unused airline tickets, and/or amounts billed directly to the Company.

Include with your receipts an explanation detailing the nature and amounts of all advances or direct billings (i.e. airfare, etc.).

How Do I…?


There are several options to print your T&E. The first option to print is to go to the “Print” tab (7th tab) and press the button associated with what you want printed by clicking the mouse:

A second option is to go to the “File” menu on the main toolbar and select “Print” (see Illustration A). Be sure to:

  1. Select your appropriate printer;
  2. Click the radio button marked “Pages(s)” and select pages 1 to 4
  3. Under “Print what” click the radio button marked “Entire Workbook”
  4. Click “OK” to Print
Illustration A

Alternative options to print include the “Print” icon (Illustration B). While holding down the [Crtl] key, select the worksheets you would like printed by clicking on the sheet tabs with the left mouse button, and then click the “Print” icon with the left mouse button. Another alternative is to use the short cut keys [Ctrl][P]” to view the Print Screen. Note: If you would like to preview your document before sending it to the printer, you may select the Print Preview icon (Illustration C) on your Standard Toolbar.

Illustration B

Illustration C

Change the Size of My Screen Display

There are two options to change the size of the screen or utilize the Zoom feature in Excel. The first option to increase or decrease the size of the screen is to go to the “View” menu on the main toolbar and select “Zoom” (see Illustration D).

Illustration D

The second option is to select the percent size on the Standard Toolbar and change the selected percentage to the desired percentage view (see Illustration E).

Illustration E

Submit My Expenses

It is your responsibility to prepare a complete, accurate, properly documented, and easily auditable Expense Report at a frequency determined by your Division. Please be sure to attach a copy of the approved Travel Authorization (if your expenses include travel and/or lodging), tape all receipts onto 8½ x 11 pieces of paper, and to include them in an envelope along with the three printed pages of the Excel file and submit the entire package to Accounts Payable. Of course, expense reports can be processed only if proper authorization signatures have been obtained.

Save My File

Once you have completed your expense report, you should save it for your records. Keep a printed copy with copies of all your receipts until the expenses have been reimbursed. If you would like to keep an electronic copy of the T&E worksheet you completed, you should choose from the Excel Menu bar File, Save As, type in a name for this particular instance of your expense report, and click Save: