All Youth One System – Academic & Career Opportunities
Youth Contract
Student Name / Application NumberAs a youth client participating in the program, I confirm the following:
- I understand that the All Youth One System Academic & Career Opportunities (AYOS) youth program focuses on academic excellence and not work experience.
- I understand and support the goal of AYOS in achieving one of the following goals:
- Increase basic skills deficiency by at least 2 grade levels, and/or
- Have basic skills level at 10th grade by completion of the program.
- I understand that incentives will be given based on academic achievement and are not guaranteed.
- I understand that job readiness and career exploration will be provided once academic goals have been met or significant progress in academics is shown.
- I will keep the Academic & Career Advisor updated on any barriers that may affect my participation as they arise, and I will also keep the Academic & Career Advisor updated on contact information.
As a youth client participating in the program, I confirm the following:
- I understand that work experience is not guaranteed and only after academic improvement is shown will I be considered for work experience.
- I understand that youth activities may take place during after school hours and on weekends, and I am required to attend these activities.
- I will complete all activities outlined in my Individual Academic Plan.
- I will attend tutorials/workshops as scheduled.
- If attending school, I will provide my Academic & Career Advisor with grade checks as requested.
- If attending school, I will maintain acceptable attendance at school.
- I will adhere to all AYOS conduct policies.
Having read the above statements, I hereby agree to all requirements and support the efforts of the AYOS program in achieving academic excellence. It is understood that failure to comply with the contract could result in dismissal from the program.
Youth Signature Date
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______by______on ______
For Younger Youth only:
As the parent/guardian of a youth client participating in the program, I confirm the following:
- I understand that work experience is not guaranteed and only after academic improvement is shown will my child be considered for work experience.
- I understand that youth activities may take place during after school hours and on weekends, and my child is required to attend these activities.
- I will support the efforts of the Academic & Career Advisor to ensure that my child is striving for academic excellence.
- I will attend any meetings or conferences with the Academic & Career Advisor to discuss the progress, or lack thereof, by my child.
Having read the above statements, I hereby agree to all requirements and support the efforts of the AYOS program in achieving academic excellence. It is understood that failure to comply with the contract could result in dismissal from the program.
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
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Fresno Regional Workforce Investment BoardPage 1 of 2Form#: REG-112, revised 012814