Committee Roles & Responsibilities
The Committee
Women With Disabilities WA (WWDWA) has a committee of people who manage the association and its work.
The Committee of Management is made up of at least three and not more than eight people, including -
(a) a Chairperson;
(b) a Secretary; and
(c) a Treasurer.
All Committee members must be members of Women With Disabilities WA.
Committee members are elected for one year at a time. Members are eligible to nominate again at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Committee meets face-to-face at least four times each year - once every three months. We use teleconferences when funding is available. The Committee also stays in regular contact by phone and email to manage Women With Disabilities WA efficiently.
Meetings are held at the Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre office, 320 Rokeby Road, Subiaco, WA 6008.
General Responsibilities
The WWDWA Committee is responsible for making sure WWDWA is well managed.
Committee members are responsible for supporting and supervising the WWDWA Coordinator and any other staff in their work. They are expected to:
Be an active member, taking part in all committee activities including membership on working groups and sub-committees;
Consult with their own networks of women with disabilities and bring their input to WWDWA;
Tell their own networks and the broader community about WWDWA and its work;
Come to and take part in WWDWA Inc Management Committee meetings.
Read all business papers and respond if that is required;
Raise any issues and concerns arising out of the business papers;
Help to start and develop and programs for women with disabilities as required.
Legal Obligations
The WWDWA Committee must meet its legal obligations. These include:
Complying with the Associations Incorporations Act and any other legal obligations of incorporated associations;
Following the rules in the Constitution in a timely and professional manner.
Making sure WWDWA Committee members are told before an election that if WWDWA was to become insolvent, or close down while in debt, the WWDWA Committee is then personally responsible to any creditors and/or funding bodies for the debt payments;
Monitoring and complying with legal and industrial regulations as they are introduced or changed by government.
Complying with the conditions of employment in WWDWA employment contracts and/or the relevant Industrial Awards that cover WWDWA employees;
Avoiding and/or declaring any conflict of interest between personal affairs and those of WWDWA.
Financial Management
The WWDWA Committee must meet its legal financial obligations. These include:
Making sure WWDWA stays within its budget. This involves using the financial statements presented by the Treasurer at meetings to keep a check on the state of the finances;
Making sure a financial audit is performed each year and presented to the WWDWA Annual General Meeting;
Making sure all members at the AGM agree on the appointment of the auditor;
Overseeing financial records to make sure they are in order;
The WWDWA Coordinator and Treasurer are responsible for discussing any financial questions with the auditor.
Ethical Issues
The WWDWA Committee must carry out its work in an ethical way. This includes:
Acting ingood faith in the best interests of WWDWA;
Not misusing their power as WWDWA Committee members;
Not misusing any information they have access to as a WWDWA Committee member.
Responsibilities of WWDWA Chairperson
The WWDWA Chairperson’s role is to:
Show strong leadership and providing direction for the organisation;
Be team leader for the WWDWA Committee;
Communicate with staff through the Coordinator;
Chair WWDWA Committee meetings or if unable to attend, making sure another member will chair the meeting. If the Chairperson is not able to attend a general meeting, then members at the meeting will elect a member to chair the meeting.
Represent WWDWA to the media, government, politicians and in any other public forums. Sometimes, it may be appropriate for WWDWA staff or other WWDWA Committee members to also be involved. This must be approved by the Chairperson.
Approve the agenda for WWDWA Committee meetings and Annual General Meeting;
Assist in day-to-day management through meetings with the Coordinator as required;
Providing support and direction to the Coordinator as required.
Responsibilities of WWDWA Secretary
The WWDWA Secretary’s role is to:
Work closely with staff and the Chairperson, to prepare the agenda for meetings;
Make sure minutes of meetings are taken and that they are clear, concise and accurate;
Make sure the Minutes of the last meeting are sent out before the next meeting
Responsibilities of WWDWA Treasurer
The WWDWA Treasurer’s role is to:
Advise and assist the Committee to ensure WWDWA is in a financial position to meet its liabilities;
Keep accurate financial records;
Present financial reports to Committee meetings as required;
Present financial reports to the WWDWA Annual General Meeting, including the audited statement of accounts, and move that they are adopted by the meeting;
Liaise with the Auditor as required.
June 2015