St. Brendan’s Catholic

Primary School

October 2017 Newsletter

‘Always treat others as you would like them to treat you’

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have now completed our first month of the year!


Improving our attendance remains a priority again this year and is a concern as it was 95.1% overall for the last academic year. The national average is 96.1% and this is the minimum expected by Ofsted. This is an area that parents can really support us with as it is vital that children attend school promptly and regularly to ensure they receive the very best opportunities to learn. We will continue to communicate attendance with parents in our newsletters and inform you of your child’s attendance regularly throughout the year.

Important Action Needed!

If your child is unwell and cannot attend school it is important that you contact the school to report their absence and the reason for it before 9am that day. We have to make sure that every child is accounted for by 9.15am for safeguarding purposes. Please try to support us by informing us before this time. The school’s answerphone is checked regularly before 9am.

Whole school attendance for September:96%
Class attendance for September;
Miss McAuley / 95.4% / Mrs Brooks / 92.8%
Miss Rose / 94.0% / Mrs Robertson / 94.5%
Miss Sullivan / 93.5% / Miss Wareing / 96.3%
Mrs Clowes / 96.7% / Miss Hearne / 97.9%
Mrs McLaughlin / 95.3% / Miss Crozier / 97.0%
Miss Bell / 98.7% / Miss MacKay / 96.8%
Mrs Edgely / 96.6% / Congratulations to Miss Bell’s class for being top attenders for September!

Parent’s Evening

Monday 9th October 3:40pm-5pm or Thursday 12th October 5pm-8pm.

You will have the opportunity to speak with your child’s class teacher next week abouthow your child has settled into their new class and year group. Each child’s personalised targets for this term will also be shared during this discussion. Please make sure you attend this meeting as home and school working together is vital in order to support children in becoming successful withtheir learning. Appointments can be booked by popping into school or alternatively you can telephone the school office who will assist you in making an appointment.

During Parent’s evening, Mrs McAuley will be available in the school hall to support parents with any issues they may have such as; signing up forParentmail, checking eligibility for Free School Meals, setting up a KingswoodCatering account for your child or checking the school has your most up to date contactinformation. Please just pop into the school hall to see her if you have any queries.

Breakfast and Tea Time club

Just a reminder that through Kristi we are able to offer our parents wrap around care! Breakfast club is from 7:45am – 8:45am and afterschool is 3:20pm – 6pm. Please contact the school office or look on the school website for further information.

Please remember that children are only supervised by staff from 8:30am in the morning we are not able to supervise children before this time and would ask that children do not come onto the school site before 8:30am as this is a safeguarding concern.

Meet the Teacher Presentations

Thank you to the parents who attended our Meet the teacher presentations. We hope that you found the session useful in understanding the learning journey your child will take this year and the expectations that go along with this. We will continue to develop this to ensure parents have the opportunity to fully engage with their child’s learning.

School Admissions

Secondary school Admissions

Parents of our year 6 pupils should have received a letter from Northamptonshire County Council explaining the application process for a secondary school place. Please ensure you read the documentation carefully, we are always available to offer help if you need it, so please just ask. The closing date for secondary applications is: 31st October 2017 at 5pm. Please ensure you have completed this before this date as late applications do affect the place your child will be offered.

Primary School Admissions

Parents of pupils wishing to start at our school next September should have received a letter from Northamptonshire County Council explaining the application process for a primary school place. Please ensure you read the documentation carefully. We are always available to offer help if you need it, so please just ask. Remember that a place at the nursery does not guarantee you a place at our school. Please follow the guidelines and procedures carefully. The closing date for Primary school applications is: 15th January 2018 at 5pm.

Harvest Time

Today the children received a visit from CAFOD about the importance of Harvest and how we can help those less fortunate than ourselves. Again this year we have decided to support Corby Foodbank, as part of our Harvest Festival celebration. If you would like to make a donation to Corby Foodbank then please send in to school any tins or packets from Tuesday 3rd October until Friday 20th October, when we will make our donations to Corby Foodbank representatives. We feel that it is really important for the children to support others within our town as part of our Harvest Time celebration.

Mobile Phones

Please ensure your child does not have a mobile phone in school. We have a strict mobile phone policy for all adults who work or volunteer in our school and the children are not permitted to bring a phone to school. The only circumstance where it is acceptable is when a child is walking home unaccompanied. If this is the case and parents wish their child to carry a phone for safety reasons, the school should be notified in writing. Children should always hand their phone in to their class teacher at the start of every day and collect it at home time. It is never acceptable for a child to have their phone at any other time during the school day.

Packed Lunches

Please can I remind parents that when your child is having a packed lunch this should include a drink for your child (not a fizzy drink) and if they are eating a yoghurt during lunchtime please provide a spoon, plastic or metal that they can bring home with them. We do try to encourage healthy eating in school and would kindly ask that children do not have fizzy drinks or sweets in their lunchboxes.

Jewellery in School

Can I remind you that, with the exception of stud earrings, jewellery should not be worn in school. The children have difficulty in removing earrings, so it is easier not to wear these on the days that they have PE. School staff are not permitted to remove earrings from any child. In accordance with the NCC Health & Safety in PE Policy no earrings can be covered up using plasters or tape.

Unfortunately, I am still seeing children wearing hooped earrings – please can parents remove these as they are not suitable for school.

School Council

The new School Council have met for the first time and are all looking forward to representing their classes and ensuring that all pupils have a voice in the school. They are all hoping to make a difference to the school and will hopefully be involved in fundraising activities through the year. Last year’s school council helped to raise £310 over the year. This money has been used to provide lunch time activity boxes for each Key Stage on the playground and will be topped up through the year. The councillors will be responsible for making sure they are out during lunch times and topped up with resources when needed and according to any pupil requests.

I will leave you with a prayer for Mary as we dedicate our prayers to her during the month of October. The Memorare is a beautiful prayer that expresses our confidence in our blessed mother. If you have any concerns at all regarding your children, please do not hesitate to come in to see their class teachers, as a first point of contact, or myself or Mrs Clowes.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,

that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,

implored your help or sought your intercession,

was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence,

I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.

To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my petitions,

but, in your mercy, hear and answer me.

With kind regards,

Leanne Brydon

Dates For Your Diary

(Times to be confirmed)

October 5thConfirmation Parents Meeting 7.00pm

October 9thParents Evening

October 12thParents Evening

October 15thConfirmation Enrolment Mass11.00am

October 20thLast day of term

October23rd – 27thHalf term holidays

October 30thSchool reopens for pupils

W/B December 11thChristmas Carol Service and Plays

December 20thLast day of term

December 21st– Jan 2ndSchool Holidays

January 3rd Training Day

January 4thSchool reopens for pupils

January 25thAfternoon for the Elderly in our parish

February 7thSafer Internet Day

February 9thLast day of term

February 12th – 16thHalf term holiday

February 19th School reopens for pupils

March 1stWorld Book Day

March 20thParents Evening

March 22ndParents Evening

March 23rdSports Relief

March 28thLast day of Term

March 29thTraining Day

March 30thSchool Holidays

April 16thTerm Starts

May 7thMay Day Bank Holiday School Closed

W/B May 14thYear 6 SATS Week

W/B May 21stYear 2 Test Week

May 25thLast Day of Term

May 28thSchool Holiday

June 4thTraining Day

June 5thTerm Starts

W/B June 11thYear 1 Phonics Screening Week

June 14thSports Day

July 20thLast Day of Term