Genhyrst Art Gallery Annual General Meeting April 22/10
Board Members Present: Brian Stephen, Pamela de Vries, Natalia Pastuszewska, Stan Gorecki
Chair: John Bonfield – officiating under Roberts Rule
Total present at meeting – 21 persons (including the Board and Chair)
7:10 pm - Meeting called to order & Introduction of John Bonfield
- Reading of the past year Reading of the past year AGM minutes.
- Introduction of the current board of representatives
John: -Call for Errors or Omissions of past minutes
Motion: to accept the minutes of the of April 23, 2009
1st: Brian Stephen 2nd: Kathryn Hogg
John: Matters Arising from Minutes
*Brian Stephen: Noted that we have currently not put out tender for our Auditors
As indicated on previous minutes but will do that this coming year. He also noted
that our current auditors were also avid supporters of the gallery.
John : Motion:To request amend bylaw #12 & 13
-Reduce the required number of board members present for an AGM from the
current nine to four.
1st: John Bonfield 2nd: Pat Davies
Motion: To amend our current required appraisal of gallery insurance from every
5 yrs. to every 10 yrs. as is consistent among other galleries in the area.
1st: Natalia Pastuszewska 2nd: Kathryn Hogg
John: Motion: To amend in the by-laws in reference of Executive Director to now be
read as Executive Director/or Gallery Manager.
1st: Pamela de Vries 2nd: Natalia Pastuszewska
John: Reading of Treasurers Report
Brian noted that on pg. #3 the review of 2008 expenses. He noted some of the
Reduction of Operational expenses comes from book-keeping transitioned
out of house,reductions of office supplies & the reduction of wages
and benefits due to the staff reductions.
It was a difficult year for revenues with the reduction of art rental (largely that
previously rented from the city) and also fewer revenues from gift shop and
fundraising. We received less profit from Taste of Glenhyrst last year –perhaps
due to poor weather conditions last year. Membership has declined as have large
donations. Summer art camp was a big success this year and helped our overall
In conclusion Brian mentioned our drive to focus on debt reduction and expenses
this year. We are looking into a new focus for the gift shop – considering renting it
out to guilds so they may show their wares. Again reminding them to purchase T of
G tickets so that we may have a larger night and better revenues. Indicating that
The new bookkeeper was a good decision and less expensive. We will continue to
focus on broadening revenues with the City grant, reducing expenses, looking for
another event on site perhaps to encourage the public’s interest in the Gallery.
John: Motion: To approve Treasurers report.
1st: Karen Bell 2nd: Natalia Pastuszewska
Brian: Appointment of Auditor:
Rob Parker – from Millard, Rouse & Rosebrugh LLP for year 2009/10.
1st: Brian Stephen 2nd: Pam deVries
Brian: President’s Report:
Thanked all who came to meeting this evening. Noted that this was a year of
Change and challenge for the gallery and one that our very dedicated but small
board is very proud of. We have a smaller board due to unexpected events such
as job promotion and maternity leave. Each member is working on several items
towards gallery improvement. Stan has been working on membership with Pam to
touch base with membership individually and to find ways of incorporating more
events at the gallery to increase public awareness. Stan has also been working
Kathryn to get staff interviews up to date, encouraging staff to keep updated on
Education and ensure they are happy with their positions.
Pamela and George Whibbs have been working on restructuring the volunteers into
a formal association. They worked at completing more current adult & youth
volunteer applications as well as holding a volunteer information evening in
February. We began a volunteer appreciation evening in November as well as
acknowledging our past board members. George was the recipient of our first
“Volunteer of The Year” award. We have a strong group of 4 volunteer committees
for Taste of Glenhyrst this year – lead by Kathryn Hogg. Kathryn is also working on
updating our marketing for the gallery. This helps keep us in tune with the public
and allows them to know what is going on at the Gallery. Brian worked very hard
on maintaining the finances this year and promoting the gallery. Natalia was
gracious to hold a lovely dinner in honour of past long term board representatives
at her home. The board is looking forward to another year of continued
improvements and growth for the Gallery. Also looking forward to the possibility of
more new board members to help in the upcoming year.
John: Motion:To accept Presidents Report
1st: Julia Gadacsy 2nd: Janet Kurasz
Brian: Nominations for New Board Members:
1)Katherine Newsome
1st: Stan Gorecki 2nd: Julia Gadacsy
2)Janet Kurasz
1st: Pat Davies 2nd: Karen Bell
Brian: New Business:
-Welcome to new board members and discussed how we will incorporate their
responsibilities at our next board meeting.
-As a board we will continue to oversee the staff and continue our gallery
-Remind everyone to purchase a T of G ticket and come out for the Children’s
Art Festival in May.
John: Motion to Adjourn Meeting @ 8:30 pm.
1st: Kathryn Hogg 2nd: Natalia Pastuszewska