Progress Report(1 December, 2009 – 31 December, 2010)
Grant Recipient’s and Partner’s respective roles in the Project
IOM is fully responsible for the implementation of the project pertaining to overall administrative and financial management, coordination, provision of assistance to victims of trafficking (VoTs), development and design of publication materials, organizing and conducting seminars and meetings, as well as reporting to the donor.
The partner NGO “Ynam” is implementing a grant for the establishment and running of a “counter–trafficking (CT) hotline” and is responsible for providing hotline services and consultations to the population of Turkmenistan.
The partner NGO “Support Center for the disabled” received a grant for the establishment and running of rehabilitation center for victims of trafficking.
The partner NGO “National Red Crescent Society”, NGO “Lachyn Ay” and other NGOs in the CT network are involved into the implementation of small grant program for hotline and counter-trafficking information campaigns throughout the country. These NGOs are responsible for the efficient utilization of grants and conducting informational campaigns and activities among the population of Turkmenistan.
CT network’s NGOs and public organizations, which are from 5 velayats (regions) of the country, are involved into the identification, rehabilitation and provision of reintegration assistance to victims of trafficking.
C. About the Project
The project’s goal is to contribute to combating trafficking in persons in Turkmenistan by strengthening local NGOs and national assistance to VoTs. Three interrelated components are being implemented to achieve the goal; namely, preventing and protecting the population of Turkmenistan from human trafficking, and building the capacity of national NGOs.
PREVENTION. Targeted information dissemination is an effective way of reducing uninformed decision-making, which could result in irregular migration, including trafficking. Many of the prospective migrants and their families have very sketchy, if any, knowledge of the situation they will be facing abroad. As a result, they are easy prey to a growing number of well-organized and integrated trafficking networks. In the framework of the project, IOM - in cooperation with the Organizations’ network of local NGOs - disseminates information and produces brochures and leaflets with information (in Turkmen and Russian) about trafficking, its risks, consequences and simple preventive steps, which should be taken by potential victims, who may be considering migration in dubious circumstances through schools, technical and vocational institutions, train stations, airports and border checkpoints. A hotline on counter-trafficking will be established in Ashgabat. The counter-trafficking hotline will serve not only as a preventive and assistance mechanism for potential and actual VoTs, but also as a data-gathering mechanism that will provide critical information on perceptions and knowledge about trafficking as received through phone calls to the hotline. IOM will provide trainings to NGO staff and hotline operators.
PROTECTION. This part of project continues the most important activity developed and structured as it provides direct assistance in repatriation, rehabilitation and reintegration of actual victims of trafficking with the support of IOM offices in the destination countries, NGOs, law enforcement and government authorities. This assistance includes safe repatriation of victims, medical and psychological check-up and treatment, if necessary, social and legal assistance, assistance in processing documents, rehabilitation stipend for immediate needs, provision of a safe accommodation when needed, reintegration assistance (professional trainings, reintegration stipend during training period and assistance in employment when possible).IOM is planning to establish a shelter in cooperation with the national NGO in Ashgabat. One NGO will be contracted for maintaining and running shelter activities; the staff will be financed and trained by IOM Turkmenistan. All assistance will be provided fully respecting the rights and privacy of the victims in terms of confidentiality, as well as victim’s consent. Special database on all victims will be maintained and continuously updated. Only counter trafficking staff of IOM will have access to this strictly confidential database. IOM will provide training for shelter staff on capacity building and management of shelter.
CAPACITY BUILDING OF NGOs. Since the beginning of its CT activity in Turkmenistan, IOM is engaged in assisting NGOs through educational programs focused on the development of institutional and organizational management, the organization of intersectional coordination and the provision of financial support for implementation of projects in the field of migration management and combating trafficking in persons. NGOs play the key role within the framework of IOM activities. All IOM projects aim to directly work with the population, which are implemented by partner NGOs.
Since 2006, in order to consolidate and increase the potential of migration and CT NGOs, IOM has been working on establishing an NGO network which consists of five constant members at present. In addition, IOM in Turkmenistan works on expanding NGO network to cover all regions of the country. NGOs were provided with a targeted training focused on counter-trafficking activities in their scope of work. NGOs provide proper information to potential victims, conduct information campaigns among population, directly work with VoTs and maintain the CT hotline. During the project implementation, in order to expand NGO’s knowledge and competence in counter-trafficking issues and enhance experience in rendering assistance to victims, IOM will organize nine trainings and/or seminars for NGOs.
D. Account of activities (may be attached)
To be presented in accordance with the activity plan given in the application
Milestones/activities / Responsible party
(abbreviation) / Completed / Comments
9 informational materials are developed, produced and disseminated among the population of Turkmenistan both in Russian and Turkmen languages. Materials contain information on hotline services and risks of trafficking, which are entitled as:
· “You have been offered a job abroad”
· “Study abroad”
· “What you have to know if you plan to marry foreigner”
· “Follow the tips if you plan to travel abroad”
· “Regulations of departure and entry into Turkmenistan for Turkmen citizens”
· “The most common consequences of illegal travel abroad”
· “Hotline services”, calendar and flyer
34,000 copies of informational materials printed and distributed to all five velayats of the country through CT network NGOs.
In addition, 1,430 copies of booklets, entitled “Law on Combating Trafficking in Persons in Turkmenistan”, 1,420 copies of booklets entitled, “Be Aware of Human Trafficking” printed and distributed to NGOs and targeted population during this reporting period. 116 copies of CDs with films entitled as “Long Way Home”, “We have visited Moscow” and “Gastarbeiters” were also distributed to NGOs. The film “A Long Way to Home” was translated into Turkmen language and subtitles in the Turkmen language were added into the movie. / IOM and implementing NGO project partners (see Annex 1) / Yes / IOM signed a contract with the Printing company for printing the informational materials.
7 grants were disbursed to NGOs and public organizations for conducting educational and informational campaigns on counter-trafficking and migration issues. / IOM/NGO / Yes / The grants were implemented by minimum from three to maximum six months in length, covering all velayats of the country.
One (1) Hotline established in Ashgabat to provide service for the whole country.
An announcement for the establishment and advertising of hotline services was launched among NGOs and public organizations in January of 2010. One NGO was selected and contracted for hotline grant activities. The hotline office is repaired and equipped with the necessary furniture. The hotline started to provide services on the 15th of February 2010. / IOM/NGO / Yes / Contract was signed with the NGO “Ynam” for operating and running the Hotline services for the period of nine months – February – November 2010. After the successful implementation of the hotline grant for 2010, NGO was granted extension of the project from 1 December 2010 till 30 November 2011.
2,485 consultations have been provided by the hotline within the period from February 15th till December 31th 2010. One VoT was identified by the hotline and assisted thereafter. / Cooperating partner/ NGO “Ynam” / Yes / Mostly people call for to obtain information about “Studying and working abroad”.
Hotline activities are being monitored by IOM on quarterly basis through anonymous call. The monitoring results demonstrated that hotline operators provide professional consultations on counter-trafficking and other migration-related issues using communicative and confidential approaches. IOM provides monitoring feedbacks to partner NGO “Ynam” on the quarterly basis. / IOM / Yes
Statistics are collected on a monthly basis and supplied to IOM / Cooperating partners / Yes
victims of trafficking were identified and provided assistance within the reporting period.
50% VoTs out of 100% are women and 50% are man. / IOM/cooperating partners/network’s NGOs / Yes / During the reporting period, the rehabilitation and reintegration assistance package were provided to all VOTs through cooperating and CT network NGOs in Turkmenistan. All the assistances were based on the necessary services directly to beneficiaries to assure a dignified and humanitarian reinsertion into society.
All VoT cases are registered in IOM counter-trafficking database. / IOM / Yes
Capacity Building of NGOs
2 trainings were conducted for NGOs and public organizations of Turkmenistan
1rst training - conducted on 3-4 of April, 2010 in Ashgabat for 33 NGO and public organizations’ representatives on “Capacity building of NGOs and raising the public awareness on counter-trafficking issues”
2nd training – conducted on 2-3 October 2010 in Turkmenbasy city for 31 NGO and public organizations representatives on “NGO role in identification and providing assistance to victims of trafficking and partnership with CT NGO Network”. / IOM
IOM/cooperating partners/network’s NGOs / Yes / The activities done in accordance with the work plan.
Regional training in Almaty - Two (2) hotline operators and NGO coordinator participated in the special training for hotline operators organized by IOM Almaty, Kazakhstan. / IOM/cooperating partner / Yes / Participants were able to expand their knowledge on providing professional consultations and information via hotline services and shared work experience with other Central Asian countries.
The Network of CT NGO expanded up to 7 additional organizations. IOM facilitated the extension of the existing CT NGO Network in Turkmenistan and 12 NGOs and public organizations are the members of a network. / IOM/cooperating partner / Yes
E. About the Project’s Goal hierarchy (may be attached)
To be presented in accordance with the goal hierarchy given in the application
5 / Goal /Impact. (One goal only)
The long term desired effect
To contribute to combating trafficking in persons in Turkmenistan by strengthening local NGOs and national assistance to VOTs.
4 / Purpose/outcome
The positive effect on the target group by the end of the Project’s implementation/finalisation (One goal only )
Describe outcome and degree of target achievement in relation to indicators given in the application.
The structure of Assistance to VoTs has to be established and operational.
One shelter, one hotline and 10 NGOs network are established.
3 / Outputs
Measurable results from activities carried out within the scope of the project
Describe results in relation to indicators given in the application.
- 36,966 copies of informational materials on migration and counter-trafficking issues (on Russian and Turkmen languages) have been printed and distributed to targeted population;
- Within the reporting period 2,485 people received consultation via Hotline;
- victims of trafficking have received rehabilitation and reintegration assistances within the reported period;
- 1 NGO received grant for establishing and operating hotline;
- 1 NGO received grant for establishing and running rehabilitation center (shelter);
- 7 NGOs granted to conduct hotline and counter-trafficking campaigns;
- 23 NGOs and public organizations trained in 2 trainings, in general 64 people participated;
- 8 NGOs were contracted to provide return, rehabilitation and reintegration assistance to VoTs;
- 12 NGO member of CT network at the present.
2 / Activities
Concrete activities undertaken in order to obtain the desired results
1) Established hotline in Ashgabat has provided 2, 485 consultations in general during the year of 2010. The consultations were provided on counter-trafficking and migration issues, the numbers and topics of consultation are demonstrated in the below table:
The calls analysis demonstrate that mostly potential Turkmen migrants are in seek of working and studying abroad. Also, calls from women are higher – in three times more than that of men. Three (3) cases of trafficking were identified by the hotline.
2) Hotline activities are being monitored by IOM on quarterly basis through monitoring visits and anonymous calls.
The hotline is established by NGO ”Ynam” in Ashgabat in their office. The hotline staff consists of manager, two hotline operators, lawyer and consultant. The hotline operators provide consultations via phone as well as through office consultations. The hotline is able to provide services on 24/7 basis through working in the office at day times and through connection of hand-mobile to office phone at weekends and nights.
NGO developed, printed and distributed infromational materials advertising the services of hotline as well as information about risks of being trafficked and migration risks. It was observed that the hotline calls increased after the conducted informational campaings among the population. The hotline provide services for the whole country through phone number (+99312) 46 35 14.
The hotline services were advertised through publication at the local newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”, for the first time, which is available and can reach about 80-90% of population of the country.
The monitoring of hotline services demonstrated the effective results of work done. Therefore, the extension of grant for hotline services was granted to NGO, which covers next one year period.
3) 7 grants were disbursed to NGOs and public organizations for conducting informational and educational campaigns and activities on counter-trafficking issues among the population of Turkmenistan. Generally, due to the deadline, 14 applications from NGOs and public organizations of Turkmenistan were received for informational grants. Grant committee selected and awarded the best 8 projects. IOM contracted all 8 NGOs and public organizations for projects’ implementation. Due to the delay of the project registration by the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan, NGO “Bilgirdge” refused from grant.