Meeting Held on Thursday 23rd January2014 at Barnham Broom


Geoff RayBrain SymondsJulian Snowling

Chris BallSharon GardenerKay Watkinson

Emma MurraySunil SharmaCaroline Steels

Ben AmpomahDavid StanderwickAlistair Hong

Also attending Tony Dean (Chief Officer), Lauren Seamons (Service & Comms Officer) Charlotte Woolston (Support Officer), Dr Sam Revill (Health Watch Norfolk), Claire Daly (CPPE), Wunmi (Day Lewis, Thetford), Dianne Card (BHF)

  1. Welcome
  2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Claire and Sue Spoerer who arrivedlate due to an appointment. David Hopkinson was unable to attend due to ill health; We wish him a speedy recovery and Alistair Hong will be attending meetings in his place.

  1. To Receive and Approve the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were received and approved.

Proposed: Kay Watkinson, Seconded: Sunil Sharma.

  1. Matters Arising (not dealt with elsewhere)

KWReported on her visit to speak to pharmacy students at UEA about prizes awarded by LPC and got a great insight into the study and students. Looking forward to the seeing the results. All students in that year will now have an understanding of what an LPC is.

TD to get the best six projects to look over to choose winner.

GR suggested the final candidates present to LPC.

  1. Declarations of Interest

All previous declarations still stand, members are reminded to update them as necessary.

Action Section

  1. Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

GR Needs to be done by April 2015.

TD explained what the current PNA criteria is and how it is changing. The flu service could be used as a part of this. Local Public Health commissioned services are understood not to affectmarket entry anymore. Cambridgeshire has now produced its PNA. John Cox to be the lead in the new group looking at this for Norfolk. Members of the group include LPC, LMC, Healthwatch, the CSU, CCGs and PH commissioners.

SR HealthWatch should be involved from the beginning.

GR Do we know how much data checking will be involved in this process?

TD They should have a database with all this information on.

LS Concerned that information on database may not be correct.

TD all pharmacies will need to be re-signing contracts. LPC will inform and back up any communications with regards to this.

DS asked if there is a risk if we are using the old reg’s to fill in new PNA.

GR sees this as being a great opportunity for pharmacy.

SR who is this report written for?

TD written as a market entry tool and the market is for anyone who wants to open a pharmacy. Also intended to inform local commissioning of PH services from pharmacy. “A Call to Action” for Community Pharmacy”

GR We need to put a response forward as an LPC. We also need to encourage individuals and pharmacies to send in a response.

The Committee split into 4 groups and each discussed a question,and then reported back.

TD will collate all information and post onto LPC website.

  1. LPC Election 2014 Update

TD Informed the Committee of the progress. The CCA have 9 places and will be filling them all, so existing CCA members can expect to be contacted. There are 5 independent places. We have received 4 valid nominations, so there will be one place for the new Committeeto fill by due process, Thiswill be discussed at the first meeting of the new Committee.

  1. LPC Plans and Capacity 2014-15

GR announced that LS is expecting and discussed how the Committee can pull together and support each other in her absence.

LS Once all planned training events are carried out the maintenance and support will be better managed. Better use of the LPC website and downloadable guides will help.

TD Contractors need to make best use of training events and not expect extra sessions etc. Upon return of Lauren we will still need be running a streamlined workload.

  1. Service and Communication Officer’s Report including HLP 2014-15

LS involved with Healthy Lives part of British Heart Foundation. Explained about lots of outreach work going on at present and PH are very pleased with these results.

Health Check training events to be planned for each CCG area.

PharmOutcomescurrently being purchased as soon as PH funding is received.The plan is to have all PharmOutcomes services up and running by April if at all possible.

HLP- Two training events booked already, then Health Champion days to be booked andLeadership training to follow. Support visits will then be used help future HLPs build their portfolios, with Charlotte’s support.

NRT - A protocol is now being finalised for NRT vouchers, hopefully leading to a better use of this resource. Information will be cascaded out as soon as received.

TD Explained paymentsfor services will be generated from information inputted to Pharmoutcomes.There will be no need to make claims at the end of the month.

BAregarding Health Checkswhat will happen with waste?

LS Explained that past issues and the amount of pharmacies already offering private services; all pharmacies will be expected to arrange their own clinical waste; this will be reflected in future payments for the service and this is being negotiated. There will be new requirements,with the addition of dementia and alcohol screening.

  1. HealthWatch Update- Dr Sam Revill

SR updated the Committee on HealthWatch’s current work. Dementia care for people living in care homes and being discharged from hospitals a priority. The Local Area Team has approached Health Watch Norfolk to ask if they would evaluate the Flu service patient satisfaction surveys. Address details to be sent to Lauren who will organise with the pharmacies.

  1. Dementia Alliance

TD and LS have met with the leader of the Norfolk/Suffolk Dementia Alliance. This is a key agenda for Public Health etc, so up-skilling and education of pharmacy staff on dementia issues should be a key priority for the LPC. We are discussing joint work with Suffolk LPC and bidding for funding to support the above.

  1. British Heart Foundation- Diane Card, Regional Service Development Manager

Diane Card gave a presentation on the resources available to pharmacies.

Lunch 12.30-1.15pm

  1. CPPE Plans 2014-15- Clare Daly MRPharmS, CPPE Tutor

Clare Daly presented and gave information on latest CPPE topic areas.. Also talked about dementia friends and training events to be held.

TD talked about how the dementia agenda relates to pharmacy and how LPC are supporting this. Importance of targeting front- facing staff in up-skilling them in this area. This training will link in well with Health Champions and the MSS.

LS Dementia will also link into Healthchecks and there is an online training tool and will be putting into training.

The Committee unanimously agreedthat this work-stream should be supported.

CD Also talked through the new online learning tool ‘the’. This can be used by all members of the pharmacy team and also has links for CPD and CPPE website. Claire asked if posters could be displayed to support this campaign?

  1. ADHD Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Pilot

TD Working in connection with Shire Pharmaceuticals: Patients initiatedon ADHD medication should be checked weekly for BP, height and weight for six weeks, then six-monthly thereafter. Currently this is done at two sites in Norwich and Kings Lynn. This implicates huge costs as travel and expenses paid to patient/family. It is proposed to look into these checks being provided locally in pharmacies. Awaiting results back from relevant bodies and Committee will be updated as soon as any more information is available. This could then open up other areas of drug monitoring for other patient groups.

  1. Area Team & LPC Federation Update:

Contract Monitoring Visits,

LSupdated the Committee on the criteria for the contract monitoring visits upon results of the CPAF reporting. Area Team to produce support on how to report and record interventions to give a clear indication of what is needed and can be used.

TD there will be lots of learning points from this and we will publish on the website/ Newsletters.

Near-miss Audit,

LS 8 pharmacies outstanding but all have been contacted and are aware of this.

TD learning points will be shared from this. email: AT now responsible and should be able to provide for all pharmacies.

Off-site MURs,

LSDBS checks needed for these and is a long process. Area Team have agreed to support if there is a need for this, and have produced a policy for consultation.

Flu Service,

GRJust over 2050 issued. Almost all came because they were more convenient from the pharmacy.

TDCurrently working to collate all information and statistics from this year to use to secure this service for next year. Currently lots of work going into commissioning of the service for next year. Good results in view of all the restrictions that were in place for pharmacy this year. Meetings around March? April time to discuss this.

Pandemic Anti-virals,

TDPlans in place for this if it arises. However, responsibility for commissioning this now sits with the AT. TD is making the case for the continuation of our current agreement. This may also mean it is commissioned in the other AT LPC areas.

Emergency Supply,

GRpotential for pharmacies to provide an emergency supply and then submit an invoice for the service and meds provided.

TDthis has now fallen to the area team to lead on or at least facilitate service development. This may be linked to OOH/ Bank Holiday provision.

Minor Ailments and Out-of-Hours

GR information provided on OOH is now being looked at to look at best ways forward on this. Also work going into MA in Cambridgeshire

  1. Locally Commissioned Services Update: HealthChecks

LSYarmouth will be prioritised and hopefully training dates set by the end of March. Go live in April/May. Information will be sent out soon.

TD has suggested that some pharmacies are audited on the HC service to provide information on the service.

Sexual Health,

LS could all pharmacies please ensure that payments are submitted correctly for SH.

NEX/Supervised Consumption

TDSome debates as to whether they should be part of Pharmoutcomes. 3 year commissioned service.

  1. National NHS HealthChecks Event

GR invited down to this event and Norfolk recognised nationally forh providing the service. GR and LS to present at this event.CW to attend

  1. PSNC Elections 2014

GR Has put himself forward as a candidate for Regional Independent Representative to PSNC. Likely to be 3 candidates, resulting in an election for the first time in many years.

  1. “Big Picture” Commissioning

TD led a discussion around how pharmacy could bid for larger contracts i.e. the LLP scenario. It is not impossible that this may also be required to secure some locally commissioned services in the future. Committee decided that more information on LLPs and the implications were required and then if needs be call emergency meeting to discuss with members should an urgent issue develop..

  1. A.O.B.

CB Faxed CD Rxs needs to be fed back to area team to highlight this issue.

Date of Next Meeting will be Thursday 13th March 2014 at Barnham Broom