Nevada Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders:
Adult and Transition Services Subcommittee
Thursday, July 20th, 2017 – 3:45pm
Aging and Disability Services Division
3427 Goni Rd. #102
Carson City, NV 89706
(866) 434-5269
Access Code: 1201263
Meeting Materials Available At:
Meeting Minutes
Meeting started: 4:06pm
Call to Order/Roll Call:
- Dr. Scott Harrington
- Steven Cohen
- Ralph Sacrosin
- Rene Portnell
Also present:
- Cheyanne Pasquale (ADSD)
- Linda Anderson (Attorney General’s Office)
- Jenna Brackin (ADSD – Recording meeting & doing minutes)
Public Comment
- No public comment
Linda Anderson from the Attorney General’s Office / Open Meeting Laws:
702-486-3077 /
- Point of open meeting laws is to make sure that actions are open to the public:
- Post Agenda, Bulletin Boards, Internet.
- Make sure people have access
- Can have Public Comment before and after meeting, or
- Can have Public Comment before any Action Item & then at end
- “For Possible Action” : What action you’re expected to take
- Make recommendations
- Let public know what the action is
- Don’t add after review
- Create Public Record of what Subcommittee does
- Must record meetings (recommended that state or govt. agency records)
- Minutes do not have to be transcription
- Minutes and recording must be posted online within 45 days
- Minutes must list who is present
- Minutes must state who took what Action and who seconds the Action
- Minutes approved at following meeting
- Must keep recording; public can request recording
- If there is no Quorum, meeting cannot take place
- Attorney General is enforcer of Open Meeting Laws
- Follow Agenda
- Don’t discuss things outside of Subcommittee Meeting so public has access
Cheyenne Pasquale: Nevada Care Connection (ADSD Supportive Services Unit)
- No Wrong Door
- Community Living - 13 years
- Long-term services and support
- Key Elements of successful No Wrong Door
- Outreach
- Person-Centered Counseling - Resource and Service Navigation
- Stream-lined Access
- State Administration – Buy-ins and state support
- Older adults, caregivers, families, w/ long-term services and support needs
- Aging and Disability Resource Center Program – launched in 2005
- Create single points of entry
- No Wrong Door systems
- Help people navigate services and know what options are available
- Medicaid grant: Money Follows the Person (2012)
- Transition people out of institutional care and into CBC
- Medicaid grant: Balancing Incentives Program (2014)
- Provide funding to help states to improve access to Medicaid services
- Tools available and how to access them
- Nevada Care Connection Resource Centers (Person-Centered Counseling)
- Identifies individual’s needs, goals, and values
- Family Care-giver Support
- Evidence-based program: Care-giver empowerment program
- Veteran Services
- Benefits through state and through Veteran’s Benefits Admin.
- Funded by Division through 4 community partners (serve Lifespan)
- Nevada Senior Services (Southern Nevada)
- Access to Healthcare Network (Northern Nevada)
- Churchill Country Senior Center (Northern Nevada)
- Lyon County Senior Services (Northern Nevada)
- Balancing Incentive Program
- Nevada 211 (information and referrals)
- Assessment My Needs tool: connects consumers to the right hallways
- 12 question assessment done online
- Referral is sent to ADSD or to Resource Centers or to Medicaid
- In Progress
- Grant from Governor of Council and Developmental Disabilities
- Strengthen resource and service navigation (expansion)
- Comprehensive training program – certification as a Navigator
- Nevada 211
- Ambassador group throughout NV communities
- Marketing Campaign to promote Nevada Care Connection (6 months)
- Print ads, Radio ads, digital ads, TV ads
- Assess My Needs version 2.0
- What is required to become a Navigator?
- First Level : 5 Modules (4 online)
- Second Level : 2-day Person-Centered Thinking Training; 4 Modules;
SHIP-counseling certified (provide counseling for Medicare)
ACTION ITEM #3 : Nomination of Subcommittee Member
- Nomination of Samantha (Nominated by Steven Cohen)
- On hold until she can be present to accept
- Dr Harrington: MOTION to table until next meeting
- Steven Cohen: First Approval
- Ralph: Second Approval
- All in favor / No opposed
ACTION ITEM #6 : Sitting Minutes that have not been approved from 3/19/2017
- Dr. Scott Harrington: MOTION to approve Minutes from March 19, 2017
- One noted correction on spelling of Rene’s name
- Steven Cohen: First Approval
- Ralph Sacrosin: Second Approval
- All in favor / No opposed
Referral of tabled items to Autism Commission
- Steven Cohen: recommends referral of #12 - #16 to Commission meeting next week
- Dr. Scott Harrington: Approval
Next Meeting Time/Date:
- Dr. Scott Harrington: Recommends 4:00pm instead of 3:45pm
- Linda: Do not have to vote on meeting date / can discuss later
- Dr. Scott Harrington: Will email group to figure out next meeting date
Public Comment
- No public comment