January 5, 2016

The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, January 5, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the City Council room at 215 North Monroe Street. The purpose of the meeting was to transact any business legally brought before it. The following officers were present: Mayor John Hayden, City Clerk Cindy Prentice, and Aldermen Kevin Ketchum, Ed Knight, Paul Lennon, Robert Ritchart, Bill Scheiwe, Robert Wilson, Kevin Wombles and Robert Wood.

Mayor Hayden presided.

Alderman Ketchum moved to approve the minutes of the last regular Council meeting.

Alderman Scheiwe seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept the recommendation of the Zoning Committee to approve the variance for BlessingCare Corporation d/b/a Illini Community Hospital at 640 West Washington Street to place a generator on the property, which will project eight feet (8’) onto the City right-of-way on the north side of the property (Adams Street), with the stipulation they sign a written agreement stating they are aware if the City has to service utilities in the area of the generator and the generator is damaged, repairs will be at the expense of Illini Hospital.

Alderman Wombles seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Knight moved to approve Ordinance No. 1557, An Ordinance Authorizing an Addendum to Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement, on its first reading.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to suspend the rules and have the second reading of Ordinance No. 1557 (described above) on its second reading.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Wood moved to approve Ordinance No. 1557 (described above) on its second reading, by title only.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

January 5, 2016

Alderman Wood moved to approve Ordinance No. 1558, Shade Tree Ordinance, on its first reading.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to approve the Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs and Resolution No. 2016-1, Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipality under the Illinois Highway Code in the amount of $154,387.50.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to accept Hutchison Engineering in Jacksonville as the airport consulting engineers for the City of Pittsfield.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Chief of Police Yelliott stated the Police Department has been monitoring speed on Clarksville Road coming into town. Over 80% of speeding vehicles were going over 49 miles per hour and some as high as 61 miles per hour. The department cannot enforce the speed limit within 500 feet of the first speed limit sign, which puts vehicles past Fair Street before it can be enforced. The Council agreed to allow Chief Yelliott to talk to the Highway Safety Committee with the County and go before the Pike County Board if necessary to possibly move the speed limit sign further out onto the Martinsburg Road.

Mayor Hayden reported that Farmers State Bank has requested no parking be allowed in the two parking spaces in front of the old Napa building. Police Chief Kenny Yelliott will review the area and make a recommendation at the next regular Council meeting.

Mayor Hayden also reported there was a meeting last week with the attorney and engineer of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, City representatives and Charlie Dolbeare and his helper Donnie Sapp. They directed Mr. Dolbeare to develop a plan of his work, estimates of the cost of the work, and an updated application for the demolition. He has developed a plan but needs an estimate before it is known if monetary help is available to assist with cleanup. Chief of Police Yelliott requested a six to eight foot fence be erected around the area for safety. Mr. Dolbeare will be leaving town soon and will not return until May so it is important to resolve this issue. If the issue is not resolved it will be turned over to the Illinois Attorney General and will be out of the City’s hands.

January 5, 2016

Alderman Ritchart moved to approve the Finance Committee report and the Clerk be directed to issue the claims thereon.

Alderman Knight seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Max Middendorf of MECO Engineering reported the Governor has declared Pike County a disaster area due to the recent flooding. Any monies spent by the City could be submitted for reimbursement. He also stated the concrete is good at the new animal shelter but they are meeting tomorrow at 11:30 with the contractors. The access road is not holding and they may have to permanently relocate the road. The Fire Department prints have been reviewed by the state architect, who had three comments. Mr. Kettlecamp delivered the certificate from the state review board.

Alderman Wombles moved to go into closed session to discuss personnel at 6:20 p.m. Mayor Hayden asked Gas and Water Foreman Bruce McKee and Police Chief Kenny Yelliott to remain for closed session.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Wilson moved to go back into open session at 6:33 p.m.

Alderman Wood seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to allow Chief of Police Yelliott to begin the application process for hiring a full-time police officer as soon as possible.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Ketchum, Knight, Lennon, Ritchart,

Scheiwe, Wilson, Wombles, Wood (8)

Nay: None (0)
The motion carried.

Alderman Knight moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:35 p.m.


City Clerk