Thank you for your interest in Boy Scout Troop 606. If you would like to add your name to our recruitment interest list or if you would like to join, please complete this form.
Today’s Date:
I have evaluated other units, and would like to join Troop 606.
I am interested in joining T606, but will be evaluating other units. Please include me on the interest list.
Full Name:Likes to be called:
City: / Zip Code:
Phone: / Email:
School: / Grade: / Date of birth:
Transferring from Pack/Troop: / Years in scouting:
Lives with: / Both parents / Mother / Father / Other:
In scouting, your son will be given the opportunity to go camping, hiking, swimming, etc.
Does he have any conditions the scoutmaster should be aware of in order to assure his
health and safety on events? / No / Yes (explain)
Swimming ability: / Nonswimmer / Developing Swimmer / Competent Swimmer
Full Name:Likes to be called:
City: / Zip Code:
Phone: / Email:
Business Phone: / Cell Phone:
My profession:
My hobbies:
Youth Scouting Experience? / No / Yes / Rank:
BSA Adult Leader Experience? / No / Yes / Position(s):
Are you trained in any of the following topics (check those that apply):
New Leader Essentials / First Aid / Youth Protection Trained
CPR / BSA Safe Swim
High Adventure Backpacking
I am willing to help my son’s Troop in the following way(s):
Patrol Advisor / Fundraising / Organize Campouts
Committee Member / Service Projects / Organize Backpacking
Merit Badge Counselor / Organize Day Trips
Arrange Courts of Honor / Organize Hikes
Full Name:Likes to be called:
City: / Zip Code:
Phone: / Email:
Business Phone: / Cell Phone:
My profession:
My hobbies:
Youth Scouting Experience? / No / Yes / Rank:
BSA Adult Leader Experience? / No / Yes / Position(s):
Are you trained in any of the following topics (check those that apply):
New Leader Essentials / First Aid / Youth Protection Trained
CPR / BSA Safe Swim
High Adventure Backpacking
I am willing to help my son’s Troop in the following way(s):
Patrol Advisor / Fundraising / Organize Campouts
Committee Member / Service Projects / Organize Backpacking
Merit Badge Counselor / Organize Day Trips
Arrange Courts of Honor / Organize Hikes
Potential New T606 Boy Scout: It is important to Troop 606 that you make the best
choice in Troop selection so that your experience in Scouting is a good one. Please let
us know what you are looking for in a Troop and for your scouting experience.
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Submit completed form to Troop 606 Membership Chairperson.