PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor V Gay; Councillors K Armstrong-Braun;H D Beddow; T J Elliott; D Evans; T A Evans; E E Greensmith;W P Jones; A C Lloyd; T R Lloyd; R Lythe; A Moran and the Town Clerk.
Apologies were received from Councillor D Hope
The Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 10 November, 2010 were confirmed as a correct record.
The Town Clerk formally reported that (1) Mrs A V Moran of 21 Aled Way, Saltney had been elected unopposed to the vacancy in the Stonebridge Ward; (2) Mr J P Chatburn of 55 Victoria Road, Saltney had been elected unopposed to one of the a vacancies in the Mold Junction Ward and (3) Mr R N Lythe of 7 Belmont Drive, Saltney Ferry had been elected to the other vacancy in the Mold Junction Ward. Councillors Moran and Lythe then made their declaration of acceptance of the office of Councillor and signed their undertakings to abide by the adopted Code of Conduct.
The Town Clerk reported the death of former Councillor and Mayor, Harold Evans at the end of November, 2010; he and Councillor Armstrong-Braun had represented the Town Council at his funeral.
Members stood in silent tribute to departed merit.
The Mayor reported that since the last meeting in November she had:
- attended the ‘unveiling’ of the statue outside Morrisons store;
- attended the Mayor’s Ball at Buckley;
- been actively involved in the Home Office Pathfinder Project and said she would like the Council to invite the Lead Officer on the project to make a presentation to the Town Council as the project will be part of the consultation process for the Town Centre Regeneration Scheme;
- actively taken part with the local allotment group, who had successfully bid for funding from Tidy Towns, to clear the highway verge at the top of Sandy Lane, volunteers from the community along with the Community Payback Team worked for two consecutive Saturdays to clear the waste. 2 skips were kindly donated for the removal of the garden waste and it is expected that new turf will be laid in the near future making it easier and cheaper for the FCC Street Scene Team to manage;
- attended the ‘Christmas Parade’ which had been another success for the community. Many local groups had taken part including helping with a ‘bucket collection’ at the Morrisons supermarket. She wished to say a special thank you to Mike Edwards who had led the parade with his very special Victorian bus and Des from Clwyd Car Auctions who had ensured that Santa and his sleigh had led the children from Wood Memorial and St Anthony’s schools; also Councillor Dave Evans for Deva’s wonderful donation to the Mayor’s Charity and to all the very many people who had helped to make the parade so successful. Thanks were also due to the children from the Rose School of dancing along with the children from Wood Memorial who had given a tremendous performance and the many community groups who had supported the event with stalls;
- attended a performance of ‘Cinderella 1970 style’ organised by the Mayor’s Charity and funded by the Arts Council. All who attended had enjoyed the performance;
- been out with the Probation Service to help clear up the pathway between the High Street and Salisbury Avenue. The shrubbery had been cut back and the litter cleared. The residents of the apartments would like some clear guidance as to who is responsible for the area.;
- joined with the Environment Agency to inspect Balderton Brook and was very concerned about the fly tipping along the banks that could have very serious consequences for residents as any blockage of the river would cause flooding for the Township;
- discussed the Town Centre Regeneration with the team from FCC. There would be consultation with the Town Council, Pathfinders and the CH4 Business Club in due course.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and the leader of the Pathfinder Project be invited to give a presentation on the Project, to the next meeting of the Council.
The Council received the Minutes of the meetings of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on 15 December and 12 January, and considered the recommendations contained therein with the exception of Minute 15 of the meeting held 12 January, 2011.
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meetings of the Finance and General Purposes Committee be received and the recommendations contained therein adopted with the exception of Minute 15 of the meeting held on 12 January, 201.
106. BUDGET 2011/2012
The Town Council received a report from the Town Clerk (a copy of which is in the Official Minute Book) setting out the circumstances in which the Finance and General Purposes Committee had begun their deliberations on the proposed budget for 2011/12’ and considered the recommendations of Committee contained in Minute 15 of the meeting held on 12 January, 2011.
RESOLVED:That, in view of the present nationwide financial constraints and the exhortation from Central Government to maintain the ‘status quo’, the budget proposals for 2011/12 as set out in the attached report be approved at a cost of £74,694 and the County Council be informed that the precept for 2011/12 is to be held at £42.34. In accordance with Standing Order No.8 a named vote was called for by Councillor T R Lloyd:
Cllr H D BeddowCllr T J ElliottCllr K Armstrong-Braun
Cllr D EvansCllr T A Evans
Cllr V GayCllr E E Greensmith
Cllr W P JonesCllr A C Lloyd
Cllr T R LloydCllr R N Lythe
Cllr A V Moran
1. Members were asked to note that the next NPP meeting would be held at 6.30 pm on Thursday 27 January, 2011.
2. The Town Clerk reported,for information only, that Mark Hughes at present District Inspector at Deeside had been promoted temporarily to Chief Inspector based at Wrexham and Alun Evans had been appointed temporary District Inspector Deeside. Councillor Armstrong-Braun told Members that the changes were due to the promotion of Chief Superintendent Purdie and invited them to send her a letter of congratulations;
3. PCSO Hughes was in attendance and reported as follows:
- that there had been a 43% reduction in reported Anti Social Behaviour;
- an increase in the thefts of pedal cycles. The thieves were targeting expensive bikes and he had arranged for a ‘bike marking day’ to be held at St David’s High School on 18 February between 9am and 3pm. All were invited to take their cycles to the school to have them marked;
- a good increase in the number of children and youths attending the Friday night session of the youth club. There had been an incident last week when a window was broken but it was not the fault of the children but two drunks who were passing by;
- there had been problems with the responsibilities for matters affecting the footpath between the High Street and Salisbury Avenue and investigations were in hand;
- that despite the financial cutbacks it was expected that he and PC Ian Millington would be staying within the Township although it was almost certain that the police station would close.
Councillor T A Evans reported on his attendance at the Police Liaison Committee and his delight in the praising of the Saltney Team of PCSO Danni Hughes and PC Ian Millington
RESOLVED: That the report be received.
LIMIT FOR 2011-12
The Town Clerk reported that Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, permitted a Town Council to spend on activities for which it had no other specific powers if the Council considered that the expenditure was in the interests of and would bring benefit to their area or any part of it or all or some of its inhabitants, providing that the expenditure was commensurate with the project. Councils were also permitted under S 137 to incur expenditure for certain charitable purposes, and in both instances there was a spending limit attached to this power.
For the financial year 2011/12 the Welsh Assembly Government had increased the formula by 4.6% from £6.15 to £6.44 per elector. Saltney had 3488 electors and therefore the maximum expenditure under S137 could be £22462.72. The actual budget provision was £8,000.
Members considered the dangerous condition of Balderton Brook and the drainage ditches in the Boundary Lane/Victoria Road area. Members were reminded that the responsibility for keeping watercourses free of hindrance lies with the riparian land owners.
1) the Environment Agency and the County Council be notified that this Council is still seriously concerned about the neglected maintenance state of the main river, its tributaries, ditches, pumps and exclusion valves/flaps;
2) the Environment Agency be reminded of the conditions imposed by article 6, paragraph 4 of the EU Directive on habit which decrees that ‘human health or public safety has precedence over SSSI habitat’.
In accordance with Standing Order 8, Councillor Armstrong-Braun called for a named vote for this part of the resolution.
Cllr H D BeddowCllr T J ElliottCllr K Armstrong-Braun
Cllr D EvansCllr T A Evans
Cllr V GayCllr E E Greensmith
Cllr W P JonesCllr A C Lloyd
Cllr T R LloydCllr R N Lythe
Cllr A V Moran abstained from voting.
3) a copy of this motion be circulated to all Town Councils and Community Councils in England and Wales with a view to seeking their support for a revised policy of regular, proper and effective river and water course maintenance by the Environment Agency and for general guidance referring to a revised report recently issued by the Flood Prevention Society;
4) the Environment Agency and the County Council be required to ensure and legally enforce where necessary, access to the banks of the Balderton Brook, particularly where the garden extensions are preventing machine access to the river bank.
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from the County Council announcing that it was currently considering an application to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) for powers under part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 relating to Civil Parking Enforcement CPE).
Initial work on the CPE process had already commenced. Within the formal application to WAG, it was intended to apply for the transfer of parking enforcement powers on a date yet to be determined in the 2011/12 financial year with enforcement covering the whole County, except the A55 and the A494 Trunk Roads, similar to that already introduced in the other North Wales Authorities.
The County Council were asking for any comments Members might have in relation to the proposed application and in particular confirmation that the Town Council had no objection.
RESOLVED: That the County Council be informed that the Town Council have no objection to the application but that, if the application is successful, the Town Council request that the County Council take an active stance to prevent the practice of illegal parking on pavements which inhibits the passage of prams and the disabled etc.
The Town Clerk reported that the County Council was at the start of a consultation process on the future of council housing which would culminate in a ballot of tenants on whether they wished to transfer to a registered social landlord or not. The ballot was expected to take place in the Autumn/Winter 2011. Whilst only eligible tenants would be able to vote on the future of Council housing, the County Council was keen to consult with other stakeholders and the Project Director was willing to attend a meeting of the Town Council to brief Members on the ballot process.
RESOLVED: That the Project Director be invited to attend the next meeting of the Council.
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of a notice from Age Concern North East Wales reporting that it was likely that the service was likely to end at 31 March as funding ran out. They were seeking letters of support for their case to ask that the funding continued. The Mayor informed Members of the importance of this service to the elderly in Flintshire.
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be requested to send a letter of support from the Town Council.
Members had received, direct from SELRAP, a letter from the Treasurer, Roy St Pierre, asking that the Town Council send a message of support for the re-opening of the Colne to Skipton missing link as part of the National Rail Network. Just 11.5 miles of missing railway line separated the two regions and to travel by train between the two centres at present entailed a journey of 100 miles.
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be requested to send a letter of support from the Town Council.
The Town Clerk reportedthe receipt of a request for a grant from the Community Youth Worker for the Saltney Summer Play Scheme for young children aged 5-11 (£1,750), and part funding (£750) for the Summer Activity Programme for young people aged between 11-18, to run for 3 weeks during August, 2011. It was expected that young volunteers would be recruited to help in the play scheme in the mornings and then attend the summer activity programme in the afternoon. Members referred to the successes of the scheme run last year and Minute 89 of the last meeting; the report on last year’s schemes and the decisions contained therein.
RESOLVED: That the request for grants totalling £2,500 be approved.
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of the following Notices of Motion:
1) in the name of Councillor Gay
'that the Council seek support and assistance of the Leader of Flintshire County Council and the Executive Member for Lifelong Learning to find some way of progressing the Saltney Library Project rather than have it stagnate as it appears to be doing'. After being duly moved and seconded.
RESOLVED: (1) that the abovementioned Notice of Motion be approved. In accordance with Standing Order No.8 a named vote was called for by Councillor Armstrong-Braun:
Cllr H D BeddowCllr T J ElliottCllr K Armstrong-Braun
Cllr D EvansCllr T A Evans
Cllr V GayCllr E E Greensmith
Cllr W P JonesCllr A C Lloyd
Cllr T R LloydCllr R N Lythe
Cllr A V Moran
2) in the name of Councillor Armstrong-Braun
‘that the Council considers taking over the ownership and maintenance of the Morrison’s site art feature’. This matter had already been considered and approved by the Finance and General Purposes Committee. The Notice of Motion was not seconded;
3) in the name of Councillor Armstrong-Braun
‘that the Council pay for the floodlighting of the art feature which is fitted to the structure at a time the Council feels is suitable’.This matter had already been considered by the Finance and General Purposes Committee during the budget preparation. The Notice of Motion was not seconded.
4) in the name of Councillor Armstrong-Braun
‘that Saltney Town Council supports the campaign by SELRAP thus joining 319 other councils, inc Cheshire West & Chester Council,the reopening of the Colne to Skipton missing rail link as part of the National Rail Network.' This matter had already been considered at Minute 113 and the Notice of Motion was not seconded.
5) in the name of Councillor Gay
‘that the Town Council install and maintain salt bins in areas where our most vulnerable residents live, proposed locations – Douglas Place; Larch Way; Linden Grove and the Saltney Ferry Road bungalows. After being duly moved and seconded
RESOLVED: (2) That the proposition be approved.
6) in the name of Councillor Gay
‘that the Town Council request a meeting with the County Council to review the bus routes and schedules within the Township as at present residents from Mold Junction; Mainwaring Estate; Sandy Lane; Pandarn; Tegid Way and Aled Way do not have access to public transport to travel to and from the local supermarket for basic provisions’. After being duly moved and seconded
RESOLVED: (3) That the proposition be approved.
7) in the name of Councillor Gay
‘that a working party be established to oversee the content of the Town Council’s website’. After being duly moved and seconded
RESOLVED: (4) That the proposition be approved and a Working Party consisting of Councillors Elliott, D Evans and The Mayor be appointed.
Further to Minute 210 of 2008/9 Councillor Gay reported on her concerns with regards to the severe budget cuts being considered by the County Council – reduction in Music Lessons (cut by 1/3rd) – welfare reforms – housing benefits etc.