Lesson Plan: Better Searching ~ Better Marks
Subject of Lesson
In this hands-on session, the student will learn search strategies in order to efficiently find books, journal articles, and web resources.
Learning Objectives (Covers ACRL Standards One, Two, Three)
- Students will learn Boolean logic in order to construct complex searches
- Students will implement Boolean logic to search for books, journal articles, and web resources
- Students will evaluate websites
Standard One:The information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed.
Standard Two: The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently.
Standard Three:The information literate student evaluates information and its sources critically and incorporates selected
information into his or her knowledge base and value system.
Content Outline / Methods**Address different learning styles: use text, video, pictures, graphs...
*Ensure understanding: stop & ask for questions; rephrase, re-iterate
I. Introduction
- Agenda
- introduce liaison librarians; how to get help
- list the outcomes of YOUR session, that is, list what you will accomplish at this session
II. Foundations of Boolean Searching (transferable skill) / Define Boolean logic
- it’s a transferable skill used in OPAC, databases, web sites; applies to information the student encounters
- define and show: AND, OR, & perhaps NOT
III. OPAC / Demonstrate Boolean searching
- then students construct & implement a Boolean search
- talk about problems or issues that crop up
III. Databases
- Using Library website
- Funding/open access issues
- Search in a Library database
- the Library purchases journals
- some journals are “free”
- open-access (but someone pays, often author)
- seems free but Library is subscribed
Demonstrate Boolean searching in a subscription database
- then students construct & implement a Boolean search
- talk about problems or issues that crop up
- Using non-Library websites
- Assess websites
- Boolean search
- Introduce/use recommended websites/portals/engines
- what is a good website?
- evaluate/assess the web site
- demonstrate a Boolean search in Google
- show the default AND search
- show how to do the OR search and other advanced features
- show other engines/sites/portals
- students do a search in engine of choice