DECEMBER 10, 2014
The Daviess County Council met Wednesday, December 10, 2014, at 9:00 AM in the Commissioners’ Room of the Daviess County Courthouse.
Roll Call.
Present: Jo Arthur, President (Not voting), Mike Sprinkle, Vice President, Jacqueline Graber, Mike Myers, JoAnn McCracken, Kenneth Solliday, Dave Smith.
Jo Arthur called the meeting to order and announced new Council member, Jacqueline Graber and the retirement of Kenny Solliday.
Motion:Approve, Action: Minutes of the above mentioned meeting were approved as mailed., Moved by Dave Smith, Seconded by Mike Myers.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mike Myers noted that there will be no trip to the County museum after this meeting, as previously discussed in the last meeting.
Mike Myers stated that he has been in contact with Vince Sellers of the Daviess County Museum and Vince would like to take the Council, and all City and County elected officials on the Historical Society’s bus tour in the spring. Vince would have the Council tour the Daviess County Museum at that time. Mike also noted that the Council received a letter in support of the county paying for the museum’s elevator. Jo Arthur noted that Gail Doades, Daviess County Auditor, checked into whether this was a taxpayer and it is not. This was a person who has never resided in Daviess County.
Kathy Sullender, Daviess County Health Nurse, stated that up until 2010 they could vaccinate anyone and then in 2011 they were only allowed to vaccinate those with insurance. Kathy stated that throughout 2013 they could work with some insurance companies but now in 2014 they can do all insurances. She also stated that if a patient had no insurance, they could be vaccinated through the state program. Kathy noted that there were some write offs due to Health Dept. mistakes. These were due to improper billing, or lack of insurance at the time of service, where the patient said they had insurance and they didn’t. Kathy also stated that all the money they collect goes right back into the vaccine program. Kathy thanked the Council for their support. Kathy also stated that they applied for a grant that starts in 2015 to help expand their services. She also noted that if they could get more space for the Health Department they could expand services even further. Document
Scott Monroe, Daviess County Extension Education, told the Council that he accepted a position with the South West Purdue Agricultural Center in Vincennes,Indiana, effective January 1, 2015. Purdue has seen fit to create a position for food safety education and it was offered to Mr. Monroe. Mr. Monroe stated that he will do what needs to be done to make it a smooth transition for the county.
Jo Arthur read the request from Phil Cornelius, Daviess County Highway Supervisor, for reimbursement of Sick and Vacation time on Garry Burks, who is retiring December 31, 2014. Phil stated that he would like to request that they approve these reimbursements.
480 Sick hours @ $18.23= $8,750.40
160 Vacation hours @ $18.23= $2,916.80
Total of $11,667.20 to be paid.
Jo noted that Mr. Burks had accumulated 819.4 hours of sick time but is only allowed to receive 480 in payment. Document
Motion: Approve the above mentioned request for payment of vacation and sick time., Action: Approve, Moved by Kenneth Solliday, Seconded by Jacqueline Graber.
Motion passed unanimously.
Phil also stated that he would be coming back to the Councilto add a line item to his budget to pay Jason Heile, Daviess County Highway Engineer, for overtime doing inspections on Cannelburg road, which is reimbursed by the state. Mike Myers stated that Phil was named Highway Department Supervisor of the Year by the County Commissioners Association last week. Phil said it is not without the support of his team, the County Commissioners and the County Council that he is able to do the things that he does.
Jo Arthur thanked Joann McCracken and Mike Myers for contacting people up for reappointment to be sure they wanted to be reappointed.
Terry Corwin from Odon WinkelpleckLibrary no longer wants to serve on the board. Jo stated that Odon Winkelpleck has not proposed anyone new yet, so there is no one for the Council to appoint at this time.
Alcoholic Beverage CommissionRobert E Miller
Daviess County Economic Development CommissionJo Arthur
Daviess County Park BoardMike Cecil
Daviess County Redevelopment CommissionJo Arthur and Mike Healy
Property Tax Assessment Board of AppealsVernon Graber
Regional Mental Health Advisory BoardJoAnn McCracken
Southern Indiana Development CommissionMike Sprinkle
Motion:The above listed people be reappointed to their respective positions, Action: Approve, Moved by Dave Smith, Seconded by Jacqueline Graber.
Motion passed unanimously.
City Police Radio $99,383.00
Motion: Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by JoAnn McCracken, Seconded by Mike Myers.
Motion passed unanimously.
Sheriff Dept. – Dispatch $20,322.00
Jerry Harbstreit, Daviess County Sheriff, stated that this money is to upgrade them to Windows 7 because they currently have Windows XP which is no longer supported by Microsoft.
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Dave Smith, Seconded by JoAnn McCracken.
Motion passed unanimously.
Sheriff Dept. – GPS Units $27,500.00
Tony Shriner with WTHTechnology spoke about this Automatic Vehicle Location technology. This system allows the tracking of vehicles, their speed, idle time, and many other things. Mr. Shriner stated that they know of 7 lives that have been saved due to this system. Mr. Harbstreit stated that it allows the sheriff and anyone else granted access,to see where the vehicles are. Mr. Harbstreit stated that dispatch can easily see on a map whom the closest officer is to respond to a call.
Sheriff Dept. – Mapping $11,475.00
Mr. Shriner stated that mapping is the actual software to do the AVL tracking. He also stated that it could be attached to highway snow plows, ambulances, etc. There are no limits on the number of vehicles that can be attached to this with authorization.
Motion:Approve the above mentioned requests, Action: Approve, Moved by Mike Sprinkle, Vice President, Seconded by Mike Myers.
Motion passed unanimously.
County Match $102,805.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by JoAnn McCracken, Seconded by Kenneth Solliday.
Motion passed unanimously.
Personal Services $3,007.00
Overtime $14,600.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Mike Myers, Seconded by Jacqueline Graber.
Motion passed unanimously.
Autopsies $10,000.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Mike Myers, Seconded by JoAnn McCracken.
Motion passed unanimously.
From: Extra Clerical $1,155.00
Expert and Medical Witness Fee $2,150.00
Medical Lab Evidence $456.25
Bank Records & Other Documents $403.15
TO: Office Machines $4,164.40
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Mike Sprinkle, Vice President, Seconded by Dave Smith.
Motion passed unanimously.
From: Workers Comp
To: Legal Services $40,000.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by JoAnn McCracken, Seconded by Mike Myers.
Motion passed unanimously.
From: Travel $943.47
Lodging/Meals Jurors $3,093.94
Furniture & Fixtures $807.10
To: Pauper Attorney $4,844.51
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Dave Smith, Seconded by Jacqueline Graber.
Motion passed unanimously.
From: Land Improvements $350.00
Mileage $200.00
Postage $45.00
Equipment Rental $170.00
Laundry $100.00
Snow Removal $1,000.00
To: Extra Help $1,865.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Kenneth Solliday, Seconded by JoAnn McCracken.
Motion passed unanimously.
From: Petit Jurors
To: GAL/CASA $5,100.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by JoAnn McCracken, Seconded by Mike Myers.
Motion passed unanimously.
IV-D Prosecutor
From: Repairs and Maintenance
To:Office supplies$500.00
Motion:Approve the above mentioned request, Action: Approve, Moved by Dave Smith, Seconded by Mike Sprinkle, Vice President.
Motion passed unanimously.
Larry Wilson, Daviess County Commissioner, thanked each of the Council members. He stated that he respects each of them and their character and integrity.
Jo introduced Pat Dant, County Councilman elect, who was in the audience.
Jo also mentioned that Gail Doades, Daviess County Auditor, is retiring at the end of the year but will still be around some. Jo thanked Gail, stating that she has been very helpful and has done an excellent job. Mrs. Doades thankedeveryone, stating that she will miss them all.
Jo then presented Kenny Solliday with his certificate of service, and thanked him for all his years as a Council member. Mr. Solliday said he enjoyed every minute, even the bad times. He stated that he would do it all again if he had another 24 years.
Grant Swartzentruber, Daviess County Attorney, stated that there was good news on proposed levee statute, he has two sponsors to propose the bill at the next legislative session. He asked that theCouncil contact their representatives asking them to support removing counties as payer of repairs and maintenance on levees.
Daviess-Martin Joint Park & Recreation Minutes – 10-14-14
Motion: , Action: Meeting Adjourned, Moved by Kenneth Solliday, Seconded by Mike Sprinkle, Vice President.
Motion passed unanimously.