Journalism 1
Mrs. Kelli Richardson
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/concerns.
Thank you so much, I look forward to working with you this year!
Hello, welcome to Journalism One, I am Mrs. Richardson. This is my fifth year here at AMS. I am motivated and eager about educating your child. In Journalism One, your student will get hands on experience in the following: Interviewing, Photography, Layouts, Caption Writing, News Writing, and Putting a Yearbook together. Your student will also be introduced to other types of Journalism mediums including Broadcasting (Radio and TV), Print (Newspaper and Magazine), and Internet (Websites).
Journalism One will prepare your student for Journalism Two (Yearbook)and Broadcast Journalism (Broadcast school announcements), both 8th grade courses. Journalism 1 is a prerequisite for Journalism 2; however the only prerequisitefor Broadcast Journalism is being in 8th grade. Note: Journalism 2 is a full year course, not a one semester course.
Makeup work
Makeup work will be in the makeup work bin upon arrival back to class. Each student is responsible for getting the work missed on those certain school days. Mrs. Richardson will try her best to remind students to pick up their missed work. Make up work is due according to however many days were missed.
Example: Missed Monday & Tuesday, Pick up work on Wednesday, Wednesday and Thursday are your days to make up work, Work is due on Friday.
Tutoring/Redo of an Assignment/Missed Test Date
If absent, you will have up to one week to makeup the test from your day of absence. Assignments/PowerPoint notes will be in Makeup Work bin. If you are unsure of the assignment, please see Mrs. Richardson before/after school.
Classroom Rules
- Come to class prepared to learn.
- Respect all property.
- Raise your hand before speaking.
- Respect all ideas/thoughts in class.
- Follow all classroom procedures!
Computer Rules
- Stay on task.
- Log onto your work only.
- Save your work
- Log off your work
- Computers will be shut down at end of day ONLY!
(Temporary) Press Pass
*Only for select students (those who pass Press Pass test with 90% or higher)
(Press Pass test will occur second week of school before/after school)
In and outside the Journalism Classroom, there is a code of conduct that is to be upheld when your student is wearing or displaying the PRESS PASS (badge with name on it), as it is a privilege to take pictures for the yearbook staff, etc... If rules are broken, the consequences are as followed:
First offense…Press Pass revoked for a week.
Second offense …Press Pass revoked for 2 weeks
Third offense…Press Pass revoked and all privileges taken away
Your student will NOT be asked to attend sporting events, clubs and plays (before or after school) or other events that may occur outside of the school day. All events that occur before or after school are voluntary to attend. In my classroom there is a Camera Reservation Sheet. Events will be listed on the Camera Reservation Sheet and students are welcome to sign up and volunteer their time to take pictures with a school camera at that specific event.
Camera Reservation Rules
*Only for select students (those who pass Press Pass test)
- Before a camera is released to a student, the student and parent must sign and return a Camera Release Form. If a camera is broken, while in student use, fines will be issued and press pass consequences go into effect.
- Only sign up for events you know you WILL be able to attend. Two students are allowed to sign up per event. If you sign up and something comes up, please let Mrs. Richardson know ASAP.
- Prior to an event you must check out the camera on the Camera Check Out/In Sheet. After check out, you will receive a camera. When returning the camera, you will give the camera to Mrs. Richardson, and then sign in the camera. Failure to check out/in, will result in press pass consequences.
- Cameras are expensive equipment. When using a camera you are to wear the strap around your neck at ALL times and no other student is allowed to use camera. If you violate these rules, press pass consequences go into effect.
- Camera must be returned immediately after an event. If an event is after school, camera is to be returned between 8-8:30am the next school day. If camera is not returned as expected, press pass consequences go into effect.
Classroom Procedures
-Enter classroom quietly, place backpacks on left side of classroom, find your seat with your binder/journalism materials, and start TALE.
-Turn in all work to appropriate bin when completed.
-Forgotten supplies? Broken Pencil? Go to student supply center before bell or during class work. NOT WHEN MRS. RICHARDSON IS SPEAKING!
-Absent work can be found in the makeup work bin.
-Dismissal will be called by the teacher, not the bell. Be seated and quiet.
-During group work, you are responsible for your own work and overall group work.
-Stop, Look and Listen when an emergency alert is signaled. Be calm!
-What do I do next? Homework, read, organize your binder, sit quietly.
Supplies and Wish List
Supplies Needed:
A section of your AVID binder designated to Journalism One filled with notebook paper
Spiral Notebook with pockets (can be kept in the classroom or on person)
Pens/ Pencils
Wish List for Classroom:
Washable Markers, Glue Sticks, Scissors, Post-its, Dry Erase Markers, Hand Sanitizer, Tissues, Old Magazines, Computer Paper, Flash drives, SD cards, Tri Fold Project Boards
*Please try to have school supplies no later than the beginning of the second week of school, without these supplies it will be very hard to begin our class work. Wish List Items are wanted near the beginning of the semester, however accepted during any point of the semester.
Please sign and date this form, acknowledging that you have read through the rules and regulations of the Journalism Classroom.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Contact (Email or Phone)
Camera Release Form*Only for select students (those who pass Press Pass test)
Fill out if planning on taking Press Pass Test next week.
I ______(print name) understand that I have full responsibility of the school camera(s) when checked out under my name. I understand if I break the camera(s) in any way, I must pay for the damages.
Student Name (printed): ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent Name (printed): ______
Parent Signature: ______