For Attention: Principal

Subject: Training: Visualizer Device- 9 March 2015

Dear Colleagues

We acknowledge that our “SMART TEACHER” are under a lot of pressure regarding training.

The first product training will be held next week and the school needs to send two delegates, who in turn will support the rest of the group:- SMART TEACHERS at your school.

Venue: Forest Heights Secondary Time: 15:00

The training will be a live demonstration. The duration of the training will be 1 hour.

SMART Classroom Project: Training Support

A fundamentals session with identified teachers (and curriculum support teams) on the integrated use of the new technology that is being implemented,


School leadership sessions on the management of the technology-rich environment.


Training in: *Office suite, ICT Integration (including interactivity), E-Content creation, Learning Management System (the utilization of an LMS, and collaboration).


Just-in-Time training is being planned with the service providers of the technologies. This will be done on-site at the recipient schools (combining smaller schools where feasible).

This is to be driven within the districts by the e-Learning advisers who are preparing show-and-tells and how-tos / School Leadership sessions are being held through CTLI
: 24 January, 21 February and 28 March 2015. / ·  CeI will provide training as needed. / E-Learning Advisers in the districts have accepted the responsibility in ensuring that a program of e-Integration sessions is done with the recipient schools.
Companies will liaise with eLearning Advisors . / CeI have sent the MSPIL schedule already. / SUPPORT PROGRAM:
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays Circuit Training sessions will be conducted in our e-eLearning Centre
District Support Plan
TEACHER WORKSHOP: School principals will register the teachers for the scheduled circuit workshops at the district. Training focus: ICT Integration lessons/Model lessons More detail will follow

Should you require any additional information, kindly contact Rodney Nissen on Tel: 021-9007106 or Cell: 072823 6388.

Kind regards

Signed: Mr. B. Schereka - Head: Curriculum

Metropole East Education District

2 March 2015

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